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Everything posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. Did a bit of formatting and then added a spell that was a recent addition, hope you guys enjoy and let’s get some lore to this damn thing otherwise I’ll cry
  2. Morgan can’t open the ground but hey at least we’ve got puddles
  3. Water Evocation Lore When the descendants truly grasped tethers in the void, they took fire, lightning, earth and air. Though not many really took up the art of water evocation, a deeply underestimated art, of which was a powerful art where true masters were capable to cast several states with their own properties and abilities, a true multi-tool that gently laid beneath all other evocations. Once water evocation truly rose it’s head people gasped with awe, masters, devoted ones were capable of conjuring torrents of ice shards, send people flying back with extreme jets of water, conjure large shields of ice that merely chipped at arrows. Methodology Water evocation is summoned alike all other arts, the mage focusses their mind on the void, establishing a deep link with it. From there the mage pictures the image of what he wishes to bring forth, be it ice, steam, snow or water. Shaping it to his will is hard to perform and usually, any fine requests come out crude, perfect spheres come with bumps and sometimes even jagged edges and so forth. The water evoker can choose to let his creations hover in the air, dripping with his aura, or let it seep against the ground usually unnoticed. A water evoker requires concentration and sight of his spells to maintain such a spell. The Power of the Cold Water evocation is usually greatly underestimated. A master evoker can create almost boiling water, and steam that can cause third-degree burns and scalds, essentially steam-cooking their victims. Most folk also underestimate frostbite, that is where the temperature of flesh drops to such a scale where the blood and cells within the body begin to freeze. Agonisingly painful and if aimed right, almost lethal. Frostbite in the fingers can cause the cells to die and cause a block where the blood has literally frozen. Usually, exposure to extremely cold ice for around 3 emotes (For Ice that is colder than -50°C (-58°F), ice below -10°C (14°F) will take around 5-6 emotes) Water Evocation at Tier 5 has a temperature range of -78°C (-108.4°F) to 120°C (248°F). The states of these should be respected always, as past 0°C (32.0 °F), ice and snow will turn into water, and past 100°C (212.0 °F), water will become steam. The strength of ice created from the void is also quite sturdy, albeit not as strong as stone, against fleshier targets it will hardly break, only solid stones and metals will it crack or shatter (usual idea is shards will shatter, spheres will crack and may fracture to some pieces), these however still impact energy and even a sphere that shatters on impact with a man in plate could still knock that man backwards. Predisposed spells - Combat A short variety of spells that a water evocationist can utilize in combat, however, this does not mean they are restricted to only combat, water evocation has many applications outside of combat. Note, all these emotes include the connection emote as well (e.g. 4 emotes = 1 connect, 2-4 producing ice) Tiers Redlines Reason for the magic:
  4. Why doesn’t it do this automatically And also thank u Youngie ❤️
  5. @Sporadic First bug for you Stuff like “Hello” he’d say waving Doesn’t split between emote and verbal
  6. Wait what @Viltaren why the **** was it put so recently tho Holy **** you’re right Do you know what’s funny tho Water evo still hasn’t had lore since then
  7. Morgan is sad that he still has no lore but still is a confirmed voidal magic, nonetheless he approves of this cool guide
  8. ((Haelun’or has been repeatedly making trash rp posts about Fenn so this is like a fraction of the retaliation needed, if we were actually serious we would of been raiding them))
  9. Self Input because ? upvotes But yeah, I think that LotC magic shouldn’t have to fight against rapids to get into the server, I mean Necromancy has literally been lost, all the actual Necromancers I know have p much-left the server and have little to no intention of coming back seeing how you shelved their only source of roleplay for over a year now I also think you’re moving a bit too fast, you’re starting up conversations like these when the other 90 magic and stuff still hasn’t started, I mean Alchemy started it’s ‘overhaul’ back at Dunstan’s work on ‘core, variables, regent strength’ works back in August 2018 It’s now the 8th of may and the one thing I wanted to do on this map I still cannot do, and that’s an appalling thing that has turned me into a hellbent toxic cretin
  10. I love the lore but I have one issue that is when whoever created the Dreadknight leaves, all the Dreadknight can really do after a while is just head out and kill random living people with the sole reason of ‘I hate life’ Other than that I do enjoy the lore and what it brings, but there seems to be some methods to prevent it so I shall still give yu a +1
  11. yes Stop with the **** applications <o/
  12. Wonders why one dude has just made him self-appointed void-man
  13. Now I know it’s wiki and all, but it did have a lot of information on it, my one point is that why in the wiki is it talking about 1k years old, but now the cap is going near 400, that’s 600 years difference ? I’d go with what others are saying and remove age restrictions to some point, I know rn orcs who are ~400 and it just seems a bit huh to just force several players to kill off their characters like that Law will damage players who have done nothing wrong and are developing their characters still, so I cannot support this lore till I see the edits to allow all players to benefit and enjoy it are present.
  14. Ahh, fair, looked like Inkarnate mountains
  15. Inkarnate? I love it ❤️
  16. Can I have more books for my shelf
  17. I do enjoy that this has alternations from just alchemy which is nice from you, especially ones with mana crystals instead of alchemy straight is quite good
  18. As a puddlemancer I can affirm that this looks like a good puddle I’d slap my +1 on it
  19. I think people misread why I put the YouTubers there, it was essentially there to express how swords really move and attack, too many players emote “swings at their arm”/leg/hand/etc without saying HOW they do it which is a crucially important thing as you can stop blades going to swing at your hand very easily with your sword just by moving it a little, doing so could allow for a counter.
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