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Everything posted by squakhawk

  1. thats from Boruto’s post i dont know how it quoted you
  2. i know me and a few others still do professions on the server, i still blacksmith, fletch, brew and jewelcraft and people do come to me to see things are done and I do my best to make it as interactive an experience as possible. I don’t think you really get that with nexus and I much prefer people roleplaying professions instead of doing low effort “muh warrior” or jack of all trades mary sue’s characters, and that is enabled by a mmo-like profession system. It is just silly to me. I respect ur opinion though im giving my two cents.
  3. im chimpin out rn 

  4. making an rp post isn’t “turncoating”, its just roleplay. It’s not my place to appreciate an apology but I like that you did.
  5. RP Name:: Illythia Arator MC Username: SquakHawk Discord: squak#8441 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: none Why Do You Wish To Come?: Adventure What Skills Can You Bring?: Blacksmithing, winemaking, pathfinding and warfare expertise, healing (should it be needed), tracking and charisma
  6. ill save you some heartache in that we do allow exclusive materials/inventions but you must explain how they work, how theyre made, what it does exactly and it’s mechanism. A player cannot manage “applications” for any lore creation, or even this. And just to be certain- don’t rp this. Poisons cannot be used currently, especially upon weapons. A instakill weapon is something I’ll admit is an instant denial and a huge redflag for moderation, and loreteam if applicable. If you legitimately want to push an.. invention, piece, I would do the following Scrap this idea entirely Make an interesting, unique idea that isn’t currently on the server (and preferably not a uninspired real life invention with obscure detailing) Give exact mechanisms to how it works and what it does, how it functions Give exact ways to how its created, you can have the origins rp’d as your character making it, but you need to write down all info about it regardless dont format like this its really weird and frustrating And a player-run application process or format will not work overall. If you seriously want this to work, comment “Self Denied” and contact a lore manager ( @Zarsies or @Killmatronix ) and they’re have it sorted for you while you work on a proper piece.
  7. you gotta go straight to telanir i dont think anyone supported continuing onward if they did and saw the current state of the server and it’s rp catch me laughing at them
  8. this is way too common and it legitimately upsets me my lore got criticism with “add this” but “this” was already in the lore right where they said to add it
  9. cold forging does require mills yes but due to the unique properties of boomsteel being dense, and the intense pressure would not allow it to properly set and cast. The dulled heat allows the metal to normalize and soften with it’s heavily hinted sulfur composition, but not even break the melting point- requiring another great amount of celsius. A great amount of graduation is required to slowly get this metal to work with, being careful, it not exploding. With the heat and softened composition this allows the pressure to be applied oncemore gradually with a bit more laxness to it as the metal is attenuated to it’s new, hotter environment.
  10. Material Name and Description (Raw form) Rare would natives be found in the areas rich in ore, but a name did stick to the ore that bore curses of stench and fire- Volatite. Once found, the ore bears a chunky and uneven form typically in fistful sized nodes. They bear an acrid, vile stench that stings the eyes and nose to breathe in. With an ebony-black colour separating it from the stone surrounding it makes it separate itself rather clearly from the surrounding stone. The ore is incredibly dense and heavy, and most notably- incredibly unstable. A sudden amount of pressure, heat, or friction will almost certainly cause the ore to combust and to send piercing black shards out in every direction, alongside the concussive blast. Red Lines (Raw Form) -The ore requires incredibly delicate harvesting to be done to successfully craft. As such, this ore is not available unless harvested from a node. -The ore if combusted in this form, will send multiple arrowhead like shards in every direction, and will cause an explosion dizzying and disorienting to targets within two meters of the explosion. -The ore explodes instantaneously once sudden pressure, heat, or friction is applied. Any form of throwing, dropping, or catching this ore would likely cause an explosion to the person performing the action. -The “Black powder” found near Volatite is not explosive, merely flammable. Harvesting Method Volatite is generally found in arctic, cold tundra or environments. The ore bears a composition of sulfur in some degree, due to a vile and sour smell that emanates from the ore, and clings to the cold air in ore-rich environments. It would not be uncommon to find a steam geyser or hotspring near Volatite rich environments- a dormant volcano would not be out of the