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  1. THAWING THE FROST Issued 10th of The Deep Cold, Year 79 of The Second Age For long, our city has been dressed in the purest white. Maidens of frost loomed and disturbed the serenity of our blessed bastion. Over months, whilst scientists and scholars of The Silver State of Haelun’or worked tirelessly to amass useful information, putting this into practice with a gate policy that proved highly successful in stifling malefactors, parties of Sillumiran and Scouts alike scoured the isle in search of the Frost Witches lair. It was ultimately the keen eye of Okarir’tir Edgars An’asul that glimpsed it, a curious contraption concealed in the vast mountainside. A group ventured valiantly inside, the hand of Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas able to proficiently pick three locked doors in the icy cavern, where the Mali’thill were met with a surprising sight. The bravery of the Blessed Citizenry and efforts of soldiers had led the Frost Witches to flee in cowardice. The site was thawed for good measure. Over the coming months, expect flooding as we return to a natural climate. Gratitude is given to the diligent druii of The Mother and Father Circles, dwed of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and orcs of the Iron’Uzg for their continued support in vanquishing these cold to the core beings from the Silver Isle. Let us not forget how far the Mali’thill may fall, and how high we may rise again. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya.
  2. *ੈ✩‧₊˚ THE NIGHT OWL PARLOUR & INN ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Issued 10th of The First Seed, Year 79 of the Second Age [!] Tilruir’mali Anara Elervathar and Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas Located in the square of Karinah’siol, The Night Owl Parlour is the focal point of leisure time socialisation within The Silver City. Day to night, one can expect to find ‘aheral sipping fine wine and fresh teas, book clubs, playing various games such as darts, cards, checkers and chess. Regularly held are classes on Haelun’or history, culture, elven language, noteworthy figures and so forth. Moreover the space serves as a venue for masquerades, balls, other formal events and special occasions. A grand piano and harp stand on the stage, free for citizens to practice using. Weary travellers may rest their head in The Night Owl Inn above. The Inn also may serve as short-term residency whilst one waits for proper accommodation, if there happens to be an overflow of citizenry. Guests are served breakfast should it fill their fancy. A room may be acquired for 5 mina per elven day, and held for a total of 2 elven weeks. Presently, the following positions are hiring: Host, Bar Staff, Waitstaff, Cleaner. Any queries regarding the institution should be directed to Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas. Application Form (OOC) Username: Discord: (RP) Name: Age: Race: Position applying for: Do you have any prior experience?: Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  3. {Blizzard by Tyler Smith} Music For She saw everything Writings of an Elf ”For only acid can purify you” Nuala Uradir BLESSED BE THE CITIZENS OF HAELUN'OR Frozen it was, the city of Karinah’siol, frozen breeze covering everything under her ice blue gaze. No stone unturned, no corner blind. For she saw everything. Was it not for a certain trio of High Elves– of different ages. One was ancient, older than the relics we showcase in museums. One was old, yet young compared to the first one and the last one was the youngest. Equals they were to one another, however. One more educated, one holding a rank above, one's experience beyond comparison. This trio, differences aside was equal, on a mission. On a mission to once more have birds singing, butterflies flying and worms of the earth wake up. “I will make sure every one of them will be eradicated” Said one of the elves, a potent magi “They shall all face my wrath, burn under the flames of myself” She would continue Like this, it was a common goal for these brave elves, for they were alone, surrounded by ice. Simple was their mission, melt down something built by those servants of ice, the lonely women. A fire evocationist, a water evocationist and a transfigurationist together, putting their heads together figured out how to get rid of the frozen construction. And in no time, they began to work– bringing down the cursed icicle. It was trust that had been broken into million pieces, women now suspected. Patriarchy infested its way into the blessed society of equality, men taking habits of lesser races. Subjugating women. Come forth my children of Silver, for we shall not let that. Come forth and free yourself of the powers of the outside. Come forth, for I shall bring you clarity. Come forth, defend what you hold dear. Come forth, women of the lesser to defend