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Everything posted by MissToni

  1. Union of Flowers [17th May Tuesday, 4pm EST] [!] A depiction of Erika & her bridal maids preparing her for the wedding by the lake. You are hereby invited to attend the holy union between Lady Erika Renate Barclay and Mister Val after their long courtship since the lifstala season. Their time has been spent together in books, picnics, dinners and berry picking, allowing their relationship to blossom over time. The two shall take their vows in the Church of Saint Tylos in Reinmar. It will be an intimate and private wedding of only family and friends. TO THOSE INVITED TO THE WEDDING: His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his Royal Consort His Serene Highness, Karl Sigmar Barbanov-Bihar, Grand Prince of Kusoraev and his Royal Consort Her Royal Highness, Klara Morovar, Princess of Haense and her husband His Royal Highness, Sergei Barbanov-Bihar, Prince of Haense and his Consort His Holiness, Tylos II, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon His Princely Grace, Johann Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Johann Ludovar, Count of Otistadt and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Nikolai Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev and his noble pedigree Her Ladyship, Adele Ludovar, Baroness of Juliksburg Her Ladyship, Sibylla Ludovar Mister Iulius Vernhart Miss Margot of the Hexers
  2. Erika Barclay blinked upon reading the things about the dwarf stall "That was a task given to His Excellency by me as there would be a new dwarf in charge of that stall and the dwarven ambassador asked for it to be evicted. Though Ich will bring such up in Duma."
  3. LETTER TO THE ROYAL DUMA ON AULIC COUNCILORS Issued By ALDERWOMAN ERIKA BARCLAY On this 6th of Tov and Yermey 424 E.S VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Due to the position of Inquisitor not often being used we pen this letter for Duma to ask all Aulic Councilors along with the Surgeon General of Haense to form a report on their work and overall situation to offer some more transparency to Duma. This may be done in two years so as to give time for them to prepare such. The form shall follow the following format; OFFICE; [NAME OF THE OFFICE] CURRENT PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONS; [Detail what is it the office stands for the the ways it does it’s work] REFORMS MADE DURING THE CURRENT TENURE; [Detail any reform, changes or anything of note the counselor has done in the during their tenure] FUTURE PLANS OR GOALS FOR THE OFFICE; [Detail anything you have not done yet but plan to do in the office in the future and goals you work to or aim to reach] The counselor may add sections to their report if they see fit in order to make their work more transparent to the public’s eye. After the reports will be published the aulic counselors may be summoned in order to answer further questions related to their work and the office. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Johann Fredrick Ludovar, High Justiciar of Hanseti-Ruska, Count of Otistadt, Viscount of Sezwesk, Lord of Kazstadt HER LADYSHIP, Erika R. Barclay, Royal Alderwoman
  4. The Remembrance Day 13th May 3pm EST [!] A depiction of ruskan ladies preparing a bouquet of flowers to be laid onto the graveyards. On the day of Vzmey and Hyff there shall be held a Remembrance Day which shall first begin in Karosgrad, and end in Richtenburg for all those wishing to attend. Visiting all noble houses and their graveyards or crypts to lay flowers upon each grave. Along with tidying up the graves that have been covered in moss. A minute of silence shall be held after every visit to give final closure to family members for those whose loss is still lingering close to their hearts. We ask for respect upon this day along with a prayer for those recently lost; His Majesty, King Heinrik II Milo Kutznetsov His Lordship Elimar Luceafaru Her Ladyship Moliana Luceafaru Signed, Her Grace, Katerina Bihar, Bishop of Valwyck
  5. The Bishop of Valwyck, Katerina would be vibing to this song while preparing her books and paperwork. Meanwhile in Reinmar a certain Erika Barclay would be playing a song on repeat from her inner turmoil about the man she was courting.
  6. IGN: MissToni Character Name: Erika Barclay Age: 25 Place of Residence / Street Address: Duchy of Reinmar Position: (Alderman or Maer) Alderwoman
  7. ERIKA BARCLAY, A VOICE FOR ALL! Erika Barclay’s official portrait, ca 411 ES. THE HISTORY OF LADY ERIKA BARCLAY: Lady Erika Renate Barclay, born in Reinmar 397 ES, the second daughter of Ser Reinhardt Barclay. She was one of the women in the election of 411 ES where the elected officials had been all female for the first time. She ended up in producing 4 bills, 3 of which passed Duma along with being the co writer of the Karenina Law during her tenure as a Royal Alderwoman 411 ES - 416 ES. Lady Erika also produced another bill in 421 ES when she stepped in for Duke Johann Barclay as his representative in Duma, which ended up passing. THE POLITICS OF LADY ERIKA BARCLAY: Lady Erika Barclay wishes to introduce some new reforms to Duma like introducing uniforms to make it a more formal setting along with a Duma committee that will handle the passed bills of Duma to open up for more government positions under the Lord Speaker’s jurisdiction. Lady Erika is also always open to new ideas and wishes from the people on what they want to see more of in Duma. Lady Erika Barclay promises to: Continue her support for more opportunities for the commoners in government positions through the making of the Duma committee To listen to the voices of the people by opening up an idea box for Duma Adding to the law on the rights of medics being allowed to deny a patient medical care if their life is threatened. To do her best in continuing to stay active and produce bills that will matter It is the sincerest hope of Lady Erika Renate Barclay that the electorate of Hanseti-Ruska will elect her for her second term as Royal Alderwoman, in which the Kingdom may go down the path of Equal Opportunities!
