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Everything posted by Tulan

  1. For the sole purpose that it is backed by some Orenian power group I say no. You have enough with your swords, stop trying to gain that edge.
  2. “Finally, this is about time.” Lyam Verheyen smiles as the news would reach him. “This should go for all nations.”
  3. “May Luara guide him toward the spirits of his ancestors, where he may find rest.” Ruathar Indoren sighed at the senseless killing. “We will bring justice to the Mori’Quessir for their callous attempt to disrupt our people’s resolve, but I tell them now that we will not bow to the will of such merciless servants of darkness. For each one of us you bring down, a hundred of yours shall fall.” He finishes.
  4. “You succeeded by mere diplomacy, where as you lacked in military numbers.” Lyam Payne states the obvious. “Your false bravado is amusing though.”
  5. Lyam Payne shakes his head as he is let through the gates of the so-called ‘rebellious’ province of Warwick. “We will see what the future has in store for the good men and women of Suffonia.” He continues on his way toward his home and makes his way to his study, sitting down in the chair before the fireplace, lost in thoughts.
  6. Ruathar simply reads over the treaty with a look of indifference, continuing on with his day without a care for this.
  7. I see no problem with this, we have Muslim, Christian, and Norse mythology inspired religions/people, the fact people make a big deal out of this is silly. You get a +1 from me.
  8. Lyam would hope that this would not undermine his distillery, frowning slightly as he reads the announcement.
  9. Make The Mines Great Again!

  10. Prepare yourself, England.
  11. Ban arrows in WC

  12. IN-CHARACTER NAME: Armand de Sevigny USERNAME: Vorgraven AGE: 23 RACE: Heartlander
  13. Tulan

    warzone fun :)

    And now let’s see the unedited video, meanwhile I wonder why anyone get a hard on watching this dull thing.
  14. Good! World Domination in 1, 2, 3, here we go!
  15.  Get ready Marna


  17. Good job Renatians! AVE!

  18. Ah, no point in fighting Mojang over it then, guess we’ll just have to get used to it. Yikes.
  19. Why change the chat settings when they have functioned fine? Hashtags will not contribute to anything other than appeal to young people. Using slash has worked perfectly for as long as I can remember, and I don’t see anyone complaining about the current chat. And the fact you think it’s alright to shove something unwanted down on us when it’s clear some do not want it.
  20. If anyone is interested in joining the Keint Household as guards/soldiers add me on discord (Vorgraven#7704) Or send me a PM here on the forum.

    1. Tulan


      You’re welcome to join with other positions than just those  if interested. Payment can be discussed in PM.

      Edited by Vorgraven
  21. And if you had seen his later post you had noticed he decided to not bring this event here. Do continue digging for crappy excuses to lash on this poor man, like you all have for almost a month? If not more.
  22. I did, doesn’t say it is going to be an RP event. Maybe time to give the guy a break?
  23. This is not even related to the server RP from what I could tell, probably why it is in creative writing. It seems your personal dislike for Dragon is the only reason you’re here. And not to read a semi good story, but just to lash out. You people sure are dense.
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