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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Vermy

  1. There goes my character development...
  2. Yes, Yes, Yes. The hou-zi needed this, and I can’t say you did anything but surprise me with the great product you made. Also that formatting is muy sexy
  3. I do really appreciate your input and hard work on such a piece of lore. However lore for subraces isn’t taken lightly and new races almost never get accepted. I think the overall idea wouldn’t work on the current LOTC server..
  4. Really nice formatting, add some picture references to bump this up from an 8 to a 9 out of 10!
  5. Merry Christmas and a jolly month of December! Best of luck to you all! This is my Build Submission: I hope you enjoy my take on a Yeti!
  6. How very wholesome... I’m very much looking forward to our teamwork for future projects! I hope as time passes you’ll discover our shared love for dark humour. You’re a guy that always makes me chuckle as I creepily stalk in the shadows of VC. Merry Christmas, best wishes and talk to you soon!
  7. Yeah the time was definitely off. I get it was the only possibility for managers but europeans aren’t going to be joining when it’s at 5am. I do think Community Meetings are a good way to connect the whole staff team with the player base, and once every half a year wouldn’t do the job in my opinion. Perhaps once every 3 months...
  8. I see you added the redlines on the making combat against the Sorvians a bit more fair. I thought they were a bit too OP until you added that puncturing the chest would lead to their death as well. Regarding the magic slot. I definitely agree that the sculpting would count as a Feat. I just personally think that all Feats such as golemancy and runesmithing should take up a magic slot due to their quite powerful abilities. But I guess that’s for another discussion.
  9. This is very interesting to say the least.. I do think a bit more redlines are needed for it. I also think it would be quite appropriate for the sculpting to take up a magic slot +1
  10. Burn the Dragur Library and add a hub for player and staff hosted events
  11. I never knew formatting could be so sexy. I really like non-combat orientated magic, and your use of artpieces is great
  12. You’re a legend, have a swift recovery!
  13. You definitely did your homework! Also even if Sand Evocation would fall under a subtype of Earth Evocation, it still would be a very nice addition!
  14. Something’s Fishy II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY3XkLe6oKQ Only a few drops of green goo, dripping from a ballista bolt, remained of what was arguably one of the most beautiful sea creatures that roamed Arcan waters. The ballista bolt stood lonely in the sand, somewhat representing the once lonely sea creature that had its brain shot to pieces. [X] Waves crash upon the shore of Brandybrook, thoughts of the miserable day the sea creature was slaughtered still lingering. Yet a far bigger problem became clear this unfortunate day as the remains of the sea creature were dragged into the depths of the ocean. An even larger shadow slowly faded away into the water as it took its snack with him. The silhouette of this humungous monster made only one speculate if a single ballista bolt would do the same trick.. [OOC] Continuation of the first event Reserved for Brandybrook 15th of Sunday – 14:00 EST
  15. Blistering Basalt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i56VB6j6kHE Occasional large plumes of hot air reach the hill of Lareh’thilln, slowly ascending up the rocks and climbing over the southern walls to great those minding their business outside with an uncomfortably hot wave of air for a brief moment. Windows are blocked by a thick layer of condense and a lukewarm rain falls over the city of high-elves every once in a while... [x] Rumours spread like butter on warm bread through Arcas. The air around Volcano Peninsula has slowly been rising in temperature, the hot plumes of humid steam not only reaching the High Elves but also other unfortunate villages south of the Blessed Bastion. Wildlings are reported leaving the Eastern reaches of the Wildlands and claim it to be inhabitable. Villagers have started to have gatherings, discussing the possible outcomes of this natural disaster. They say if this unknown change of temperature doesn’t stop soon, the rest of Arcas could be laid to waste and turned to ashes... [OOC] This event has been claimed by Lareh’thilln 14th of December, 16;00 – EST
  16. Snowy Swindler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkIzMuvIhNQ Missives go out to the far reaches of Arcas, ranging from Jungle Island to Lareh’thilln. One of said missives drips with condense as it hangs in the caves of The Onyx Sanctum. It has been nailed to a stone wall with a large bolt, for everyone to read... [X] Dear reader, I call to you for help... As you know Krugmas is approaching and presents laid waiting under our tree. Only a single night they were safe, as for when I woke in the morning they were gone.. The window busted, large footsteps of mud now printed upon our carpet. As I walked outside I could see I was not the only victim, for multiple residences in our village shared the same fate. I followed the muddy footsteps, and they seem to lead to the snowy reaches north of our village. I am afraid to be killed and leave my children orphaned if I go after this soulless thief. Would you be so kind as to bring back my presents? I don’t have much mina to spare, yet I will reward you in another way, say you succeed Kind Regards, Greta [OOC] This event has been claimed by the Onyx Sanctum 15th of December – 5pm EST
  17. Bjor Cottonwood for sure, apart from being a great lad oocly he also had such a fun and well-developed character!
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