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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Ducklingator

  1. jesus is two thousand and three years, and one day, older than i am. merry jewmas! (get it. its like christmas but im from israel so it's jew instead of christ. haha)


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      happy birthday o/

    3. Trenchist



    4. ibraheemc2000
  2. not to be rude but despite not being vip can i join the server

    1. SocialTurtle808


      Yeah! I wanna join.

  3. hi mts not to seem rude or anything but this is the only ca you haven't looked over and you accepted (dark creature) apps that were posted after this


    just makin sure you didnt forget me


    1. Ambduscias


      Not all LT can accept all CA's, I don't think. You just have to wait for the one for that creature type to stop being lethargic and get around to it. 

  4. i feel so bad for my body. yesterday i ate just about nothing. today i ate a whole bag of chocolate chips.

  5. server down?

    1. wolfdwg


      map switch to trans event calm thy ****

    2. Ducklingator
  6. so are tent kits still a thing or what? you cant craft them anymore, but people still have working ones

  7. so are tent kits still a thing or what? you cant craft them anymore, but people still have working ones

  8. any of you punchbags want to fight me? let us play bedwars to assert dominance over one another 

    1. rukio


      Warclaims should be settled via bed wars

    2. sneLf


      God praise the cuckio name

  9. having a staff app denied without any explanation nor an interview is fun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      From what I've experienced, if it's without explanation they're usually either not looking for more members or didn't think you'd be fit for the position. Although usually the latter, I would just message the team lead and ask politely for an explanation. Most will tell you!

    3. Ducklingator


      Some people are uncomfortable doing that. Yes, when you're the one who receives that message, you won't see anything wrong; but when you're sending said message, it's very uncomfortable to do that. You don't want to seem clingy, or bitter, or bother them, or whatever it is. Saying something like "The current members of our team are a sufficient assembly" or "Your application does not fit our standards" won't hurt anybody's feelings, trust me. 

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      When I was staff, there were votes for every single app to decide whether they'd be GM or not. If you're not GM (and they still do this) it means you didn't really catch anybody's eye.

      Maybe all the shitposting was a factor

  10. halloween is over, christmas is coming


  11. martha stewart is a good person 

  12. Waaaay too strong. Thrice a human's strength, something I'd estimate to be a bit less than an olog, and supernatural speed, and shapeshifting. In addition, you can still learn magic.
  13. Everyone before me sums it up nicely. The nature-ruining voidal mage niche exists, enforcing it just limits creativity. I don't see a reason for this.
  14. I'm not big on dark magic shenanigans, but Necromancy always seemed like a body-based magic. Maybe tainting should be done through soul puppetry/mysticism/something else? Aside for that, great lore.
  15. no warclaim no lag 


    im happy

    1. LithiumSedai


      inb4 lynched by norlander screamers

  16. Magnus Chase three is coming out today, and oh my satan am I excited.

    1. Ducklingator


      Update: I ordered the book, it should come in a week or two, woo

  17. sup losers im back

    1. Nekkore


      didnt realised you left

    2. gameingg


      WB, DICKlingator hehehehehehe





      End me

    3. overlord2305
  18. its a gold coin with a little cute crown on it and if you say otherwise i will gracefully shove ten of them into your eyesocket
  19. Buying wax flakes in bulk, contact Lilach Everupt with a price and an amount. [Just looking for somebody to rename four stacks of items for me- contact me for more information about that.]
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