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Status Replies posted by Werew0lf

  1. would any artists here be able to make a cool album cover?

  2. how would you guys suggest creating incentive for farmer rp? i've started thinking about this recently and tbh i wonder if it's possible to have a class-based society on lotc, as i haven't seen a true peasants v nobles society in my short time here

  3. what do you guys think is lotc's most original piece of lore?

    1. Werew0lf


      22 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

      genuinely never seen something as creative on this server

      lies stfu

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. whats the deal with the eclipse thing. shouldn't the entire world be a frozen hellscape if the sun has been blocked out for more than a few days, let alone irp months?
    or have staff just not changed it back. or its just a "dont think about it too hard its just meant to look cool, moment"

    1. Werew0lf


      43 minutes ago, Rebellionlife said:

      In the past we have seen volcanos cause a blockage of the suns light causing a decrease in the global temperature by one or two degrees. Although an eclipse means theres still a sun its often only a few minutes as Royal said. If we had an eclipse that lasted days the amount of sunlight would be severely cut and there definitely be a decrease in global temperature as well as death of plant life that requires a certain amount of sunlight over a certain amount of time. Also animals use the sun to tell time, so animal sleep schedule would be fucked, irl eclipses have shown animals behaving abnormally and if an eclipse lasted days it would screw the entire ecosystem. I'd love to see the ooc world change due to this event instead of just a random red text but like, Aevos is a large map. The amount of time it would take to change all the jungles and forest and remove the leaves to make brown ones or collapsed trees and add more ice and snow everywhere would take a lot of time. Maybe just do it in popular places? 


    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  5. whats the deal with the eclipse thing. shouldn't the entire world be a frozen hellscape if the sun has been blocked out for more than a few days, let alone irp months?
    or have staff just not changed it back. or its just a "dont think about it too hard its just meant to look cool, moment"

    1. Werew0lf


      It is an eclipse. The sun is not gone. There should be a world region text to clarify this. 



    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  6. st i beg you for a BREAK

    1. Werew0lf


      how to make an infinite fart cycle:


      - fart in mouth

      - comes out through nose 

      - goes back in mouth

      - cycle repeats



      good luck.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. st i beg you for a BREAK

    1. Werew0lf


      no ***** way THE periphonics has asked for a break holy shit dude no way T^T 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. guys what do you mean you're taking a shower xan just died!!

    1. Werew0lf


      don’t personally care if people don’t acknowledge it if the minority who did the eventline had fun. not forcing nations into events that they won’t care about anyways. 

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  9. took 1 day before the tears started rolling. good effort. 

  10. Friend has had a CA open for almost a week pending an LT verdict. Is it just normally a slow process or is there someone I should try and bug?

    1. Werew0lf


      Hey dude. Be patient dude. Like. Just be patient dude.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Friend has had a CA open for almost a week pending an LT verdict. Is it just normally a slow process or is there someone I should try and bug?

    1. Werew0lf


      It isn't usually this long. They're just making an LT verdict due to other reasons. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. making your persona name shit like "The Soldier" "The Seeker" "The Wanderer" is ******* stupid. no one calls you that. stop

  13. I am thinking about returning to LOTC after almost 3 years of inactivity. IDK if anyone will see this, I am not posting it to forums but to my own page. I had been in roleplay scenarios for years before joining, however it was the first time I was in a genuinely welcome and engaging community. Because of that, I got to experience a part of myself I had hidden up until that point in time. I portrayed a female character. To me, it was huge. It was taboo. It was unacceptable. I kept it a secret from everybody I knew. And because of that, I got to experience things in character that I was ashamed of in my real life, and I took my first few steps out of the closet through her.

    It was a way of expression that I did not understand for years to come. I came out as Gay not long after leaving LOTC behind, and have lived my life as proudly as I can. I was explosive, angry, and mistrustful right from the get-go because of all of the conflicting emotions in my head. That doesn't excuse the things I said or did (including arguing with some staff). Still, I remember how much influence this had on me, and how it helped me see the toxic and hateful side of myself that had been pushed onto me by the people I should have been able to trust in my life.


    When I think about my queer journey and experiences, a huge part of it happened right here, on a silly little Minecraft site. It finally let me live out my ideal life, even if it was through a fictional character. For that reason, I say thanks. If you're reading this, and are a part of this community, thank you.

    1. Werew0lf


      heard what you said about zachosnacko …

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. lets spread some positivity- name your least favorite lotc character and @ them :)

  15. What MA, FA, or CA would you like to see added to the server and why?

    1. Werew0lf


      werewolves (who would have thought)

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. add me on discord

    discord: 12345678990111102852943869494959

  17. need 2 more people for terraria calamity mod NOW!

    (u need to be better than me idk how to make buildings n stuff). 

    1. Werew0lf




      wanna see my last terraria playthrough town



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. I am so glad people are getting my char's reference now...


  19. always remember thats a grown ass man behind the screen

  20. Brilliant idea; if ST are allowed to implement PK clauses during events, we should be able to implement ST resignation clauses if the ST fails the event. Don't worry, we'll make it worth their while.

  21. 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
  22. the freak in disguise. pretending to do a woman for a revenge arc is freaky. malik freaky. 

    1. Werew0lf


      sluggbuggo going on a tyriad about all ST being pedos and then he alts pretending to be a cute female 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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