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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Give me a Forum Warning Point for this Status Update please.

  2. This thread is fairly self-explanatory. If you have any screenshots of your adventures in LoTC that you’d like to share with people, just put them all in this thread (along with a short description if you wish). I’ll start by putting some screenshots of the Festival of the Applefoots held in Dunshire on December 16th. Gathering in the Tavern to drink some free booze Playing the Halfling sport of Shogging (Harold Applefoot won the tournament, I think) Hunting for edible Truffles in the No-Booze Forest. Sadly, Hearth Underson brought some booze into No-Booze Forest, causing the Sky-Gods to get angry and spite us all with heavy rain and thunder. Trying to wait out the rain in the Applefoot Burrow (It didn’t work, the roof was too leaky and we ended up leaving and braving the rain regardless) Drinking in the Rosenyr Tavern after fleeing the rain in Dunshire. (We were supposed to be having a feast, but the rain put an end to our ability to gather supplies, so we just went elsewhere) Here’s some other unrelated Screenshots to help kick this off: The Belvitz Technology Expo in celebration of the Belvitz-Holm railway
  3. Y’all remember back in the dark and dreary days of the LoTC forums before we had the “Cancel” button?

    1. Jondead


      Oh gods no... 

  4. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/178742-change-in-knoxist-dogma/


    Halflings now worship a massive pumpkin shark that lives in a land of eternal wheatfields

  5. “So I propose we drop the nasty word of “deserve” out of our dictionary when it comes to who gets what. The obvious answer is that whatever makes the smaller groups most active should be applied to the smaller groups, and what makes the larger groups most active should be applied to the larger groups. Merely arguing over who “deserves” this or that leads to nothing but dead ends because at the end of the day we all have different views on what is right and wrong in this Minecraft Roleplaying Server.”


    -From the drama threads happening rn

  6. Anime girls with white hair are the best girls, Dwarves with white hair are the best Dwarves +1
  7. Give us a despacito emoji and I’ll read the Bee Movie Script.
  8. “Okay, t’is is epic” comments Daisy Applefoot as the Globe-headed donkdillerydoodas come back to life. She then rushes into the nearest Halfling burrow and starts drafting her plans to infiltrate the organization to spread the Bernardist agenda.
  9. If anything, time in LOTC should go by faster instead of slower. Faster aging would make the Human curse actually relevant (because who tf even plays one character for 2 years anyways?) and would make it easier to create large, multi-generation families.
  10. Oof the server keeps on crashing for me

  11. Who here is excited for the potential Zizek vs Peterson debates in the future?

  12. I’ll have to start using this myself
  13. If people had to actually play other character’s kids instead of just inventing their own parents, LOTC would be doomed.

    1. UnusualBrit


      This statement  is endorsed by the orphan gang 

  14. Come and join the halflings as they partake in the largest festival since the Great Dunshire Harvest Festival!



  15. Players/Group Requesting: Dunshire, the home of the halflings What kind of Event are you looking for?: A Truffle Hunt in Dunshire Forest, where all the festival goers try to harvest as many truffles as they possibly can ((Basically just this suggestion I made a while back, but in Dunshire: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/174539-event-idea-truffle-hunt/?tab=comments#comment-1643958 )) Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Around 3: 40 PM EST on December 16th, although it could happen earlier or later (The festival goes from 3-5 PM EST* Organizer's Discord: NotEvilAtAll#2321, dkink14#7136, Mystery#1104.
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