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Status Updates posted by Remyy

  1. If anyone needs a kid char played hmu!

  2. If anyone needs a skin made, check out my skin shop thingy

  3. If anyone wants to play some D&D (1PM EST) shoot me a message here or at Kry#8104. Newbies welcome!

    1. Remyy


      Forgot to mention, on Saturdays

  4. if someone can make me an orc skin i’ll give you mina + art and my soul

  5. Is there a place with the entire history of the beginning? Like, including the Aengul’s and Daemons that were involved

  6. Jake, we will from now on, only speak to you in Elven!

    Karin'ayla chikir~

    1. Kiiwi



  7. Just got my new tablet in, Art Commissions are open !

  8. Kill me.

    1. monkeypoacher



      bon voyage ..  .

  9. Lookin’ to get back into lotc. Anyone need a char played?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DahStalker


      possibly could use a servant if you’re into that rp! Toss me a pm on discord. cottage cheese#9620

    3. monkeypoacher


      yes play my son

    4. LaffenOutLoud


      you can play a member of my characters wood elven tribe, it would  be really cool to see you join! we’re all about vibrant colors and dancing, primal ritual, painting, and art. here’s a post to our culture, and you can just play a blood-related cousin or something. 

      Our playerbase right now is directly centered in Aegrothond, and more mainly in a wood elven village right outside of Aegrothond’s walls called Siramenor

      if you're interested, my discord is pathetic aesthetic #1931
      (we can also make you a skin)

  10. Looking for someone to do art of my char Sakura, offering pay depending on the work Pm me ig or on the forums if your interested (Would do it myself, but meh I'm lazy)

  11. Looking to nab a few people for a long-term project of mine! Lmk if u have a free slot. I’ll be doing art of all the chars 😄

  12. M-Maxie...
    Get back on Lotc

    Or Luna will become more edgy 

    *Screen fades to black and a booming evil laugh is heard*


    Nah that's impossible



  13. man, I love it when ten year olds steal my minecraft account. Literally the best thing ever.

    1. Unwillingly


      u just got ur account stolen by a 10 year old?

      im kidding that sucks ? try sending an email to Mojang about it. My problems were fixed last time my account was stolen

  14. Man, I’ve been drawing a lot of dudes with beards recently

  15. Merry Krugsmas!

  16. Need a char played, if anyone would be interested - they're Adunian. Hmu for details!

    1. Balthasar


      Whats adunian?

    2. Remyy
    3. Balthasar


      oh lmao it didnt show me the full status, only the "they're Adunian. Hmu for details!" i know what an adunian is :)

  17. Need some beta-readers for a big lore piece I'm working on. If anyone is interested, DM me on disc at RUM#6069

  18. Oh boy.

    1. Remyy


      oh my god, why won’t it let me change my name ajsjdk

  19. Reviving the Delevoye Clan. If you’re interested in playing a dark elf, let me know! Free art if you join ❤️

    1. Tigergiri


      man i play alot of dark elves.. but art

    2. Harri
  20. So me and my mom were looking over my destroyed computer... As we took a closer look it turned out my hardrive went bad, I am not actually not shocked as it was giving me trouble before I left.

    So now back to my tears and anime.. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Angmarzku


      You @Luv it.

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      I @Luv you all. Spread the @Luv.

    4. Remyy


      Now I'm Krying because all these **** puns...

  21. So recently a friend of mine from LoTC quit playing MC all together, so she gave me her whitelisted account. Would it be fine for me to just start playing on it or would I need to make a new app for it like a normal alt app?

    1. Nekkore


      Ouch. Who was the friend?

    2. Remyy


      She went by the name Gamer :P

      I want to make sure before I hop on and end up getting banned :P

  22. So, anyone wanna kill my char off for me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      Your character should remember.



    3. Ambduscias


      IGN is N0t_PVP_Alt, if that was adressed to me.

    4. Remyy


      It was and Clo will always remember that meme 

  23. Still looking for someone to play Jean Jacant, a impure insane High Elf~

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BrandNewKitten
    3. Kiiwi


      Get rekt. Now you can go 'kry' in a corner. >;3 <3

    4. Remyy


      Kawaii! ;-;



  24. wait, waitwaitwait


    is this big world event basically the plot of Dai


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