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11723 Rep Farm CEO

About Unwillingly

  • Birthday 02/19/2003

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    Malphas, Galahad Nullivari
  • Character Race
    Zar'akal, High Elf

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  1. TechLock is literally fine as it is. The entire reason I'm playing LOTC is because it has that medieval fantasy vibe. I want swords, bows, arrows, and armor. Not guns and airplanes and ******* lasers. Jesus.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Unwillingly


      @Hanrahan I see no magic robots on lotc. If you mean the Animii, those are powered by something along the lines of engines and golemancy I think. I've seen someone actually RP being a literal robot, going "beep boop" and all that ****, yeah. Turns out, that player shouldn't have been doing that. I'm just saying that I'd prefer there aren't guns, and that tech-lock is just fine as it is /shrug

    3. monkeypoacher


      yh but what I've learned is that if you want swords and horses you can still have that with magitech rp. especially on this server where stuff like a magic steamboat doesn't really give you that much of an advantage over good ol' nuclear trebuchets 


      **** guns though those need to stay out

      Edited by xxx
    4. saint swag

      saint swag


      magic robots

      atronachs are the closest thing to magical robots and they've been around for a pretty long time with no issues, and animii are alchemical clockwork constructs, just to clarify.

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