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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Remember to nerf the food yeild from animals as well;If you reduce crop yeilds but keep the breeding food yeild intact everyone will just use their crops to breed animals because that would be the most effective way to make food. (Maybe revert it to vanilla drops? Currently killing animals gives you like 3x vanilla amounts of meat)
  2. Shout out to the boys who did the stream for answering a lot of my questions as well as a crud ton of other peoples questions

  3. Any thoughts on what I've said here? @Sporadic ((Sorry that I pinged you....))
  4. This is a bit of a crazy idea... but what if clicking on a block of wheat also harvests the blocks around it? Would that fix this issue or am I on drugs?
  5. In order to revive farming: you need to give food crops actual value Right now a single person can feed an entire city If you want to revive farming, you need to make it so that a single person cannot feed an entire city so that there is a need for more farmers and a higher demand for their produce. Perhaps if you were to make it so that the crops of the last year cannot feed people for the next few years, maybe that would help out with reviving farming. That's all I have to say. Think of it as you will. EDIT: If the term "Make food gathering vanilla", is that referring to removing the use of hoes in farming or making the drop rates and crafting of food vanilla? If it's making the drop rates vanilla, I'm down for it;we need to reduce the amount of food in this game somehow.
  6. You've been on this server for three times as long as I have, yet you have a quarter the rep I do




    Shamefull display

    1. FloralHedgehog


      I'm not such a big forum rat as you are

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  7. What if the halfling race has been prospering this whole time and we just haven't looked downenough to notice it

    1. _Jandy_
    2. dogbew


      I don't know about you, but I look down upon halfmen constantly.

    3. NotEvilAtAll
  8. We wanted craft timers removed, not replaced with something just as bad/worse depending on who you ask

  9. We need to start a peaceful protest in order to remove Nexus entirely 

  10. Comments like these probably don't make the staff think favorably about this club
  11. If it got denied last time I don't think the staff will suddenly change their minds about it
  12. It lives on in our hearts Also, just because you're a patriotic American doesn't mean you have to constantly insult the ground the commies walk on
  13. 6.0 looks nice so far

  14. You're the real liar 

  15. TIL the frostbeards are planning to enslave the entire halfling race for some reason 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      We've looked at their chats 





      The chats don't lie

  16. You should've been there to see the attempted rescue of Olive Burrows done my me and dkink


    It was lit

    1. Archipelego
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      In the end, however, it got voided due to how memey it was



      Nobody complained about the voiding, we all just collectively agreed to void it

  17. Everything either takes a long time to make or is so easy to get it's basically worthless Nexus in a nutshell
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