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Everything posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. 466128977bcf16962981542679ca50ad.png

    We're getting good statistics boys, if you're an active magic user please quickly note it! It's anonymous (no mc or rp names recorded) ❤️❤️ 



  2. Dw, I intend to update the survey when new magics get accepted 🙂
  3. @WarNeverChanges_ teLL me what I missed and I'll add it bby housemagery sucks that's why I hope a new flam arises to make u redundant
  4. Hiya there So out of a bored curiosity I'm interested in seeing what magic is prevalent and which is not on LotC right now. This survey below is for any mages or alchemists and is anonymous (only requires you to sign in so ya' don't mess with results). Your MC and RP names aren't tracked on here so don't worry about metagame. This is only for statistics. https://forms.gle/2j8qnzTn7mHr5Y6Z8
  5. can't say it's the void causing the problem if I light them on fire bi-weekly 🙂
  6. CRP fights for me have usually gone one of three ways: One way I'm fighting someone I know OOC, this person and I can communicate and we have fun sorta going toe to toe with each other The other is I've tried to take an offensive on someone (e.g. attack) these usually have the person being overly *evades* as, well I can understand it to, death is **** And the third is when I've been attacked by people who have no intent to CRP but moreover wanted to use it as a medium to transfer to PVP (e.g. a case in one city where the person clearly had no idea what he was doing in combat but was stating what should happen and just said 'do you wanna do pvp instead??')
  7. mm brain i like the pretty colours and i do miss getting mind-fucked and not just by the staff teams
  8. Monsters by Blackbear you deserve a medal sir
  9. How is it gonna feel when we can actually make bronze


    Edited by JustMeMorgan
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Believe it or not, in vortex lead is higher tier than iron or bronze, by a significant margin at that bizarrely enough.

    3. JustMeMorgan



      why couldn't it just be






      Higher stuff


      Why the **** do we need lead??

    4. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Filler, I assume.

      It goes 









      Invar (a irl modern alloy of nickle and iron that is super hard to make with modern machinery, which is nickle + lead in vortex)



      Bluesteel, etc.

