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About NotEvilAtAll

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    Hey dol, merry dol, ring a dong dillo!

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    In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
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    Filibert Applefoot / Dandelion Greenholm
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  1. Pinochet did a lot of things wrong.

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    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      You cited that the lack of foreign investment from a Capitalist Country is one of the causes of the failure of the Socialist Policies. During the 70's the World was not in fact dominated by Capitalism, there was a significant Socialist Bloc of Nations as you should know. But the problem there is there are no entrepreneurs of any significance who can provide Foreign Investment to these Socialist Countries and the Governments themselves do not look for profit so they have no reason to invest. So Socialism will always ultimately fail, not only because of this but because it inspires nothing. Who the **** wants everyone to have equal ownership of your invention, ideas or anything? People should be allowed to profit off their ideas and inventions and **** anyone who says otherwise. People are not equal in ability and creating a system to force equality is just idiotic.

    3. Pinochet




      GOTTA LOVE UR Local Minecraft Fascists ?


      go keep tending to ur minecraft revolution gamer 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      "You cited that the lack of foreign investment from a Capitalist Country is one of the causes of the failure of the Socialist Policies. During the 70's the World was not in fact dominated by Capitalism, there was a significant Socialist Bloc of Nations as you should know."


      Here is a map of the Cold War around the same time Allende was president of Chile. Notice how most of the nations around Chile were Capitalist and aligned with the USA? Furthermore, while Socialist nations did have quite a bit of power at this time, they never really took away the worldwide dominance that Capitalism had. 


      "but the problem there is there are no entrepreneurs of any significance who can provide Foreign Investment to these Socialist Countries and the Governments themselves do not look for profit so they have no reason to invest."


      Socialist countries do trade with each other. Many Socialist nations have been quite reliant on trade between it and other Socialist nations, and Socialist countries have fallen apart when their Socialist allies stop supporting them (North Korea, for example, fell into economic ruin only after the USSR stopped trading with it, while beforehand it had a similar GDP per capita to South Korea). My point is: There is actual investment and trade between Socialist countries, contrary to what you have claimed


      "So Socialism will always ultimately fail, not only because of this but because it inspires nothing."


      Completely ignoring the many inventions under Socialist countries, and that much of the technological development under Capitalist countries were with government funding, which is similar to how the Socialist countries would have done it (At least the Authoritarian Socialist countries, which would've been your average Socialist country at the time seeing as Libertarian Socialism wasn't common). 


      "Who the **** wants everyone to have equal ownership of your invention, ideas or anything? 


      I'm sure the workers would be very happy to not have surplus value from their labor be extracted to make a profit, for one.

      And Socialism isn't equal ownership of everything, it is worker ownership of Production. Socialism is the idea that the people working in a factory/farm/office or other workplace ought to be the people controlling that workplace instead of the wealthy Capitalists. Under Socialism, you can't just walk into a factory and say "I own the place now", it is the workers who work there who own the factory, and if you aren't working there you don't get a say in how it's run.


      "People should be allowed to profit off their ideas and inventions and **** anyone who says otherwise."


      That is just your opinion, and my opinion is that people should not be allowed to extract profit from people working underneath them. 


      "People are not equal in ability and creating a system to force equality is just idiotic."


      If you think that Socialism is forced equality, then you could not be more wrong. Perhaps that is how you'd like to define it, and that's all fine and good, but the moment you interact with any self proclaimed Socialist, you'll run into problems real fast using that definition. People who identify as Socialists do not believe in forced equality, and no Socialist country has ever achieved forced equality (except for Pol Pot's regime, which Socialists universally hate, seeing as he was supported by the CIA, implemented a horrible mockery of Socialism, and was inevitably thrown out by Vietnamese Communists). 


      Seeing as you are using a definition of Socialism that is effectively a strawman that isn't followed by actual Socialists, It is clear that you don't really know what you are talking about.



      I'm done debating you. This has gone on long enough, and it's clear that we are never changing each other's opinions in the slightest. Have fun looking at your helicopter memes, I guess.













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