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Status Updates posted by Punished_Pup

  1. Goofy for Satin to get banned (unless there was more that we don't know), but it was just as goofy for him to commit low tier online vigilantism instead of reading a book or literally anything else to improve himself than wasting his time over "hehe wheel person".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      @JentosYeah my bad to suggest that Satinkira spend his time doing something more productive, there was 100% more than a single 'joke' to have been made for moderation to decide to ban him, right or wrong, there was infinitely better ways for Satin to spend his time and he wouldn't have been banned over something menial. The only reason I felt compelled to say anything isn't because I'm mad or anything, but because I walked that, I was pissed due to situation that happened, so I quit the server for about two years, read books, learned some Java, built a server box, as that was a better use of my time than trying to be a passive aggressive troll, even if it would have been considered justified.


    3. Jentos


      Perhaps your bitterness is justified? Perhaps it is not. I do not know the truth of the matter. You seem to know more than you let on however, unless you derive from assumptions. I can only know what Kira has told me - and it never seemed he did much (I must admit he is a dear friend of mine - and I’ve never known him to be some evil brute), the report was never shown to him so he himself doesn't quite know what it was that exactly got him in trouble. You make a mistake, however, in assuming that others must necessarily meet your expectations. Reading a book and teasing/trolling others is not a mutually exclusive activity. It’s a bit unrealistic, and unfair too! I am sorry, however, if you feel this way. It seems you have very strong feelings with the situation at hand, and for what it’s worth, we unfortunately dont appear to be seeing eye to eye. 

    4. Punished_Pup


      I'm be real, I'm just gonna work out how to do texturing.

  2. Guys, I don't think Funky realized he disabled comments.. 

  3. I guess they're not Musin-ing about!

    1. Benleft


      I will Walter White the **** out of you pup

  4. I had to write something here, so I could post this meme, please up vote or something, I have to feed my family on LotC with up votes.


  5. I thank thy oh great restarter of LotC, for the rest of our gods have left us to suffer.

    1. LotsOfMuffins
    2. Whiplash


      i often forget what it’s like to use my legs

  6. I'm on my Joker arc, sorry gamers.


    1. Epistile


      It's not about the mina... it's about sending a /msg

    2. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order... and everything becomes chaos. 



  7. I’ve been gone for about a month and idk what the **** is happening anymore. This server be wilding.

  8. Idk is it just me or has RP communities in general just become a **** ton more toxic? Realized some of that salt was rubbing off on me recently 😬

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ark


      I’ve had the opposite experience personally, now feel like now that the average maturity on the server is so much better than it was when I first started playing. 

    3. Punished_Pup


      Yeah I think is kinda whack because for the most part I’d say the few people I run with aren’t really toxic, but I found the RPing community at large seems more toxic than when I first started back in like 2011, but I just keep hearing so much stories of people dealing with toxic stuff that it makes me feel bad, but I just feel like a lot more people are just kinda playing for whatever little power they can get rather than just tryna have fun. A lot of the time I see IC and OOC clash with each other so it just kinda ruins the experience imo. 

    4. Lojo613


      Its about the same level of toxicity as it was in 2014



  10. Imagine making citizen doors public during an on going conflict.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      Indeed, red tag moment.

    3. Nooblius


      Wait, what? @Venomous_Pup Why did admins do that? Who was being kept out?

    4. Punished_Pup


      Basically during on going conflict citizen doors got made public and someone was able to flee as a result without proper emoting, was handled with modreqs.

  11. Is Oren being cancelled or something lol

    1. Punished_Pup


      Nope, being baited with forum titles.

    2. Urahra


      oren’s always being cancelled bby

  12. Its that time of year again, ain't it.

  13. Ivarielle's Haelun'or is beautiful! I can only hope the rebels, blinded, will see such one day AY'IVARIELLE AY'LARIHEI AY'HAELUN'OR

    1. _Sheylo_



  14. Let me become Story Admin, okay thank you.


    1. Banned


      Finish your eventline first

    2. Punished_Pup


      Tune into tomorrow.

  15. Live free, no Gods, no Masters. Escape the grasp of Nations and thrive!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Living in Freebuild/on a small charter still lets you RP if you know how to create your own narratives.

  16. Looking for someone who wants to play a kid, DM me on Discord @ Pup#0428.


  17. Looking for something to do on my main cheese High Elf, anyone got suggestions or something I could join.

    1. Asuno


      Become an epic Ninja High Elf that kills other Ninja High Elfs!!

  18. Lore games boutta go on forever now.

  19. LotC died to corona virus.

  20. LotC PvPers couldn’t survive MW2 Lobbies.

    1. Harri


      nice stolen joke -_-

    2. Venomous_Voop
    3. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      i grew up in the MW2 lobbies before I got into MC-PVP

  21. Massive OOC salt.

  22. Me getting home from morning shift and looking at the forums


  23. Me on Musin


    1. EdenCringe


      help he won't stop fanboying in vc about Musin :O


    2. Punished_Pup



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