womanhood. Come forth, men of the innocent for you shall be eaten. Come forth believers of the holy, for they represent what is unholy. Come forth. I speak to you, my children. For I shall protect you. I shall pledge my life in order to sustain yours. I shall burn to keep unburnt. I shall starve to keep you nourished. I shall weep to keep you happy. I shall be forgotten for you must be remembered. As you are mine, I am yours. Call them what they are, for they will not hear you speak. I write this letter, a head decorating my desk. A head of a lonely woman, who once was like any of us. Now she but resembles everything we despise, crying for her sisters as I cut of her head, burning the rest of her body. Hear my pledge, women of the lonely– I shall bring you liberation. You shall be burnt for your sins and mine shall be the last you will ever see. I will be the liberator, unlonely once more. For fire shall be your demise. Signed, The Sun AY'LARIHEI MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  4. elparir’thilln issue no. 4 printed by the Silver Printing Press 3rd of the Sun’s Smile, 78 S. A pg. 1 Haelunor’ito… THE UNION OF HAELUN’OR AND IRON’UZG The entire political arena of Almaris has been shaken now more than ever, by the historic unification of the nations of Haelun’or and Krugmar, on the 11th of the First Seed, 75 of the Second Age. Thenceforth the two nations are to act, globally, as one, binding their forces into one superstate known as “The Horde”. To some of the inhabitants of the Silver State, the news has come as a surprise, however this union is the culmination of decades of diplomatic efforts, primarily conducted by the Medi’ir Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos. The unionship entails the merging of the two states, of extensive cultural exchanges and academical collaborations, as well as a complete military cooperation. As per agreement, the Silver Island will also see upon it the construction of shrines, dedicated to the Spiritualist religion of the brave Uruk people. Politically, the Silver Government will function as normal, and the laws of the Haelun’orian people will hold as usual, Karinah’siol functioning as a citystate within The Horde. This pact is designed to hold for twenty years, afterwards needing reaffirmation every eight years. It is also affirmed, that any of the two nations may secede from the union, should they so desire. The High Elven delegation, led by the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, hailed this historic moment as a guarantee of peace and protection, sorely needed by the Mali’aheral people, still recovering from the bloody turmoil of the past decades. Many people within Haelun’orian society optimistically foresee that the impending dread of further war upon the Silver People will dissipate, and the Silver Council will properly begin to draw towards inward perfection, towards the healing of the Motherland. “I love Haelun’or! I love Iron’uezheg! I love the Horde! WAAEUGH!” declared an enthusiastic citizen of Haelun’or for our paper, celebrating future prospects from inside the Night Owl Parlour. pg. 2 THE RETIREMENT OF THE MAHERAL Late into the evening, on the 10th of Malin’s Welcome, 75 of the Second Age, a missive from the office of the Maheral Braxus Ni’leya announced his retirement to the High Elven people. The now Malaurir Ni’leya’s initial plans of retirement were undone when the future of the Mali’thill people was threatened with extermination, with the invasion of Ivarielle and her mass-murdering mercenaries. Assuming the mantle of cultural leader in a time of crisis, the Malaurir vowed to stir the Silver State out of impending doom, restore democratic institutions and see the invaders driven out of the Silver Island. Seeing himself successful in all the initial tasks, with the ‘fennic forces routed and a democratic Silver Government instituted, the missive reaffirmed the desire of Braxus Ni’leya to retire to more peaceful and private affairs. The Maheral did not name a successor via missive, meaning that, in due time, the ancient Malauriran shall convene once more, and themselves decide who shall succeed the Ni’leya. So far no citizen has expressed, in writing, the intention of being considered as a candidate. But such is likely to change in near time. pg. 3 CLIMATE CHANGE UPON HAELUN’OR Disturbing news come out from our very own Blessed City, Karinah’siol. A storm of unprecedented proportions, of yet unknown scientific causes, has, beginning on the 77 of the Second Age, engulfed the entire island of Haelun’or. The entire tropical climate of the region has been undone, with temperatures plummeting to well below the freezing point of water, the lush green pastures being transformed into desolate permafrost. Multiple sources maintain a sense of dread that, should these new climatic conditions endure for much longer, “then the ecological chain of this island is threatened to