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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moZtoMP7HAA

    epic funny haha

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  2. Next time I’ll use recording software that isn’t bandicam so there isn’t a big ol’ logo on the top.
  3. NotEvilAtAll

    Surge PvP

    I’m not very good at this
  4. Real shame I didn’t take any shaders videos of the 8.0 halfling build before the build server ended... Anyways, this is a good build. I like the use of vertical space.
  5. It’s absolutely not enough. Not only is there the issue of muffins still being an admin despite not being all that fit for the job, there’s the issue of Telanir assuming her responsibilities with the Community Team, as Telanir is well known for not understanding the community. Folks have a good reason to be mad at this.
  6. admin team is a carnival rn

    1. Nug


      were all clowns here

  7. Orcs are living in some forest area for 8.0.
  8. Telanir, just remember that writing big ol’ important sounding threads with lofty goals, then locking the thread and making no tangible steps towards said goals isn’t going to solve the problems of the server. The Road to 500 looked cool and all, but so far we’ve been making almost no progress towards that goal, perhaps even negative progress. I agree with the other people on this thread. Telanir is not fit to manage the community team, and cannot handle community problems. I hope that it’s just temporary and a better fit will be found soon, otherwise it won’t end well for the server.
  9. Guys let’s not do ship RP for a month that’s kinda cringe bro

    1. Urahra





    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Kit Kat’s dead

    3. Urahra




      my ship is sunk and I didn’t even know it...


      i need a moment....

  10. We got a SPOOKY festival in Brandybrook!


    Halfling pride worldwide!

  11. pedophiles bad


    i await my forum warning points

  12. I’m not saying that these sorts of things are super high detail mega quadrillion IQ multifaceted storylines with twenty bajillion plot twists, but they are stories. I never argued that Slice of Life roleplaying is inherently detailed or complex, just that they are stories, involve plot and storytelling, and should be treated as such. You need to have talent for telling stories to do good Conflict RP, and the same is true with Slice of Life. So far, not a single person who’s attended any of these events has complained about them being boring. They only last for an hour, and a whole lot of stuff is crammed into that one hour. For your information, after this one event in particular that you’ve singled out from all the others, multiple key developments occurred in the village. A marriage proposal was announced, characters grew closer together, and afterwards the Demons invaded Aegrothond nearby and everybody hid in bunkers underneath the earth for 3 hours straight as we waited for it to end. It was about as un-boring as it gets. I’m not doing these events to shield my playerbase from drama, only to make sure that there is a baseline of slice of life to go off of when things go crazy and insane, so that there’s some semblance of “normal” from which other things can be judged. It’s much more interesting to have just been minding your business normally in a settlement when Demons invade than to suddenly respond to a discord ping and rally to defend. You go from the normal world to the insane instead of starting right at insanity. I do these things because people enjoy them. They find it relaxing, interesting, and fun. I’m sorry that you will never be one of those people.
  13. A plot is literally anything you can write a story about. If that story happens to be about planting and harvesting crops, yes, it is a plot. You may not think it’s a very interesting plot, but that doesn’t mean it’s not one. Walden, a book about Henry David Thoreau living in a cabin in the woods for 2 years, has a plot. It is full of nothing but recollections and musings about his experiences, but it absolutely has a plot. There’s no greater conflict inherent to it, unless you try and draw some weird sort of man vs nature conflict out of a man trying to live at peace with the natural world. If I were to go on LOTC, make a cabin in the woods, and then do slice of life roleplay with said cabin, I would thus have created a story. I can put the events of the story on a line and create a storyline. This is a plot. You can write a story about what is happening there. People have literally done this in the real world. EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plot_(narrative) Plot is defined by cause and effect. So long as cause and effect exists, there is a plot. If you are doing Slice of Life roleplay and not conflict RP and there is cause and effect being at play, you are creating a plot.
  14. I literally just organized a series of events in Brandybrook centered around the harvest. There was no conflict involved, unless you consider planting seeds and harvesting them later all in roleplay to somehow be a conflict of man vs nature, but that’s grasping at straws. It was a very fun series of events. I quite enjoyed it.
  15. You can create very detailed and complex storylines without conflict. As long as there is immersion and some sense of direction, conflict is not necessary to create an interesting experience. There is much more to do besides fight things on this server, after all.
  16. Time for all the PvP folks to waste their iron before the map ends and they can’t use it anymore! If anybody wants to use my cruddy editing skills to make a frag video, just send me the clips on discord I’ll see what I can do.
  17. Can’t wait for the 8.0 halfling village where we’ll have actual burrowing space to fit everyone!

  18. Got 8 halflings attending this current Slice of Life event in Brandybrook. Feelin’ good.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      9 halflings now, and one biggun.

    2. Lirro


      wow 9 hole halflings you must be very proud ;**)

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Never change Lirro, never change

  19. More new Elves than Humans? Never thought I’d see the day....
  20. Got a few new folks in the village. Hopefully they can attend this event!

  21. What is ur pfp from?

    1. Remyy


      Fruits Baskets

    2. armajesty


      I don’t check forums much but its from Fruits Basket 2019! Hands down my fav anime/manga.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Cool, i’ll check it out

  22. Halflings are doing great right now, we have 1.62% server activity. As for Orcs, I’m not quite as knowledgeable on them, but they still have a nation and will continue to have a nation in 8.0. Adunians don’t have much, as far as I’m aware.
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