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  1. 1dyDGmx.png



    Some fun Aethermoore festival moments!


    @Jentos @DJSneeze @thegauvzinator @Fuego @TheWholeOrcCrewWhoWasRaidingLol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheJollyPear


      I know right ahhahaha.

    3. Moochael


      I would've attended if my character wasn't in slavery ;(

    4. Jentos




      poor Mooc! :(

  2. ((Draw me like one of your French girls pl0x))
  3. jim_out_out_out_out.gif

    State testings tomorrow...


  4. Updated my signature with character art. With credits aswell. Thanks to everyone who makes me art! Anyone do commissions, or wants to do some free (;o) art. Drop me a PM.  

  5. Langon would nod, giving the boots a slight nod. "Good work." He'd mutter to himself.
  6. Smite the sinners. 


    1. excited


      It shall be done. 

  7. Most likely that is the case. But if someone does do the villainy RP extremely well. Maybe through a well emoted, and fair RP fight. Or a fair PVP fight. And they want the loot for /winning/ I don't see it as they particularly wanting your loot. BUT I haven't seen any of that in a bit.
  8. Mcname: (Self explanatory) TheJollyPear Skype: (So that I can add you to the guard chat. PM me if you want your skype secret) Ill add you. Timezone: (Best to know your timezone so we know how to arrange shifts and such) EST IC Name: (self explanatory) Langon Age: (We accept anyone over 20, sorry kiddos) 221 Race: (self explanatory) Wood Elf Main weapon of choice: (If already trained in weaponry, which weapon does your character use most) Broadsword. Secondary weapon(s) of choice: (Does your character have any secondary weapons, such as bows or knives, etc.) N/A What role do you wish to have in the guard? (Look at rankings and decide your role. Do note: High Warden, Captain, and Sword of Aethermoor are to be earned in RP, not immediately recruited into) Battle Master. Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: (Any particular reasons why your character wants to join the guard?) To protect the place he lives in. Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes. Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Yes. Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like): You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do? Langon would run after the criminal, his boots clanking against the stone roads. As his broadsword clanks against his tattered armor. As he catches up to the thief a shout leaves his mouth. "Halt!" He yells, halting the criminal. Langon would then proceed to place him in jail, etc. You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior. He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do? Langon has no intrest in minas. He will kick his drunken arse back to cloud temple.
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