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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. /edit Roleplay toon my VIP edits the other day. Are you sure it’s unlimited?
  2. /edit roleplay is still stealing my edit tokens wtf

  3. Vortex was too ambitious for the time it had available to be worked on before 8.0 launch and suffered as a result.

  4. uhhh i'm assuming paladinism is what's meant by the holy magic 'cause I don't think Clerics are a thing anymore nor are Ascended (though I could be wrong, I ain't exactly involved in the magic scene on the server)
  5. It’s still terrible on mobile
  6. it's probably all bugs, but still a shame we're stuck with it for now.
  7. Man I hope we at least get mobile  forums to a usable spot soon rn it's kinda dissapointinng



  8. off center search bar and a bunch of empty space that makes every forum post look like the south american country of Chile. don't even get me started on mobile can't easily navigate the forums with the three bar symbol at the top like it used to be. you can't even access your profile on mobile without finding a post by yourself to get a link. also all the PfPs are horrendously big and overlap with the text in a really distracting and annoying manner. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  9. Forums aren’t horrible on desktop (though notably worse), but very difficult to use and wonky still on mobile.

    1. rukio


      yes they are

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Well at least it’s usable on desktop. It’s just a pain in the arse to look at 

  10. Okay here's my thoughts on this: -Having settlements set up their own currencies would be a good idea, yes. You are also correct in that LOTC is going to suffer from increased deflation if minas stays at a constant amount while resources stockpile. Ending inflation all together was an overreaction to the inflation of previous maps and probably not the wisest idea in the long run. -Voting minas, on the other hand, did not really need to be nerfed. An extra zero could've been tacked onto the end of every voting reward and it wouldn't have mattered as long as minas sinks also had a zero tacked to the end as well. All it does is determine the value of an individual mina and how easy it is to price individual items. I feel as though minas is a bit too low in quantity right now, and it would've been better to have more Arcas-level minas rewards just to ensure that materials don't get impossible to price fairly on the Auction House or in a shop. If the value of a full stack of something drops below a mina it becomes hard to sell it on the AH, after all, thus it's important to have there be enough minas to avoid this issue.
  11. New forum layout kinda wacky for mobile. Profile pictures on posts are screwy

    1. Burnsider


      Oh buddy, wait until you hear that it's not just mobile. 

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      yep am on computer now and it's still bad

  12. Vortex is a difficult plugin to explain to new players. I hope we get more tool tips and better guides soon.

    1. Nug


      how dare you


    2. NotEvilAtAll


      how dare I??? sorry I don't get this masterful comment please explain

  13. can we please get a better community team admin. i still don't have my competition rewards for zhe build I did 😞
  14. maybe not animals, but having hostile mobs drop minas would be cool. a bit of a throwback to the past.
  15. This here is what was gazed upon at whilst communing with the Holy Spirit to create the finest city in all of mineman. Are you jealous, heretic?
  16. with all due respect, this claim is totally bogus. There is no such thing as being nearly as stunning as Oren's mighty city of Providence, for Providence is the benchmark for perfection brought to blocky form. To claim that an ordinary city such as Sutica could even share a portion of that glory is just absurd, for Providence was constructed in God's image himself.
  17. because then they'd have to spend 2 more months getting every single admin and relevant staff member to give their feedback on it.
  18. this has zero value if you lose the warclaim itself. sure, it makes for funny rep farming, but that's about it. unless you're 30000 iq dwarves who manage to raid Oren into submission before there's even a warclaim raids don't do anything other than serve as propaganda value. war gear isn't all that precious as of yet ever since Ferrum was made available thus removing the huge bronze bottleneck ('cause you could only get 4 bronze per mine harvest as opposed to 32 ferrum). Maybe with more advanced tiers of weaponry that might matter a bit more true but with current rates for iron in mines it seems that Ferrum gear at a minimum is gonna be pretty accessible, which will likely be enough for folks down on their resources to still matter a lot in warclaims (at least, more than they mattered in Nexus PvP anyways). Not to mention that most of the best PvP gear will be reserved for warclaims and not used in raids anyways so even really successful raiders might still see their opponents in top gear for warclaims. Unless they somehow bust into the national vault, it'll be impossible for raiders to deny their opponents good gear they prepared and locked away previously for warclaims. You can't conquer any territory with raids because that all comes down to the big mosh pit battle. You can't defend your land by beating off raids successfully because if you win every raid attempted against you but lose the warclaim you lose PRO. Raids are really just added fluff and flair to the warclaims that really determine the result of the fighting. Sometimes warzones also matter if they provide benefis to the victor, but since warzones aren't mentioned in these rules i'ma assume they aren't gonna be happening much anymore. maybe one day LOTC will move away from 200+ player laggy mosh pit battles and allow for more assymetrical fighting to play a bigger role. I hope we do that one day. I wanna see guerilla and trench warfare play as big a role as pitched siege and field battles with fighting outside of warzones and warclaims being impactful. I wanna see areas conquered by a foreign enemy fight prolonged campaigns of resistance and guerilla fighting rather than getting OOCly evicted en masse after the battle's over. All this cool stuff we don't get 'cause we're too attached to having big ol' laggy battles that determine absolutely everything. ah well what do I care I play a halfling anyways. whatever the case is I won't see much of it.
  19. Anything to prevent a larger power from defeat in detail'ing multiple fronts that they would've lost had the fronts been combined? Like, it's kinda unfair if a coalition fighting a larger power can't combine their forces while the big power gets their entire rally for both fights.
  20. I guess they didn't want there to be giant map-wide coalition wars like there used to be. Which is good I guess, although the big ol' coalitions of the past were the only real countermeasure to snowballing and the only real method for smaller communities finding themselves at war to not face a nearly guaranteed defeat. Maybe if decent rules were written for multi-front wars that wouldn't allow for a large power to just defeat in detail both fronts with their max rally, it'd be alright, but as it stands right now there aren't really any penalties for snowballing besides giving your opponents CBs against you (that they won't win 'cause they ain't getting any stronger whilst losing all their wars) and paying higher taxes (which is an acceptable anti-snowball measure to be fair). Also maybe rules should be written for mercenary groups not attached to a set settlement or nation, just to prevent that from being a contentious issue in the future full of rules lawyering. rip coalition wars I guess. They were funny while they lasted.
  21. I personally just use vanilla textures ever since the post-1.14 texture pack changes came out. The new Vanilla pack is pretty good and makes a lot more blocks viable for building that previously weren't. Conquest and whatnot are good packs and all, but when you build with those texture packs enabled you tend to do block combinations that don't work as well when viewed with other texture packs, also it's sorta a crutch when building because even a flat wall looks pretty good with Conquest, so if you just have Conquest turned on all the time mediocre building might not appear mediocre and it'll be harder to know what you need to improve on. idk about myhic pack. maybe i'll have to try it one day, but ever since the vanilla textures were improved and made more standardized I feel as though the need for non-vanilla texture packs isn't as present as it once was.
  22. how is the number of spots available for creature lore determined? is it set by admins to be some arbitrary number or is there some logic involved in its deduction?
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