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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by TreeSmoothie

  1. every day I look at the doublespaced A in the logo

  2. everyone must spam R!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. Everyone needs their own special realm 😔😔 kids these days

  4. fnaf music goes hard asf

  5. haters b hating 


    1. Borin


      no basement bathhouse rp. and dont shout it if you do do it.

  7. hey!! could you friend me on disc? for some reason I can't friend you, I've got a question abt the CA

  8. i love flavor magic i love flavor magic i love flavor

  9. I want to put my dedicant thru some kind of life-threatening challenge, but idk WHAT (and how)

    I could always just do a forum post but that feels like it makes it invalid

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TreeSmoothie


      RAH I misworded

      i MYSELF am the dedicant, and I think the char could just use a real challenge (which, I could give in my own headcanon by doing forum post rp but that has no effort)

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      Drink from the puddles, treesmoothie, you will become a strong druid

    4. Rayalia


      ask your teacher to run a player event for you in an environmental task, or ask a dark magic player if they'd be interested in creating some conflict for you in which they'd be alright with keeping from outright killing your character. :3

  10. I was just in VC with Tyhthus, the map name is actually America

    1. Lord_of_losers


      lock this fiend up now

    2. Borin


      the least believable part of that sentence is tythus having anything to do w anyone in a vc at all

  11. I wish there was a downvote option solely for AI written posts

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zolla_


      some might not even be ai-generated, i remember seeing a few of your own posts being flagged for AI, but eitherway if its just for personal stuff (like character posts/house posts) ii dont think it'll matter

    3. amongus


      while i dislike ai for a few things, i guarantee you any ai detector you’re using isn’t reliable and will very likely give a false positive. it’s v common esp for non-native English writers to be flagged with ai writing. not defending ai mind u just being realistic since anyone can call anything ai writing to discount work someone else spent time on 

    4. TreeSmoothie



      Some stuff def gets flagged for no reason, I mean the posts that blatantly use it

      when something is very repetitive or uses introductions like "in the dimly lit halls/hallows/etc of..." and other stuff like that it becomes apparent AI was at least used partially

  12. I'm going to get political. Tortellini is best pasta. Thank you.

  13. I've heisted everything from the stall in numendil

    1. _RoyalCrafter_



  14. if anyone needs a persona to play, I've got 2 DeNurems and 2 Pruvia/Jrents that have never been picked up LOL

  15. if I had a quarter for every time I've pointed out a dude on here has been weird with minors, called overdramatic for it, and then the dude gets banned a year later after being outed as a pedo I'd have 2 quarters. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it's happened twice.☠️

    1. MeteorDragon




      (pls dont shoot me, is just joke)

    2. TreeSmoothie



      (That is indeed the reference, I am dr doofenshmirtz)

  16. in defense of THE HONORABLE LIME TAG @Valannor

    as the emperor god chief queen of Cancel, I declare all CT (Especially @Polysemic) canceled

  17. islamadon took the nation gov spam posts as a CHALLENGE



  18. Looking for Automaton players!

    1. Turbo_Dog


      Hey (with helpful intent)

  19. Making the server 18+ just means peoole will lie about their age and be more afraid to come forward with grooming & NSFW reports

    Alongside ppl generally just act weirder assuming that everyone around them is legally an adult 

  20. man student

  21. Me tweaking every St Patricks day (glorified irish/celtic pagan killer that wasn't even born in in ireland)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hunnic


      I think it's kinda cringe to assume bc someone is from a country they are an expert in their country's culture, religion, etc. 

      Plus Xarkly being Irish means he is probably a drunk

    3. argonian


      st patrick was a slave turned monk in a country full of pagans; how do you suppose he would've killed pagans even if he wanted to? the absolute lack of evidence or literally 1 historian believing this aside, it doesn't make sense


      I think what's actually disrespectful here is you shitting on a national holiday without so much as a google search first.

    4. Astrophysical


      I dunno about you, but I like the little green guys with gold at the end of the rainbow…

  22. Msg Velkuzat on discord if you want to play an Automaton : ]

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