collapse”. The authorities of Haelun’or, notably the Medi’ir Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos urged calm and trust in government, assuring that, through the State, and through the fares coming from the more tame lands of the Rexdom, there is an ample supply of necessities and various commodities to maintain our most Blessed way of life. Simultaneously, citizens of Haelun’or are advised to don warm, thick clothes to protect themselves from the raging blizzard, and to avoid sitting in the cold and late into the hour for longer than it is necessary. In times like these it is important to remember that fashion comes second for Mali’thill, and that first and foremost comes practicality and the preservation of one’s health. “The people of Haelun’or have nothing to fear. The houses of Karinah’siol are true gems, built with the highest of care towards sustainability. All have a revolutionary structure that allows heat to be recycled and stored very efficiently, so that no child of Larihei will ever know frost inside its abode.” declared an architect of Haelun’or for our newspaper. pg. 4 BEWARE, FROST WITCHES Following the recent climate catastrophe, information has been revealed of a coven of Frost Witches conducting operations on Haelun’orian grounds, orchestrating attacks upon our Silver Bastion. In light of this grave revelation, the denizens of Karinah’siol are urged to take increased care as they go about their activities. The Silver Government urges all Mali’thill to move in groups, to avoid unlit, remote locations or narrow alleys, and to report any dubious activities to the nearest body of authority. Frost Witches are devious monsters, exclusively females, that hunt and feed on the blood of males. They are particularly dangerous for their magical and cunning abilities. Some voices within society have entertained the prospect that perhaps these Frost Witches are the cause of the recent snow storm, or that they launched their operation upon our nation following the storm, in a perceived moment of weakness. Whatever the answer, the people of Haelun’or are, once more, urged to trust their institutions and elected officials, and to follow reason and the advice of their representatives, so that Mali’thill may, as has been done so often in our past, weather this storm and further pursue maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. pg. 5 ay'maehr.... PUBLIC ADVERTISEMENT pg. 6 Haelunor’itone.... MALINOR BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD In a surprising turn of events, the Elven World witnesses the development of yet another superstate. The nations of Elvenesse, Fenn, Nor’asath as well as the kinslayer’s den, have announced the merging of them all into a High Princedom of ‘Malin’or’. The newly formed nation functions as a sort of confederate monarchy, with its first proclaimed ruler being Vytrek Tundrak, the ruler of the Mali’fenn. The process for the appointing of the steward of this new nation appears as a rather exhaustive electoral process, whose central figures are the ‘Malauriran’, i. e. the reigning monarchs of each of the constituent states. Whether this move comes in response to Haelun’or’s unionship or it was something long in the making, sources could not come to agreement. It remains to be seen what diplomatic moves will both sides make, though it is generally expected that this resurrected High Princedom will appear hostile towards the Silver State. “First Haelun’or and Iron’uzg, now Elvenesse and Fenn. I quit!” declared a disheartened Haelun’orian cartographer, expressing horror at the recent trend displayed by nations situated on polar opposites to merge with each other, to create “border gore”. [!] This newspaper is readily available for the citizens of Karinah'siol to read, issues being distributed to people's houses and to other various public places of interest via adequately compensated couriers, more recently equipped with impeccable clothing and daggers, to resist not only the raging frost, but also any potential Frost Witch that may be foolish enough to approach these employees of State.
  5. TO INFORM / VIGILANT 'THILL From the Office of Elokarir'mali, Issued 10th of The First Seed, Year 77 of the Second Age Every member of the Blessed Citizenry should be aware of late assaults, committed by a coven of Frost Witches. These creatures are devious in appearance, possessing fluctuating forms, they feed on the blood of men and attempt to lure women. It is advised that citizens manoeuvre in the company of another or optimally multiple others. Report any suspicious happenings or beings to Elokarir’tir or another councillor. Be on your guard — vigilant ‘thill. Through the schisms of Lomal and all who have attempted to do so since. Through the assailment attempted by Aengudaemon and Draconic beings, and various grand tragedies of the natural elements. Through each and every migration of the