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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Vermy

  1. Gaspard distributes the missive between his levymen. "That one mina is ours."
  2. Gaspard of Blackvale taps his spear against his chain coif as his eyes slide across the missive.
  3. Beron Stafyr readies his sword, imagining what he would look like as a brown man.
  4. Nice video, pumped to see more in the future!
  5. A god amongst men, may he never be forgotten. ( I will never forget you singing MC Parodies in VC for hours, hence I found this farewell song appropriate)
  6. A Pact of Silver and Clementine Signed the 8th of The Grand Harvest, 1767 The Terms, agreed upon by both signatories, are as followed: {I}: The Silver State of Haelun’or and The Principality of Vitenna shall agree to adhere to a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. This treaty will stay in effect for a duration of ten years. {II} : Both parties agree to respect each other's territories. The Principality of Vitenna stretching from the ruined city of Thyra to the sea on the west side, and The Silver State of Haelun’or stretching from the Sohaer’s Glade to the Northern Mountains, encompassing the entirety of the Silver Forests. {III} : The parties commit to a mutual agreement of extradition for any individuals from their respective territories deemed to have committed a legal transgression in the other signatory state. Signed, Sohaer, Sulraell Visaj Her Serene Highness, Luciana Maria Napoliza, Princess of Vitenna, Duchess of Fonsi, Baroness of Vileux
  7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  8. Good work Johann, stronk rewrite...
  9. I like the idea, it is nice and simple, and alchemy could be so much more interesting than it is now. However, I don’t really like CA’s which require a dead body. If you want a creature where people have to give up their previous character, they will just make a new elf, play it for a day and then pk it for the new CA. I guess it would be the alchemist’s (GFA) responsibility to check if someone has really sacrificed something with value, rather than a day old character (which is farfetched). Apart from some more redlines in regards to how different races would be transformed and how that would translate in their CA, I don’t see that many problems with it... Overall I believe it could be a really cool idea if implemented correctly. Nice job Noz
  10. Could be really interesting for an event creature, something other than your standard kraken. Could provide for some good and intriguing roleplay.
  11. Damn, you are really talented, mind sending me your commission info?
  12. Curse of Elarah -=-=(0)=-=- Moist soil met with red fluid as Thoras Elyrion’s throat oozed with blood, his throat lacerated from side to side as he used his blade for a quick, self-inflicted demise. Whispers paraded through the air whilst complete silence covered the canyon like a blanket. The high elf collapsed upon the haunted dirt, the thud of his armour hitting the ground resembling the end of his life like a bass-drum would a prelude... “A single soul is a-all I need, the life of one with p-pure blood flowing through t-their veins” made its way in the elven ears of the group of ‘thill, an eerie feeling resonating within the cursed ruins on which they had set foot. Brave Sillumir fighting alongside Magi and Citizens as friends and relatives subside upon the ground, paralysed. A lifeless child’s body grasped by acquaintances seconds after an apparition, resembling her grandpa, snaps her neck on the spot. Only the act of a single brave Sillumir was needed for the ghost to dissipate. Thoras Elyrion took matters into his own hands, protecting the lives of the citizenry of the Silver State by offering his own. Piercing whispers danced through the ruins a final time before settling. Those that were evaporated in thin air back in sight and those who were paralysed regaining control over their muscles. Everything seemed normal again, yet a penetrating odour wafted from within one of the ruined houses nearby. Uppori Visaj made her way into said house, the sight of a handful of skeletons flickering in her eyes as she fell down a hole in the floor. A jade-coloured vase stood upon a pedestal, a perfect circle of formerly descendants arranged like a ritual site around it. Uppori was startled as she looked down the vase. “Finally” was the phrase flung out of the vase as it shattered into pieces. The curious Mali grabbed a single shard, putting it in her pocket before being pulled back out of the hole. The group slowly make their way back to Lareh’thilln, some carrying bodies, others struggling to balance their own... [OOC] The continuation of the first event reserved for Haelun’or 1st of March - 15:00 EST
  13. Custodians of Knowledge The Eternal Library As published on the 2nd of Sun’s Smile, 1754 Time passes and with it does the citizenry of our Blessed Bastion upon the Silver Hill. Larihei has blessed me with the fortunate opportunity to take it upon myself to be the new caretaker of The Eternal College. Miss Uppori has served The Silver State for an impressive amount of time, made countless improvements and raised our college from the ground up. Yet she has decided for herself that a well-deserved break is needed to look at things from a different perspective. Therefore Uppori Visaj has stepped down as Okarir’Maehr and made me her new successor. The sudden leave of a small group of impure-minded Mali and Kharajyr, has left our library at a lack of staff, and due to my sudden change of status I will not be able to pick up all the work needed to protect and uphold the copious amount of books stored in our Bastion of Knowledge. Therefore, The Eternal Library is looking for new staff members to fill the roles of safekeeping, sorting and protecting our most sacred treasures. Protecting our most dear belongings, passed on by generations is an occupation of respect and honour, hence the library will be having interviews and traineeships in order to filter out the incapable. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEySyUJ0hRijtqgki4O7b_v-SU3HjOVYIMdRwHyvysW1603Q/viewform?usp=sf_link Okarir’maehr, Sulraell
  14. Vermy

    Tech Update

    “Heroes come and go, but legends never die” Kobe Bryant (thought it would be suitable to use a Kobe quote for this...)
  15. When your nation choses central china for their city
  16. Imagine being such a good team member, Grool decides to give you double the credit ?
  17. I guess you just haven’t found the right ET yet ?
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