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Status Updates posted by SimplySeo

  1. I can't believe Nooblius43 used his staff buddies to assassinate his political rivals.

  2. History really is a cycle.

  3. Its a yearly tradition

  4. I have a slot I'm not rlly using and can't commit to an idea of what to use it for.


    Any communities/groups/families have any interesting shit going on for 'em rn.

    1. L0rdLawyer


      Try an orc! @Panasheacan tell you more!

    2. S1nnerVsSa1nts


      I might have a character needing to be played! Tossed you a FR on Discord :)

    3. Nooblius


      peter sarkozic's son

  5. Can I turn myself in for things I feel deserved a warning point I'm tired of my friends thinking I'm a *****

    1. Nooblius


      Post a meme without a spoiler and you can get one

  6. Were we the baddies?

  7. show me on the totem of undying where the bad man touched you

  8. Behead those who insult Yemekar

  9. Yemekar hates taxes

  10. Man folks, I just don't know what to do on LOTC these days, y'know what I mean?

    1. Laeonathan


      Not really, there is soooo much to do for me... something's always fun is making a char in a completely different group then what you're used to. Getting out of dwarves really helped to regain my fun for LOTC. Dwarves are a very special group RP wise and kinda dead in my timezone. There's a whole bunch of things I wanna do... Farfolk, Elf, Spook, Halfling... I also noticed the moment I decided to actively make friends in my timezone and rping with said friends its soooo much more fun. Honestly, I barely had more fun then on the last 1 month. A big mistake I did was play in the same group ALL THE TIME. First I only hung out in Oren for a year, then I was with dwarves only. Having different char in many different places is just a way better choice for me personally.

    2. Narthok


      do something cool

  11. My ancestors are smiling at me Imperial, can you say the same?

  12. Why is everyone so angry.

  13. Seeking sinners who are halfway decent with armors and possibly fur cloaks n such. Price range is 300-400 per skin.

    1. khovend


      send me a dm on discord dixie 


    2. SimplySeo
  14. Anyone wanna play Shogun 2 Total War with me sometime later this week. I've been watching a lot of The Shogunate's videos and I've been on a Japan kick lately.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Shogun 2 is pretty good ngl. Haven’t played it but I have played the original Rome Total War and from what I’ve heard Shogun 2 is even cooler.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      If you have Rome 2 Total War, I'd play with you. Unfortunately I dont have Shogun 2.

  15. My brother bought an entire ******* box of eggs and it has taken up most of the fridge for about a week now. I've been making omlettes for the entire family for the last four days and I'm only half way through all these goddamn eggs.


    Why does one man need so many goddamn eggs.

  16. Anxiety is a *****


    How are y'all

  17. Can we fish again yet. I want to make fermented fish.

  18. Every time there's an election in Urguan it turns into a skit from the Death of Stalin.

  19. Please for the love of god just give us resource pits back

  20. Trying to come up with Norse-sounding surnames is hard when you take into account they didn't use surnames.


    Writing is hard.

    1. Sham404


      Put -dottir or -sson on the end of a normal name or give them a name based on a nickname such aa Lothbrok meaning hairy britches



  21. A lot of people use LOTC and collaborative fiction writing in general as a form of escapism. I dunno who needs to hear this, but there's nothing wrong or cringy about using roleplay as a way of de-stressing, even if it is on minecraft.


    Take care of yourselves, and be kind to one another. I spent an unhealthy amount of time on this server feuding with people, and being absorbed by mineman drama. Don't let those things get in the way of the reason why you came here, to have a good time, and to have fun writing with people.

    1. Shorsand


      having fun is pure enlightenment

    2. Laeonathan


      so much truth

  22. I just wanna mine.

  23. Only four more dentist appointments for fillings. Not the end of all the work, but its a start.

    1. herculean_wud


      i hope everything goes well bro 

      Edited by grubgoth_wud
    2. SimplySeo


      Thanks. Been a year from hell, but I'm working through it.

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