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Everything posted by Ducklingator

  1. i do love seeing these good friendly fights promoting a fun experience on lotc. being nice is all that matters kids
  2. is the server supposed to work


    because it wont work

  3. happy pride month! 

  4. MC ▫ Name ≎ Ducklingator Sprite ▫ Type ≎ Animated Sprite Character ▫ Name ≎ Ula Character ▫ Race ≎ Sprite (yes im doing this just so i can have a sprite's sprite) Character ▫ Status ≎ (card only) Mini ▫ Sprites ≎ (card only - Heart, weapon, whatever to express character. If its too complicated I reserve the right to adjust it) Reference ▫ Picture(s) ≎ (try to make solid butterfly-ish wings, I can pay extra if that's too complicated!)
  5. I agree with @Gladuos on the bit where people straight up destroy other people's characters, I've seen too many cases of someone trying to permanently damage another person over a petty dispute. If people on this server knew how to properly escalate a fight, though? Yeah, holy healing would be ridiculous.
  6. some1 with a good computer and terraria make a lotc terraria server. its gonna be a great idea i swear

    1. Sporadic


      give em hell kid

  7. i dont think ive had any good rp that lasted more than 10 minutes this month

    1. thesaintjaleel


      the month just started friend!

    2. Ducklingator


      month as in 30 days

  8. why did they have to remove the no pvp thing? much more fun

    1. justDEWit


      hope this was an april fool's joke

    2. Ducklingator


      hey i had a grand time at the welves without pvp then got pvped the moment it was removed


      this isnt a joke

    3. justDEWit


      splits server activity in half and makes up looks less active on ads

  9. haha "server downtime" so many original april fool's jokes

  10. so many sprites. im proud

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Give it a month and we'll see how many remain active

    2. Ducklingator


      why u gotta be so negative


    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Because I want you to submit your rework for them rather than trying to recruit for a thing that tends to flop after a period of time !!

  11. racial bonuses, there's a potion for water breathing I'm sure devs can figure something out
  12. I can try, if you want. PM me (Ducklingator) if you want me to send a few examples of my skins!
  13. I guess I can see where you're coming from. My only real concern is that people would start using ghosts as an excuse to be stronger IRP, but that might aswell just not happen.
  14. ok first off paleknights are really not like dreadknights. dreadknights dont have a menhir, dreadknights need to feed, dreadknights aren't weak to certain forms of shamanism, dreadknights dont have any mental disorders but aside for that, what you want ghosts to be isn't what everyone wants ghosts to be. (and quite frankly it seems like most people dont want it to be that way). you're trying to make ghosts strong, and considering that they're just a ca creature, with no creator/prior rp needed, that's not a good thing. ghosts have plenty of tools as it is, and giving them more would just mean people play ghosts to have a stronger character irp.
  15. I don't like this idea of making ghosts stronger. This horror chill thing was great, but in my eyes, ghosts shouldn't be more than ectoplasm ghouls. They have plenty of unique abilities, we don't have to force every single cliche onto lotc lore; besides, ghosts do have an 'upgrade', much like ghouls become liches. (Try paleknights!)
  16. im gonna take a break


    might come back tomorrow, might never come back


    nobody die while im away ok

    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      cool thanks for letting us know

    2. Vindicant


      you'll be back


      they're always back



  17. 4d42b1345aaba1e3af90030966f510a3.png


    my ban will be removed an hour ago. thanks gm team really looking forward to that

  18. ok so two things in the evocations section you didn't mention air evocation, rude (also seeing as they have frail bones and are light getting slammed into a tree might be something they'll need to protect themselves from!) also a clarification that their nono place doesn't produce this thing would be appreciated otherwise, great lore
  19. why are you banned, fool

  20. https://gyazo.com/a247ad7927e976770ba1bd7df5703ace


    what the fuuuuuck. what the fuuuuuuck. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

    1. jyecarson


      What the ****?

  21. wards are ehhh if you're only using them to identify undead/dark mages then sure but right now those things can cover entire taverns and make it entirely impossible for anything to go past (you're literally forced to roll around in pain for half an hour or whatever i dont like that). same goes for abyssal seeds, completely stopping any mage from casting, even if they're not naturally weakened by having magic, is dumb. the only thing wards should fully stop are ghosts, but then, literally demanifesting them if they try to forcefully walk past despite the pain sucks.
  22. why is it that everyone takes rp things into ooc?


    like, genuinely curious. people apologize OOCly when they assault me IRP, its. weird

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ambduscias


       some people feel bad about doing shitty stuff IC and try to clarify that it's not a personal thing. still gay af though.

    3. Raomir


      cuz people dont know how to  L O S E

    4. Ducklingator
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