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About MunaZaldrizoti

  • Rank
    The Moost Happi
  • Birthday 02/17/2000

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    Writing, RPing, and watching Game of Thrones episodes over and over!

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    Ioanna Kortrevich | Milena vas Ruthern
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  1. I am not here to call anyone out specifically, but I really am surprised by some of the replies to this thread:

    While I am glad so many are speaking out about this topic, it shocks me that I see some of the people who have spoken of their own ‘disgust’ and horror at the acts described, and the situation as a whole, are some of the same people I know to have committed these acts and have gotten away with it, even when reported, or people who have actively shamed and ridiculed victims of these pedophiles persistently over a very long course of time. If you can’t look at yourself and know that you’re part of the problem, or someone who acts insensitive towards someone who had to go through this, you have no right to post false sympathies on a thread that is written in kindness and support.


    Really disappointing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sophiaa


      @IZipZapManI The thing is, a lot of us HAVE made an effort to go to staff. In one instance where I went directly to an Admin, I was refused a text conversation so there was no proof of it, and instead a call, where they told me they couldn’t do anything because as a resident of the UK somehow they’d be more liable than someone else, or whatever bullshit excuse there was for not wanting to “root out” their friend, and they didn’t FEEL like handling it. So, they sent me off to find another admin who was completely inactive, and when he finally replied to me a month later, his directions were to go right back to the one I had previously spoken to. 


      When people who want to report things have been treated like this in the past, you just saying “oh hey come talk to us” doesn’t cut it. We are always faced with the worry after experiencing that, that it’ll only happen again and again. 

    3. Kaelan


      @sophiaa To say that I feel disappointed does not do justice to how I feel about this. It is incredibly saddening that we as a community have come to this point and that this is the feeling that the players have.

      I honestly don’t have a response for that, nor can I speak on the behalf of anyone. 

      I know it’s not the perfect advice, nor does it solve the issue you’re describing, but I would encourage those people to choose a member of staff, any member of staff, to act as a champion on their behalf. Make reports, contact staff, and keep pressing the issue and not letting go. 

      I’m sorry that this isn’t a satisfying response, and I wish I could give one. 

    4. rukio


      yes, PREACH Joel. Oh my god. Yes.

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