  10. ((IC)) Name: Vulln'maelu Race: Mali'aheral Applying For: Co-head Librarian Age: 300 Experience: An ancient and wizened elf magi with great experience as a gatherer of knowledge as well of keeping it, has even donated numerous times to the library as to help preserve knowledge. Seeking to settle down and have some form of occupation as I possess a lot of experience in places of teaching or as roles in it, e.g. Holm. Citizen of Elvenesse: Yes ((OOC)) Time Zone: GMT IGN: JustMeMorgan Discord: Morgan#5032
  11. A smaller piece of paper is kindly added to overlayed paper prior, seemingly a small strip of text from the recently released Indor Tiran - Codex Elvenesse 4.1. Voidal Magic The practise of any magecraft which draws upon the void is prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Practitioners who’re found to be actively utilising said arts are in contempt of this ruling. A misdemeanour. However, an exception can be made in the event an individual is granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government. A small piece of text thereafter stating: "Simply a misdemeanour if utilised within the city, furthermore, if the Father Circle wishes to create a felony due to their beliefs, this should be taken to Feanor rather than stated as menial Threat.
  12. A poster is placed up within the lands of Elvenesse Seeking The Mundane Who Wish For Knowledge This is an open invitation to those of a particular description that shall be detailed further, to learn the arcane art water evocation. Individuals of this taste must fulfil a set of desired traits. Firstly, they shall be residences of Elvenesse with a clean record within the city which also must be upheld for teaching to continue. Secondly, individuals must bear no previous history of the arcane or mystical arts; they must be pure to the mechanics of this realm or the next. Furthermore on this note they shall not have any family connection to individuals within the Father Circle of druids - as to prevent future conflicts. Thirdly, individuals must have a personality of which they are curious of this world and it's fundamental mechanics and be pure at heart. Theory teaching shall be done within the city, however actively practicing the art shall be done outside its limits as to respect the laws of this city. A nearby ruin shall be a typical teaching spot, so individuals should also possess warm clothing as the wind and weather can be quite temperate. Those interested please find myself in the city, or send a letter detailing your curiosity and it's reasoning in detail. I may only have three students at maximum so please try to get a space as soon as available. Signed, Vulln'maleu.
  13. I will say that I find it quite disappointing that the development team have tried to get the player base to create a guide from code they have not worked on, rather than them create one themselves. I find it as a way for them to cut corners as they might not be confident or skilled enough to write their own guide for their project. I will say that although as someone who supports Vortex, as I enjoy the system somewhat, cutting corners and getting players to do something that should be their part of development is very lazy and improper. p.s. to those writing it, some of those recipes are inaccurate and have changed as well as how there are more stations such as the woodworking station.
  14. The fact that it was fire evocation that was used as a 'powerful magic and not water evocation' :(( Though I do greatly support this tutorial, I know for us experienced people it may seem quite simplistic but for those who are new it is a good basis to understand the etiquette for how to do this sorta stuff 🙂
  15. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.
  16. the fact this man had to type out this lore format it add redlines add spOILERS even if it’s a meme +1 because flam is gone
  17. Although I will not be interested in getting this iteration of Naztherak and as an ex-naztherak, I can say that this is quite a hefty and very balanced piece of lore on top of this the contents of the lore are pretty cool only suggestion is please give it spoilers to make it not this wall of text :-;
  18. perhaps just Fast travel that heads to certain ‘middle regions’ If you look at the black circles with red in them for example, having sort of ‘traveller camps’ there, it would allow players to cut across the map faster Running from CT has a lot of winding roads, for instance running to Fenn can take 5 mins if you legit just head out of CT and then go over the mountains to the NE of it, orrrrr you could take a 20 minute walk all the way around, through two forests etc etc Having travel camps allows players to easily cut down time while not making an Axios map (Where we just had massive travel hubs and nobody ever used the streets again except for some specific ocassions) Travel camps that are put in the middle grounds between nation hubs (e.g. if you see in the Western spot it’s between 3 different nations and close to 2 others, and in the bottom right one it helps cut the distance to the very far out regions by half. Hell I could add one by the arch to the South west and far North East, then we can have all corners of the map as quick travel routes)
  19. I swear the more and more I read this thread the less and less I understand the replies on it as people are trying to use complex language to overpower the others (Norman Fairclough, Language and Power) For this reason, I’ll try to refine what I’ve been saying. As all of us know, LotC is far from a safe space. Though that does not mean we have to make it uncomfortable for players. Many players (though not all) may use LotC as a place to exercise their personality in a manipulated version of their original self (I.e. playing a gay character as they themselves are gay, though without inserting too much of their own external personality) as well as this, many players exercise alternative personalities onto their characters which may contradict or go against their beliefs out of character (Atheists playing zealots, individuals heavily involved with the LGBTQ+ community however play characters that are aggressive to LGBTQ+ characters, etc etc). These are two ways of playing LotC and neither is better than the other, it’s simply a playstyle on how they like to enjoy this medium. With that out the way, we can discuss the interactions between such. Some of the races within LotC have reasons to deter homosexual relationships for example, elves and their curse of fertility. This however could be argued against as it could be suggested that not all individuals from that race would desire offspring as it is just something that they do not desire. When many of us on this thread discuss issues of homophobia, we are discussing issues typically specified on the section where two players are inserting their out of character selves into their persona. This in my eyes is where I find any offence, as characters are using their persona as a method of applying aggression on LGBTQ+ characters in a place where they cannot be confronted for such actions when in modern society they might have such views frowned upon. Typically I hold no ill-thoughts against characters of the other category – that being, individuals who are playing characters that may hold negative or even aggressive beliefs against LGBTQ+ characters while out of character not having the same stance, in this way the player can typically see what type of behaviour is acceptable and are usually quite self-aware on their boundaries. (These characters I typically find as quite fun to watch, as they are typically more ‘Ah! A homosex! teach them the ways of GOD! Someone hand me the holy book!’ rather than ‘a dirty f**** homosex, cut off their hands, tear out their eyes and make them sit through 30 mins of torture rp’ (although I will not accuse them of being OOCly homophobic I’d still suggest that the players who act like this should check their boundaries and check the comfort of the other player) LotC is not a safe space, it can never be a safe space of course. Though as I had said in an earlier reply that does not mean we should deliberately make it uncomfortable for other players. We all hold the ability to respect another individual and we should try to uphold that. The best roleplay on LotC in my experience comes from tense situations between players who out of character are having fun, even if it does mean the loss of life in one of those characters. Duels and fights, arguments, brawls and violence can become an interesting story when both players are enjoying it. Tl;dr lotc not safe but doesn’t mean we should try to make it unsafe, players play LotC differently and that’s okay, try to respect people and try not to be excessive in roleplay from external beliefs ❤️
  20. I do love how some comments from players are talking about how ‘oh if you can’t handle a bit of homophobia rp then this server is not for you’ Homophobia rp ranges between ‘ew a homosex’ to ‘******* kill the gays’ so I think people need to understand that some people of an LGBTQ+ disposition (e.g. transgender individuals) may feel uncomfortable when they play a trans person and are having their hands and feet torn off as well as being branded when hate crimes against transgender people are incredibly high in the real world. LotC is not a safe space, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t allow players to make it their safe space. If someone doesn’t wish to rp something they are not comfortable with, as long as they’re not the provokers of the situation then typically there should be no reason to just move on with our lives and avoid the situation.
  21. p much that yeah Placed in an ideology can be fun, it gives you the ability to make outlandish and almost comic jokes “Is that a homosex? How dare thy against GOD!” and so on, it’s only really malicious when there is a stringent use of homophobia to the point it no longer feels to be a valid representation of the roleplayed character (tl;dr difference between RPing a character within a restrictive culture than RPing a character as outlandishly homophobic for the use of projecting OOC ideals in a malicious way)
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