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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Parker

  1. Uh, basically - - - - - I will pay 1000 mina in game if you can complete this skin, and an extra added bonus of leowarrior14's head if you can do it quicker. Just use the picture for reference
  2. Actually a bad guy

    1. excited
    2. Nekkore
    3. KetchenX


      What!? Since when!? I actually liked this guy smh.

  3. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boi
  4. Server went poop


  5. It's nice to see some color, rather than dark and white.
  6. [Request Form]= Username- SilverKnightLedo Outfit or fullbody? - Fully body Description- In armor, a dirty green/ebon armor. Very pale face with a marking atop the forehead. Rather messy, long-ish hair, dirty silver color Ref- Proof of Payment -
  7. sad day. . . no more bone man

  8. Does this mean it is instant - as in it can be used in battle.
  9. Edit, full skin or head? - Full skin! Race - Doomforged ! Age - 20 Gender - female Hair style - longish hair which drapes down her back, their is a small strand of hair tied at the back Hair, eye and skin colour - black hair, skin color is light purplish, eye color is GLOWING yellow. Outfit description - blackish armor, armor is light, it's right shoulder has a cape which drapes down. Other details you want me to add - Steve or Alex skin base? - Steve
  10. By far the best introduction to LoTC I have seen. Good job Rella -one o' one-
  11. -Exposure to extreme heat or any sort of fire makes them useless or kills them Saying that they are weak to heat on the overall basis where then you say great resistance to electric evocation - I don't think that makes much sense.
  12. What's blue black and cold?





  13. Whoever reps gets a free pep

    1. Parker


      *gives free pep*

  14. Hello player's of LoTC , I have recently come up with a restaurant which is based in Sutica The name, is called "The Hungry gate", and is in the south part of the Sutican City. Keep following the path until you reach a sign pointing the direction, or ask around. These are only some of the things we offer for a premium price : Main Dishes Chicken stuffed with Gravy - 8 Mina Fish - 4 Mina Fish Sticks - 5 Mina Steak - 4 Mina Prime Rib - 7 Mina Honeyed Ham - 10 Mina Pork Cuts - 8 Mina Meat Loaf - 10 Mina Side Dishes / Appetizers Baguette - 3 Mina Vegetable Soup - 5 Mina Porridge - 2 Mina Pumpkin Soup - 5 Mina Please advise that this menu will have more added. Owner : Artemis, Marc and Udarr IGN : Parkerkid, xXMark123Xx, and Big_Jewski
  15. I wonder, what will happen when everyone joins at nearly the same time.....


    1. BasicDoctor


      End of Axios?

    2. BasicDoctor


      First player made end of the world.

    3. Elfen_


      its only 8am EST, I doubt too many are awake atm.

  16. 'bout right time to play it.


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