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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Evonpire

  1. Give the Halflings a Tank.

    1. greygre


      Give halflings W.M.Ds

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Some of the halfling 8.0 builders made a tank. The Thain destroyed it. Then they tried to hide it in the sky. The hidden tank in the sky was also destroyed.

  2. Hi, piggybacking off Jentos here, but if anyone wants to play Paladin-alligned Automatons or Golems HMU.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evonpire
    3. Werew0lf


      hopefully the paladins realize im going to **** them over because i dont care about narrative but ooc grudges LOL!

    4. squakhawk


      i’m administrator squakhawk and THIS is my favorite group on the server 

  3. Honestly, I really think for the better of the server the new activity rules should be loosen. As a RO of a T3 charter filled almost exclusively with Hou zi, a CA race, it is unfair for us to have to keep a 2%, which even a nation like Krugmar can only get abit over is ridiculous. Killing our charter would destroy our rp and any chance of building up a playerbase.  

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      The current objective of the staff is to force smaller communities to stop existing so they all move to larger settlements and boost the server’s activity . Of course, this destroys a lot of LOTC’s cultures that aren’t able to maintain a large playerbase, making LOTC less diverse as a side-effect.


      Honestly, I think the server’s large enough as it is, and I think the staff should try and promote diversity and culture instead of raw activity now. There’s so many people on the server that features have to be disabled for it to be playable, and there’s no possible way to fit more people on the server without splitting up the server into several other ones like a minigames server. Now that we have as many players as we can possibly fit onto a single instanced world, we should focus on improving the quality of the server instead of the quantity of people on it.

    2. _Jandy_


      Y’all chose to leave an environment you were thriving in. Of course I’m not a fan of the current activity system since it mostly encourages sitting afk in a city rather than going out to rp. 

      If you guys wanna try to saddle back up with Krugmar though shoot a pm to any member of leadership, KBR and Cao-Cao are both gone so a reunion may be in both groups best interest.

    3. PosidonX7


      If you are having issues with reaching activity requirements, yet wish to preserve your culture and playerbase, you are always welcome in Llyria. Llyria has quite a number of Hou-zi residing in it.

  4. i am evonpire

    1. Astrophysical


      oh my gawd...

    2. Turbo_Dog


      He is him

  5. I am Evonpire 

    1. Laeonathan


      Really? So am I! I think in the depth of our hearts we're all Evonpire.

    2. Unwillingly


      no, I'm dirty dan

    3. Greehn
  6. I am Evonpire, and I say E – E.

  7. I feel this is fully necessary.


  8. I remember when you were a pink name smh. 

    1. HogoBojo


      Started from the bottom, now we’re here. 

  9. I'm getting heavy wonk ca flashbacks from the alchemy apps. 

    1. Somersetting


      these are all grandfathered ones I think, people who’ve been doing alchemy for ages and now just need to document it

    2. Evonpire


      Ah coolio 

  10. If anyone's confident with making orcs skins hit me up @ Evonpire#0044. Will pay usd.

    1. creamynoteblock
    2. _Jandy_


      use one of my free ones :)

  11. Jesus Myst that’s some powerful apps.

  12. remove item desc limits

  13. road to 500 guys

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