question, either. The ore often in rich deposits will cause spikes out of the ground, in unpredictable and unstable patterns. This is due to the veins of Volatite erode the rock surrounding, giving it an irregular, jagged and spiked appearance given from corrosion. The ore itself often pitches the nearby rock with a black, powdery substance that taints the area with the scent aforementioned. To harvest such, one would do as they expect- mine it. Yet, this cannot be done with any normal pickaxe. Tedious and careful digging of the ore must be taken precedent, with smaller and more careful tools that moreso coax the chunks of ore out of rock, rather than take them out. Harvesting Red Lines -Harvesting Volatite from a node would lead to most likely about a kilogram of yield in total. -Harvesting Volatite would be a lengthy process, taking upwards of at least an hour for small amounts - if careful. -Due to the heavy presence of sulfur within Volatite’s chemical composition, it is lightly toxic to soft membranes such as the mouth, eyes, and lungs and would cause coughing and blurred vision due to increased lacrimation without adequate protection or ventilation. -Volatite must be safely gathered to procure it as a whole and without risk of explosion. Material Name and Description (Refined Form) Volatite once refined would bear the same ebony black colour, albeit somewhat more intense- known then in this form and further forms as Boomsteel. There would be notable veins or streaks across the refined parts, and depending on the intensity. However, Boomsteel depends significantly on what it is alloyed with - or not alloyed with. Still bearing the explosive and unstable property, it is not nearly what it is compared to it’s raw form, having some tempering done to it. It would likely take a sudden, great amount of heat, pressure, or friction, or a steady battering or application. Applications (Refined Form) Boomsteel is rather impossible to make as armor. This is due to it’s incredible weight or impracticality of explosive armor. Most often, Boomsteel is crafted into melee weaponry, sometimes even a shield - arrowheads, and throwing weapons like javelins or spears (Lovingly referred to by goblins as “Boom-sticks”, and falsely by humans as “Fire-Lances”.). There are three primary tiers of applied Boomsteel. High Density Tier The dense variant of refined Boomsteel. The most noticeable trait of this type is its weight. Most people, even if built, would struggle in wielding a longsword from this tier; it is possible, though the wielder's swiftness would be obviously hindered. It would be ineffective for bucklers or any sort of light-armoured armaments. Although, while the weight is a huge factor, it is the toughest of the three tiers. It has a high durability range, with a lot of strength behind it; it wouldn't wear so easily. While this variant would have low malleability (quite difficult to forge with), it also has the highest conductivity of the three; being able to contain a large amount of energy while expelling it gradually. Although, contrary to the other two tiers, the high density type has the most stable, and lowest volatility. It can't combust, or generate enough heat to expel flames. At best, it's able to contain large amounts of heat, which is discharged over a slow period; causing the surface temperature to rise dependent on how much heat is contained (can be boiling hot, warm, or even just lukewarm depending on the absorbed heat.). Although, it's still capable of creating sparks & small embers. While unable to both explode and produce flames, High Density Boomsteel items produce a unique “Thunderclap” effect. When striking with a weapon of High Density Boomsteel, one would find that upon contact the weapon would strike with a violent booming sound. With this, given the metals potential energy, it would kick back the weapon strike and add a concussive boom to the connected strike. The struck area (weapon, armour, flesh, etc.) would suffer from a heavy blow as if struck by something twice as strong as normal, causing connecting strikes to stagger, armor to cave, and parrying weapons to fly back and potentially even disarm. This effect would have a toll upon the wielder, causing a numbness and even intense pain in their striking appendage(s) as the thunderclap harms them aswell. When wielded, a user can only administer [5] thunderclaps before their arms totally numb and fatigue. High Density Armour, while mostly nonpractical, would produce an effect similar with a thundering sound and rebound. When struck, the armour would cause the incoming blow to rebound, at a heavier cost to it’s wearer. Wearing this armour would cause the wearer to stagger, and suffer from broken bones at the impact site. Aswell with the increased volume of sound from a higher concentration of boomsteel, the Thunderclap would be much louder, and would interrupt concentration-based connection to magic within a 5 block radius in each direction. Redlines -The heaviest of the three tiers, High Density Boomsteel weighs FOUR TIMES as heavy as its steel counterpart - making it required to be both highly trained and not impaired in