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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. I love the look of this and from the little reading Ive done it seems like a fantastic addition!
  2. 30,000 minas Diving helms are expensive. George Morvain
  3. Aye good pvp. But it lagged 20v20 what happens during a 40v40 battle.

  4. A tear rolls down Balgruffs cheek as he watches the rollout ceremony in Urguan. "Its fockin beautiful..." Balgruff says before furiously clapping
  5. Looking for someone to do an item name, I will pay well

    1. Neri


      Ill do it for free /tell sapphireshard ingame

  6. We have held back the attackers another day! Orenian strength prevails!

  7. Courland Oren vs Lag. Lag won...

  8. To the person posting those very gruesome pictures you should be ashamed, there are children on here and others who do not need to see those. I hope you get banned, nice shirt

  9. what about felsen watchmembers? Do you take those?
  10. **** dishonored 2 WTF is TES!!

  11. Walter grabs some of the others Corpsman and head out to find the women "Looks like the Stauntons capture princesses now....how...manly..."
  12. blood for york

  13. When u ask to be let in the palace


    1. Cracker


      i woulda done it

    2. Taketheshot


      Im glad someone knows the true value of taters.

    3. KaneKam


      a valiant effort

  14. Arub chuckles reading the poster "Hurrr Hurrr 2000 shineez fur twiggeh? Lat zkah fur braynes."
  15. *notes what a ******* idiot Terry is to post their names on a ransom note*
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