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Everything posted by Fawnytheturtle

  1. When Clara heard the news she felt very confused, she was still rather young and could not understand the meaning of death she only understood that he be gone for a long time. Tears rolled on her cheeks as she thought of a few things. The first meeting oh how she had the words "Thank your papaej" ring in her mind over and over. And she took it to heart she thank him every chance she got. The second meeting she waved at him and he waved back, she was so happy. Even asking him to be a ward made her happy yet she felt like a failure. One thing after the other kept getting in the way. Would she still be a good ward? She will darn well keep trying at least. "Ich vill miss du" she mumbled softly to herself as she sat in her room
  2. Hi! I really enjoy our roleplay moments and excited to see how it all goes as it continues. So uh questions favorite animal? (Can be ooc or irp) favorite clara moment (I know have not been to many yet but surley has to be something)
  3. You know I used to always enjoy roleplaying in Oren but now just feels like nothing is happening anymore. No one cares about plays like they used too. Like I always wanted to be a ward but I still have no idea what that does for you or how it helps people and feels like I get stuck in the back of the crowd and ignored. I try my best to be around when I can but I dunno. Sometimes I feel like I don't even belong anymore. Maybe that is just me. Like ever since I lost my main account and had to get a new one people are like "Oh you are that person" then I just get ghosted. It hurts. I am a friendly person or try to be. I know I make mistake lots of people do. Just feel nice to feel more included into things instead of getting occ hate like someone said "I am not helping you" just because I was looking for help. I usually don't say to much but now I am. Just hope it gets better or least I find a place to belong
  4. Clara Vernhart frowns getting no invitation she decided to go anyway "Ich have tae go he is mea friend" giggled as she skips off happily --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile Rose Obedia glanced over the missive "Well..guess I don't need to go? We don't know each other that well but I do see him as a friend in a way. I really need to work on my socializing skill. Ah well I will send him a gift" walked off to find a gift
  5. MC Name: glaceonforever RP Name: Clara Vernhert RP Group name (if you have one): none Talent(s) Name: dancing and animal imitation Discord: glaceonforever#2229
  6. After the honeymoon Faeviel overheard the news she sat on the bed looking to her husband "Oh honey a dear friend has passed, I will miss him" hugging her new husband for comfort ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile Keishara heard the news from her father the elfess sat down "Wow I.." Frowns running a hand in her hair "Lets keep the good memories alive hm?" Taking a deep breath trying to be brave" Looked up to.the skies "I will make you proud Iolas" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neveah woke up after a few weeks of being bedridden the news reached her only to cause her pain and grief. She did not move from the bed just stares out the window in her silence. So much going through the poor woman's mind
  7. Neveah glances at her fiance Iolas and smiled, using sign language she said -Go for it, should be interesting- kissed his cheek lightly as she went to fix some food
  8. When Keishara heard the news she sat next to a tree to look out toward the lands giving a soft sigh "I know we didn't know each other well and we had a fight, but you took the time to apologize and help me and now I am falling in love with someone thanks to you. I will do my best with the matchmaking thing." leans against the trunk as she just enjoyed the view ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faeviel Komnenos heard the news from Hileia's fiance it hit her hard "I-its all my fault, I w-wish it was me instead of her. I am s-sorry" tears rolled against her cheeks as she went to her room to write
  9. Keishara went to visit and heard the news she was happy for her, though also sad she was alone "Well least she has someone now, never knew she was alone until now. I should try and go" she went to find a gift
  10. When the next day arrives she woke up stretching "Have to make sure she is okay she was so upset" then went into her sister's room finding her gone "Huh strange" frowns as panic sets in and she rush to find help
  11. Anne de Rosius who was also in the seven skies cried out as she hugs both her brothers "Well..guess we are together once more." @valecu @Matheaww