strength. Even still, one would not be as dexterous or agile with a high-density tier weapon. -The Thunderclap's concussive boom is capable of harming the wielder with a force comparable to their base strength (not amped by Volatite). This results in the user only being able to strike [5] times before their arms become totally numb and fatigued for the remainder of the CRP. -Playable Constructs such as Automatons, Golems, Sorvians, Atronachs, ETC. too would feel the degradation of their limbs via lore appropriate means, i.e. cracking or malfunction, to supplement the [5] use counter. -The Thunderclap effect is proportional with the size of the boomsteel density. Anything less than a fist in size would have no changed effect than normal. Projectiles of any kind would be mildly more concussive in nature, but would not be significantly effective. -Power enhancement of The Thunderclap effect is proportionally distributed to both wearers. Meaning, if the blow is magically enhanced in any manner, it will effect both users equally, along with likely shattering the appendage(s) used to deliver the blow. -NPC constructs, if using High Density Boomsteel, will have their arms shattered by the thunderclap following the first use of it during CRP. -With intense vibrations from each blow, Eidola would suffer a super-effective crack and break if hit by, or utilizing, high density boomsteel weaponry/armour. This counts for two hammer-strikes for each time used or wounded. -The Thunderclap effect from High Density Boomsteel is exceptionally loud and distinct in sound. Ologs in specific, would harbor a great, primal fear for it and would flee if witness to it’s sound. Horses/Mounts too would become terrified and throw its rider from its back if within a [4] block presence of a Thunderclap. -The Thunderclap effect cannot be muted by any mundane means, and overpowers any mundane means of hearing impairment (Such as ear plugs). -The Thunderclap effect from Armour specifically interrupts concentration-based magic connection (Such as Voidal Magic) within a 5 block radius in each direction. -Toughest and most durable Boomsteel product; it would take a lot for it to see wear. In the event it clashes with Sharpened Carbarum, the product would not bend, chip nor warp; it may, however, be bitten into slightly. -Low malleability, and high conductivity; it will contain energy and expel it gradually, with little for “give” upon it’s imprinted parts. -Most stable Boomsteel alloy; low volatility. Cannot combust or create flames. -Can contain large amounts of heat, which is discharged gradually (similar to conductivity). -Can still create sparks and small embers from high amounts of applied energy; friction, pressure, heat, etc. Medium Density Tier The basic tier of refined Boomsteel, or mixed alloys with roughly the same density. Its toughness and durability aren't too bad; though it would wear much easier than the high density variant. At this tier, think of the durability a bit less than a steel alloy. The malleability behind this density would be a bit more difficult than your average steel, having a medium-low malleability. Although, in comparison to its higher density cousin, the conductivity in this tier can be unpredictable. It's incapable of taking in large amounts of electricity, as it expels this energy in the form of heat. Though it isn't as conductive as the other. It is capable of taking in large amounts of heat however; though the more energy that's poured into the metal, the more volatile the effects become. This tier is capable of producing flames as a way of expelling exponential heat; or even producing sudden flashes of sparks if the metal receives an enormous amount of energy at once. Though, this volatility can wear the metal easily. Redlines -In middling weight of the three tiers, most would find medium density tier weapons and armor slightly cumbersome and clumsy. Weighing the same as a counterpart item constructed of pure gold (x2 steel). -Capable of producing flames (or sudden flashes of sparks), the flames produced by medium density boomsteel would last until manually quenched. Limited to the blade itself, or flickering just a couple inches above the blade’s metal. The flame is consistent enough to ignite flammable material should it be stuck to it, and would leave a sticking flame on flammable material it may touch. -Wounds from medium density boomsteel may cauterize on slashes and punctures, causing searing pain in addition to the wound. -The durability can be compared to a bit less than a steel alloy. While the malleability would be a bit more difficult than a steel alloy. -Unpredictable conductivity. Not as conductive as higher densities, and incapable of taking in large amounts of electricity, as it expels it in the form of heat. -Can take in large amounts of heat; though the more heat / energy, the more volatile it will become. -Alchemy elixirs applied during Med. Density boomsteel's flaming, or before, have no effect on the fire's potency or duration, or upon the item the flames are upon. Such oils and elixirs would burn away, rendering them without effect. Low Density Tier The most unpredictable