  8. Erika Barclay would be braiding Klara's hair while talking about their day and the plans they all had for the wedding. Sibylla sitting across them laughing alongside them both. "Oh Klara, Ich can't wait for dein wedding" she smiled @crazedpudding@CupOTea__
  9. Full Name of Man - Thomas Komnenos Date of Birth of Man - 1848 Name of Woman - Amandine Date of Birth of Woman - 1845 Location of Ceremony - Lubba's Keep Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1868 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Bishop Valwyck
  10. Full Name of Man - Thomund Bishop Date of Birth of Man - 1840 Name of Woman - Gela Tseratseli Date of Birth of Woman - 1844 Location of Ceremony - St. Heinrik's Basilica, Karosgrad Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1868 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Bishop Valwyck
  11. Revealing of the Karenina Accord Statue Thursday, 14th April 4pm EST On the day of Jula and Piov a small festival in the honor of the Karenina Accord movement is to be held by the Dome. Merchants are welcomed and encouraged to come and sell their goods in the stalls during the day. Send a letter to Lady Erika for a stall. Before the revealing of the statue we have a few small performances by some of our ladies of the Kingdom. First there is Lady Moliana who will show us a little magic trick. And then the Court Mage, Lady Theodosya, will do a showcase of some of her magic for us all to revel in. The statue, designed by Lady Erika Barclay, will be revealed after a speech by the Queen. The festival will continue for the rest of the day afterwards for citizens to have a look at the stalls or the statue. OOC: Send me a DM on Discord @MissToni#0760 if you want a stall Signed, Her Royal Majesty, Emma Karenina, Queen-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska Her Ladyship, Erika Renate Barclay
  12. Erika Barclay felt a pang of emotion as she read the address within her quarters. Never had she felt so proud before and she immediately went to tell her sister, father, friends and her Tante Margot. @Maevlin@Capt_Chief26@crazedpudding@CupOTea__@MildStatic
  13. Kirsty is such a wholesome person, definitely deserving of this!
  14. Erika Barclay would read the statement before nodding her head "Lady Adele is a competent woman, she will do well!"
  15. Erika Barclay followed her patriarch in her armor and helmet with a feeling of proudness
  16. Erika Barclay rose her brow heavily "So, this Orenian Duke claims that Ich got called a wench because it is true? Well Ich know who to aim my sword for when we meet on the battlefield during this war." the woman then let out a heavy scoff before ripping it up and throwing it in the fire "And to think all this happened because Ich stood up for mein own honor and mein cousin's"
  17. ERIKA BARCLAY, A VOICE FOR ALL! Erika Barclay’s official portrait, ca 411 ES. THE HISTORY OF ERIKA BARCLAY: Lady Erika Renate Barclay, born in Reinmar 397 ES, the second daughter of Ser Reinhardt Barclay. She was one of the women in the last election where the elected officials had been all female for the first time. And she ended up in producing 4 bills, 3 of which passed Duma along with being the co writer of the Karenina Law. THE POLITICS OF ERIKA BARCLAY: Erika Barclay has the idea of men and women as equals in Hanseti-Ruska, and a wish for more support of women taking part in Duma. Like the woman once said; “We are half the population of this kingdom, we should play our part in deciding the laws of it as well, nein?” A strong wish and want of equal opportunities for all when it comes to government positions, not just the women. From the poorest peasant boy to the richest noblewoman. Erika Barclay promises to: Continue her support for more opportunities for the commoners & women in government positions To listen to the voices of the people To do her best in continuing to stay active and produce bills that will matter It is the sincerest hope of Lady Erika Renate Barclay that the electorate of Hanseti-Ruska will elect her for her second term as Royal Alderwoman, in which the Kingdom may go down the path of Equal Opportunities!
  18. IGN: MissToni Character Name: Erika Renate Barclay Age: 19 Place of Residence / Street Address: Reinmar Position: (Alderman or Maer) Alderwoman
  19. Full Name of Man - Filip Heiromar Amador Date of Birth of Man - 1844 Name of Woman - Petrysa Henrietta de Johannes (she will be keeping her last name) Date of Birth of Woman - 1843 Location of Ceremony - Karosgrad (Saint Heinrik's Basilica) Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1863 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Bishop Valwyck
  20. Father Katerina smiled proudly upon hearing the news that she had been made a bishop. Though her smile faltered as she realized she would now have to start hiking again to get to her diocese. "Godani give me strength..."
  21. Father Katerina would be reading the pamphlet while enjoying a nice cup of hot tea. Her eyes tracing along the paper as she gave many nods to the different knights until she stumbled upon her uncle's mentions of his knighthood. The sip she had just taken proved badly as she spat it out when she read the paper mentioning what her brother Heinrik had done to her and her aunt. "Well... I did niet expect that to be mentioned. I suppose they now do have the courage to write about my brother's madness and his cruelty so openly these days" A small smirk however creeped on her lips upon the last bit mentioning him having been suspected of stabbing Annika.
  22. Ingrid Barclay welcomed Aleksandra to the seven skies. Going to clap her on the shoulder "The pen is niet for everyone dear, but I am proud of vyr accomplishments nonetheless" she offered her a smile as they walked to greet the rest.
  23. Erika Barclay read the hearsay before she merely let out a gentle scoff. "Gut thing none of what the paper is trying to claim Ich said or did about the Karenina Accord is true then." She let out a loud chuckle "And hey, if Ich did seem like Ich was arguing for such, then they should have remembered Ich was but a small child then. Nicht every child can talk well and formulate their sentences like an adult when they try and speak so things will be misunderstood." She then looked over to her father. "Hey vater, was Ich kicked in the head by a mule when Ich was a child?" @Capt_Chief26
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