  12. He didn't have to go very far, Anne was found about a mile and a half away from the Oais on the side of the road unmoving it seems as though was gone and waiting to be found ( @Nestro_Miner)
  13. Anne de Rosius, a kind gentle woman who had gone through so much in her life was living a new on in a place called Daelish Isles where she got herself a new name Morraine and sometimes she go to the Oasis as well were the far folk live. She loved both places dearly. During her travels her heart started to ache in her chest. Falling of her horse she moved toward the side gripping her chest in pain. With no one around to aid her she lay there helpless. "I am sorry Oliver I can't hold my promise it seems" she could not even move her arm to write a single note to anyone she just lay in the soft sand she almost made it to the Oasis. Closing her eyes her memories flood her mind causing her to cry a little as the pain grew worse and worse. She felt so numb and cold muttering to herself "Goodbye my sweet family, I love you all" were her last words before she died, the horse just keeping its owner company until someone was able to find her and give her a proper burial (Sorry for any mispelled stuff, tagging few peeps @Nestro_Miner you may find her if you like. Thank you all for the memorable rp on this character. Sorry this is short and sweet)
  14. Sorisana, a young wood elf woman sat in the forest near Elysium. Her heart aching from the pain of emotional trauma staring at her reflection in the river she held a sword on her lap. However before doing anything she had some paper and a quill to write with. Leaving letters for those she called her friends and loved ones. "Dear Papa, I am sorry ever since haleun died she took a piece of my heart I blame myself for losing two at the same time I am a curse. I can't even get anyone to look my way. Its best this way I hope you know you mean the world to me but I can't cause you to suffer anymore. Its best just to forget me. -Sorisana" "Dear Fitz, I hope good things for you and I thank you for everything. Sorry I can't help with your events. I can't just stand around acting happy when I am not. Take care of yourself. -Sorisana" @Jameson_h (hopefully right person) "Dear Sunshine, feels odd to call you that now, I have barely words for you only to hope for the best. -Sorisana" @Braydebn After the last note she made sure she had everyone satisfied she did she place them to her side then reached for her sword "I am a coward to end it like this" she mumbled to her self but her pain was to much for her to bare, she didn't want to burden her maln he had his own. With a big sigh she takes her sword and stabs her chest, her eyes grow wide at the pain giving out a loud scream falling back onto the grass staring at the sky "I'm s-sorry" a tear ran on her cheek as she felt cold her breathes slowing down her eyes begin to close as her arms fell to the side. Her heart slowly comes to a stop as she lays dead (My first pk post so sorry its not perfect, wasn't sure how to tag a few people)
  15. MC Username: Fawnytheturtle Character Name: Sorisana Character Race: wood elf Character Age: 20 Discord: Fawnytheturtle#0245
  16. I like free to clean, do I contact you in discord?
  17. Friendly people and finding ways to improve my role play Tough question, I had times where I quit but I ended up coming back I am just hooked I guess. But there are people I got really close to that make it enjoyable 1. I mainly play females as I am one irl. I really like humans and elves 2. Gosh a tough one, Anne de Rosius was one, faeviel is my second one. And I had another but I can't recall her name my memory is terrible 3. Well I never met irl nobility so hard to compare them to ones on the server. Though the ones I met been kind to me so far.
  18. So I been here since 2015, some might know me some may not. I never done one of these. First a bit about myself. My name is Fawny, I enjoy making friends and role-playing. I believe that is all so umm go ahead ask your questions.
  19. Discord: Fawnytheturtle#0851 Skin/s and bid/s (Label clearly with the skin name, and list separately if multiple): purple gold – 1,500 golden dress – 1,200
  20. Discord: Fawnytheturtle#0851 Skin: Haense Noblewoman Bid: 2,000
  21. @_AquaticWolf_ @Nestro_Miner (hope this is the person that rps Fahad, Sorry for not remembering how to spell the name) So many people have helped me and been such good friends I hope they read this, I don't know how to tag them but should know who they are. Just tagged two that I knew the rest I am sorry just know your awesome found some more to tag: @adamc2000 @camocat9
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