and volatile of the three tiers. This variant of Boomsteel is quite light in comparison to its others; it could be similar to a somewhat heavier titanium in regards to weight. It's durability and strength aren't too impressive however; being the most brittle of the three types of Boomsteel. It would be quite ineffective for armaments, as it can likely shatter with enough force from a blunt object. The malleability is the easiest of the tiers. While it still may be somewhat difficult for forging with, it can be shaped into almost anything with enough patience. Despite its light density, it has low conductivity. It can't contain much electricity, or even heat; and a large amount of it would only result in the metal expelling it all at once, creating a concussive shrapnel blast. Its volatile effects can be extremely unpredictable. The shrapnel blast will be paired with a plume of brilliantly hot flame which covers roughly the same area. Though generally these 'explosions' are concentrated, rather than widespread; and more metal won't result in a larger blast, while having less than a fist-sized amount will result in no effect at all. Obviously, if a blast does occur, the metal will be irreparable; the shrapnel from it wouldn't have much use other than primitive arrowheads. It is capable of producing flames in incredible amounts, though due to how unstable this variant is, only for so long in a near uncontrolled manner. Redlines -Very light in weight. Akin to titanium, or roughly half the weight of a standard iron item of the same size. -These 'explosions' are concentrated, not widespread (5 meters at most). More metal won't result in a larger blast; though smaller than a fist won't have an effect whatsoever. These ‘explosions’ will as well produce a violent plume of flame, igniting flammable material and causing first degree burns on contact. -Low durability and strength; the most brittle of the three types of Boomsteel. Can shatter with enough force from a blunt object. -Medium-high malleability; still difficult to forge with, though can be shaped into almost anything with enough patience. -Low conductivity, and can't contain much energy or heat. -Can produce flames in manageable amounts, once per combat for three emotes. The flames would be limited to just a couple of inches above the blade’s metal, but would not be as easy to ignite other objects- requiring some effort to ignite flammable material. Red Lines (Refined Form) -To refine boomsteel, it must be gathered through an RP node and the item must be ST Signed. The refined item aswell would be ST Signed. Refining Technique Refining Boomsteel is incredibly tough, and often unrewarding to do due to the danger it presents. -To heat Boomsteel, one would take the ore and carefully prepare it to be placed within a forge. The temperature must be exceptionally well monitored, with a very gradual rise in heat. Adding Boomsteel too suddenly, or to too hot a forge, would cause it to combust. -Boomsteel may be hot forged, warm forged, and cold forged so long as the process is gradual, and not sudden. Using any of these techniques will require most often about 50 °C higher temperatures than typical. -Without the added 50 °C, Hot forging would require temperatures of 1000 - 1300 °C, warm forging at 800-1000 °C, and cold forging at a temperature not exceeding a low wood or coal flame. If no heat is used during cold forging, the pressure of the process would cause the Boomsteel to combust. -Boomsteel is rather uniform in its forging process besides gradual heating, however often ores harvested from different areas would bear different qualities that the smith would need to be careful of, making minor differences in temperature or time taken to adjust and make the desired product. -Boomsteel often will create sparking sounds or sudden “bang”’s that can be startling or offputting. Aswell, if Boomsteel is not properly ventilated when hot-forging or warm-forging, would put off an acrid sulfur smell that would hang in the forge for a significant amount of time. This would cause persistent coughing, labored breathing, and sore throat for some time. Refining Red Lines -If hotforging, the smithy must be well ventilated, or have respiratory protection. -Boomsteel must be gradually and carefully forged with minimal friction or pressure to avoid combustion. -A low flame of any kind must be used to cold-forge Boomsteel. - When reforging a pre-existing Boomsteel item, the density of the reclaimed metal may be increased but never decreased. https://i.imgur.com/H9Aq3yn.gif Purpose (OOC) Boomsteel is certainly one of the more interesting lore materials well guarded by LT. I am hoping that with this write and reformat (And what criticism it may garner) it can continue under good oversight, and be properly reformatted into acceptance. I worked with Lark to make this piece exceptional, and a good addition to this project.
  11. love u too bro i hope you have a great holidays and a great coming year.
  12. no more lore, no more staff, ? looks ok i look forward to review it
  13. was gonna make a post abt staff being bad then an ad showed my address telanirs hunting me down

