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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ducklingator

  1. Aren't shadows just... you blocking the sun's light?
  2. So, how does non-magical mana exertion work? A mage that ran a marathon can't cast like a mage of equal power that just had a great night's sleep and a healthy meal, but they still have roughly the same amount of mana.

    1. BrandNewKitten


       If your body is sore you will end up using more mana compensating. A sore body is taxing on the mind as well. A taxed mind does not function at 100%. If your brain power is at 70% your magic will only be 70% effective. 

    2. oblivionsbane


      Someone said mana = energy = stamina or something like that

  3. this is something i can preform so it is approved of +1
  4. i just woke up and its three am


    woo summer

    1. Nekkore
    2. Ducklingator


      update my tooth fell off after i tried eating a frozen schnitzel at five am

      good news though i ate the schnitzel

  5. Wait, seriously? They're *actually* planning to limit access to public websites? That's... dumb.

  6. I used to be vegetarian, and I can tell you that it was somewhat bad for my body. I felt tired, my allergies were really active; I wasn't in a specifically bad condition, but after resuming eating meat I felt way better. I understand eating animals is morally wrong, and I fully support refusing it, but you do have to bear in mind that some people may need that bit of meat.
  7. Squirt forgot, but I remember; 60 days left!

  8. bad fight norland #notmypresident

    #wheresmytavernroleplay #lotc2k11

  9. free my- friend dewlox 

  10. pvp? more like pvpoo-poo.

  11. RP name: Lilach Everupt MC name: Ducklingator Known arcane arts: Telekinesis, air evocation, illusion Position desired: Instructor When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Any time.
  12. i say we start terraria roleplay, who's with me

  13. why did you comment on your own post before anyone else did
  14. Minecraft IGN: Ducklingator Forum name: look its right there over the little picture thing why do you even ask Skype ID: SkittlesAreNice Examples of my work: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10718404/armor-set-complete/ , http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10693791/ray/ , http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10559393/paul-winterlight/ (Two of them are ones I made for myself and ended up not using, I'd hope it's okay for me to put them on the website)
  15. i miss the server its literally been 25 minutes just how weak am i


  16. Interesting-looking character that can certainly go in alot of ways depending on the circumstances they'll fall under. Love it.
  17. And yet, to me it doesn't look like the wards do what they were previously meant to do, and instead they do much more. Most clerics hope to use wards to completely cancel out spooks getting into their cities instead of just reveal them.
  18. How much time, exactly? I assume it would vary from creature to creature and mage to mage, but still. That aside, though, love the rewrite.
  19. Fun fact about me: I've never reached my daily rep cap. Hooray?

  20. lol, I know it sounds like a stretch but bear with me, what if an animal held you at gunpoint and (bear with me) you had to write a secret message on (BEAR WITH ME) some website to save yourself? like seriously bear with me guys

  21. Forums are back, folks.

    1. Demotheus


      Are they? I can't be sure...

    2. Chaw


      no **** sherlock

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