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Creative Wizard
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  • Birthday 10/31/2002

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    Ser Vylandris Vuln'ibar
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  1. Screenshot_6.png.5c05d619bb1d96268efc63f3fc039692.png
    What is the actual point of there being an age requirement of 13 when it isn’t actually enforced in any way. There are people who clearly underage that are able to continue playing the server. But why? What’s stopping them from just claiming to be 13 (or some other close number) despite in reality being a preteen. LotC has had issue with pedophiles in the past that take advantage of this problem that plagues LotC. In fact, the pedophilia problem is one of the biggest reasons why people who used to play aren’t anymore. The age requirement, from my understanding, is to prevent younger people from graphic roleplay and on the darker side being under the influence of nefarious neckbeard predators that are attracted to roleplay servers like LotC while also filtering and keeping the more mature players in and kicking the immature players out if they don’t seem LotC-roleplay ready (which honestly doesn’t mean a lot these days). So with this in mind, why isn’t much been done to prevent incidents that result because of obvious preteens still playing. This could be prevented to some extent by raising the age requirement a few years higher (to 16 or 17 even) and temporarily banning younger players to ensure that the average maturity among players is higher and to prevent (or at least discourage those) who try to take advantage of young players. Of course, I think removing child predators is a much preferable alternative but unfortunately we can’t get them all until they do something wrong to show that they are one..


    tl;dr Increase age requirement to discourage child predators and increase average maturity levels.


    Yes, I acknowledge it isn’t 100% effective but I know it would be better than what we have now.

    Edited by Crevel
    Adding a disclaimer so people don't think I'm pro-pedophile.
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    2. Crevel



      The "27 year old"'s application was to demonstrate quality of roleplay that is allowed on LotC, nothing to do with age. 


      @JaedenYou wouldn't need photo ID to be taken from those to figure out what their age is. Generally you can find out someone's age by seeing how immature they are and by corroborating other occurrences you find. Recently I found an application of someone who claimed to be 13 on their application but they had an '09' in their email that they used (publicly displayed) which makes me think that they were in fact actually 10 years old. 


      @Youngie5500 The thing with pornography sites is that generally you don't have 12 year olds making accounts where they comment, so it would be incredibly difficult to catch them in the first place. But this is a Minecraft server, not a porn website. Player interactivity with each other allows us to be able to get a rough idea on someone's age by their voice (if they're in an LotC related voice channel), how they act in roleplay and ooc.



      Same. ?

      Edited by Crevel
    3. J


      Perfect idea. Let's just assume ages based on circumstantial soft evidence and/or behaviour profiling. I've seen 30 year olds on here act like 5 year olds, this isn't a suitable way to confidently gauge an age enough so the rule could be enforced without scrutiny.

    4. Crevel



      If there are 30 year olds that act like 5 year olds, why are they kept on the server? I myself have seen people who I know to be in their late teens (who I can confirm) who are slightly childish but they’re still capable of functioning in a roleplay environment. If there really are 30 yr olds acting like preteens, they’re probably not suitable for a roleplay environment. I see nothing wrong with behaviour profiling in the sense of maturity. Who is much more likely to be more mature? A 26 year old or a 12 year old? -And sure, you can suggest it to be circumstantial evidence when it’s incredibly close which is why you look into it and interact with the person more to gauge whether they’re a suitable age for the server or not. The main reason, I see, to getting rid of younger people off the server is not for “omg they’re bad roleplayers”, but to protect them from the strange people that LotC attracts because when that doesn’t happen; it messes with the victims for the rest of their lives.

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