    1. squakhawk


      what about with a five foot one ?

  14. dont speak for me bro I am not working on the pantheon project but I like all written so far and the direction. I really appreciate the feedback given by players and the response by Zarsies. It’s good to see constructive criticism and receptive feedback, I really appreciate it. I really have enjoyed your writing, particularly with Vaasek’s lorepost. However, I do believe there can be “offshoots” or “independants” from houses that prefer to work alone or independently. I aswell think Covenants should be rather mysterious in how they work in some cases. I don’t want it to be common knowledge how certain gods work or what their goal is. They’re gods, and understand things and look at things in a far different way than we do- we shouldn’t be able to easily interpret the goal or meaning behind something. It opens up writing to be exceptionally more creative and interesting other than “THIS COVENANT GOOD, THIS ONE BAD, THIS ONE BAD BUT RED” etc..
  15. what got you into the server, what has been the most fun or the best time?
  16. endgames can be fine but i think it should drastically alter the way you use or think about the magic straight power increases or “power increases” (minor drawbacks or niche drawbacks) should not exist. An “endgame” should be something that takes in-lore and set ground ruled trials and requirements that you have to achieve over time and utilize parts of the magic that make it core. In my BM write I had “Endgame” that was moreso a set of talents that to unlock them you had to complete complex and difficult rituals that could have slight variance but offered countless lines of rp if done right, for a change to an ability or access to something. I was quite proud of it, and from what I gathered in total it was quite liked.
  17. it’s as much of a “instakill” as having ur head lobbed off, it plays a big part into high elf society and their playerbase and its only problem was abuse by other players trying to bottle it for the sole purpose of getting the lore shelved so the high elves cannot have it. I think it’s silly. Personally, I think the current status of using molten gold and just calling it acid is fine. i don’t see a need for a lore piece. With molten gold you’ve all your problems stated in this lorepiece and to come from this lorepiece solved. It makes no difference and is just a shield against anti-fun players who don’t like when other people have their own toys. Just get rid of this. Stick with the status quo where there isn’t bickering. If we’re going with Acid as a real life comparison, acid does not corrode and just annihilate flesh like some **** from a game. Not even strong acids. They leave intense and incredible burns even after brief or rather lengthy exposure, before they begin breaking you down I guess. The person would likely succumb to wounds rather than being engulfed in acid. But drawing LOTC lore from real life science is stupid, it’s fantasy. Even then, the fact that a “don’t bottle this ****” rule was ignored and a full shelving was taken, just for with molten gold. There isn’t need for this. It’s already got two pages of bickering in a day, and months of molten gold has caused none.
  18. you were a good man and like some others said put up with a lot compared to the rest of the team, enjoy your time off or leave, be well now that youre free, pls stop erping *****joke*******)) with my daughter
  19. Oh ****, I’m sorry

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Sorry for what?

    2. Scuba


      @ScreamingDingo sorry for your roleplay har har har 

    3. Yaldabaoth


      By the nine...

  20. a mentality to win over a mentality to have fun and further a characters story, and to keep things the same with how they want to play always over anyone elses ill add more on later
  21. really gonna miss you bro only knew you since 2emps but you were someone I did admire. You did not use OOC as a medium to RP, and you appreciated instead of spurned new roleplayers. You taught them to get along on the server and learn the ropes, and took their ideas of new and creative takes on things and how they should be done. You hated grovellers or “noble” rpers that just ask for things constantly- you were legitimately incredibly splendid to talk to and spend time with. Though many people worked to undermine you, you never really let that get to you. You are (and were) levelheaded, fair, and understanding. You value what so many people, especially nationleaders, on the server don’t. Roleplay. Overall, roleplay is what comes first- and that is not to say your roleplay in specific, but a story. Story matters more than your character, story matters more than your nation, story matters more than stupid ooc bickering or drama that is so common otherwise. You are an example that there has been precedent set for that your behavior, will not be tolerated further, even if that is not the intended meaning. Months of being reformed, having to constantly deal with roadblocks of content moderation or people trying to hassle you and give you trouble. But the vaguest ******* reference to a single person that the majority of the server likely has not heard about set that off, I suppose. Off to the gulag with you. I’ll see you there. I’ll miss you man. Hope we cross paths another time.
  22. @Lackless_ lol i suppose i worded it poorly i believe holymages should not be an antithesis to darkmages – holymages are at a “Dissonance” because at the moment they seem to only be – I suppose it is nice to have them at the voidal events, but there doesnt seem to be a central theme behind them because they only ever seem to hunt down darkmages, and do not interact otherwise. I’m not a paladin, I would not know. There are evils in the world that are very present (banditry, slavery, torture, the like) that are very much more evil than some types of mages. I suppose maybe I’m thinking too into the roleplay and not enough into LOTC.
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