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saint swag

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Everything posted by saint swag

  1. wats up shitlords

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. z3m0s


      Good to hear man, I'm doin good. Nice to see you around!

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      i look at the forums from time to time and sometimes feel like logging on, don't think i'll ever be staying around for long again tho


      glad to hear ur doing well G

      Edited by _hexe_
    4. z3m0s


      That's fair enough, stay strong and resist the urge, you're stronger than the rest of us 😂

  2. from what i can tell here is that the problem is players and not lore? if not pls elaborate, interested bcoz "unlimited disguises". cuh i own the lore of unlimited disguises and i've never had issues, which leads me to believe the above. gatekeeping is awesome
  3. 12 CAD is criminal at least chase works for the same amount i do
  4. shill me some places that have open gates at least 50% of the time AND has cool people


    thanks in advance

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @NugI've found Elvenesse to have their gates closed a lot of the time. On the other hand, I've never seen Haense close their gates, probably because they're not at war.

      IMO I wish that even places at war opened their gates more often. I think it's better to get raided once every few days than to have new players be unable to get into their character's home city and log off of LOTC forever.

    3. rukio


      4 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

      @NugI've found Elvenesse to have their gates closed a lot of the time. On the other hand, I've never seen Haense close their gates, probably because they're not at war.

      IMO I wish that even places at war opened their gates more often. I think it's better to get raided once every few days than to have new players be unable to get into their character's home city and log off of LOTC forever.

      but then you deal with toxic abductions and weird "my character is a sadistic torturer with no morals or compassion" ppl who will torture RPers and maim their characters for 0 reason

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      all these places suck

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      really helped me out brother, thanks tons hexe !! 

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      anytime, i have a discord specifically for finance if ur interest

    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      calabreeni#2442 add me brother, i've been looking for all the advice i can get after some less than educated FOMOs after the last couple of months LOL

  5. why everywhere i think cool to visit maybe got closed gates ?? i cba bro !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      Server rule should be implemented preventing gates from being closed in cities if there’s no gate guard. 


      >spend 15-20 minutes running

      >arrive to a closed gate 

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      damn its the real mister breeni hows it going bro


      agreed it's my main turn off, very big reason as to why i don't want to return to this map at all. ain't as much fast travel as there was before and yet world devs insist on increasingly huger mapsizes to allow for high decoration, i simply do not want to travel for 75% of my gametime and then arrive to total dissapointment with no will to wait around for somebody to let me in.


      i still wish for a new athera with just a bit more nation spread (having places like dwarves & orcs side by side was a little strange to look at), imo that would be perfect. everything is just way too decentralized and devs don't give people enough SS slots to compensate.

      Edited by _hexe_
    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      hey bro(: it’s okay, playing in my down time again 


      big agree with with everything you said. people always go “well what about ROAD rp?” And since coming back I haven’t rp’d with a single person on the roads, and I travel between several cities often. I try too and they just run past me like a lizard brain. 

      using fast travel hubs to centralize RP in really good builds isnt bad, nobody wants to spend like you said 90% of their time running only to get to an empty nation. give people incentives to go on roads by establishing random ST event with either contact signs or interactions (doesn’t have to be some giant story can literally be mud crabs), and even PvE monsters which drop RP items or minas (idk why this hasn’t been a thing for so long)


      and it’s not like people are gonna do these references roadside taverns either, no build perms or it’s so out of the way from civilization that it’ll die within a week. 

  6. hows ur nite doin

  7. shitass

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. squakhawk


      thats what im sayin' man another for the fellas in the back

    3. DahStalker
    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      🗣 shitass

  8. buy bits coin and et hirium ok

  9. cant blv joel is admin how far can 1 man fall.


    u r in my prayers down under brother @ScreamingDingo

  10. that's not table tennis there's no ******* table
  11. karma police by radiohead

  12. im alive and well and makin gains
  13. this is a really good one quality feller
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