descendants, battles great, challenges multifarious, The Silver State of Haelun’or has endured. When the Motherland is faced with any prospect of danger, it is our sworn duty to end the threat as soon as possible. ALL RISE TO DEFEND THE MOTHERLAND AY'SOHAER ALAION MIRAVARIS, AY'LARIHEI MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  6. THE TALONNII WINE LEAGUE Issued 11th of The First Seed, Year 75 of the Second Age The Office of the Okarir'mali is delighted to announce the opening of The Talonnii Wine League. Wherein, each talonnii can enter one drink, in hopes of being awarded STELLAR prizes! It shall commence over this next elven week. Karinah'siols vineyards are in prosperous condition, and readily available to the citizenry for utilization. To learn the labour behind the luxury, moreover to gain new prowess, all Mali'thill above the age of 50 should try their hand at the art of wine-making. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya! Rules Each talonnii may enter one wine beverage Entries submitted by the succeeding month of The First Seed - one elven week from now Points Wines will be reviewed by the Okarir’mali, their Tilruir and Sohaer. Each will give their rating out of 5 stars and judge on a 5 point basis. Visual presentation Aroma Taste General quality Stand-out points Sullas Star Rating System 5 Sullas Stars: Superlative ✰✰✰✰✰ 4.5 Sullas Stars: Outstanding 4 Sullas Stars: Excellent ✰✰✰✰ 3.5 Sullas Stars: Very Good 3 Sullas Stars: Full of Character, Attractive ✰✰✰ 2.5 Sullas Stars: Good Wine for Everyday 2 Sullas Stars: Casual Quaffing ✰✰ 1.5 Sullas Stars: Quite Nice 1 Sullas Star: Very Ordinary ✰ 0.5 Sullas Stars: Ordinary Prizes The winner is to be announced, publicly, shortly following the finishing time for entries. Top prize 100 mina Mystery prize of great intrigue Runner up 50 mina Sohaer Alaion Miravaris Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  7. [!] This exhaustive polemic is made public to the citizens of Karinah’siol, as well as dispatched throughout the Continent via courier pigeons. Those foreigners who pick up this missive would also find it inscribed upon the back the following: “You are invited for tea in Haelun’or.” The Truth Unchained It is of no novelty to any citizen of this World, the isolationist nature of the people of Haelun’or. In no small part because of this, it has been perhaps difficult for those foreign to the lands of the Silver State, to grasp the nature and culture of its inhabitants. And indeed, one brief discussion with most foreigners would indeed support this initial supposition. As a consequence, whether unknowingly or with malicious intent, misinformation about the people of Haelun’or runs rampant within the conscience of those living abroad. With the regrettable civil strife within the Silver State still in fresh memory, it has become clear more than ever, that such misunderstandings must be addressed, and that their existence are not only an affront to Truth, but a threat to the security of the children of Larihei. As such, it is the purpose of this issue to attempt to dispel some of the myths and illusions that persist about the society of Haelun’or, in an effort to unchain the truth, and foster better understanding between the Descendants. ON MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, literally translates from Elven as “progress and health”, and constitutes the central philosophy of the Mali’thill (Elven for “pure Elves”). It is one of the few writings that survived from Larihei’s initial realm, and as a result has been of paramount importance to Her followers. In the simplest of terms, this philosophy, or way of life, simply bids to a continuous effort to self-fulfilment. As a result, maehr’sae hiylun’ehya takes vaguely different forms for every person, as each person’s aspirations are different. It teaches that the individual should, through its own efforts, better oneself spiritually and physically. It is important to note that maehr’sae hiylun’ehya is a philosophy. As a result, it can be followed by people of any race. For instance, a human shielding its body from harm, maintaining optimal shape, and dedicating one’s life to the perfection of its abilities, can be described as adhering to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. However, it should be maintained that, and indeed philosophers like Lucion Sullas have pointed this out, that maehr’sae hiylun’ehya is best followed from within the walls of the Silver State, generally because of the excesses and temptations of the outside World, that could impede the efforts of the individual. ON RACISM It is true that the Mali’thill of Haelun’or view the outside people with a certain distrust. One could not hope to do as eloquent a justice on this topic as Lucion Sullas did in his book “On Racism”. But alas, one is aware just how difficult it is to find the works of Lucion Sullas outside the walls of the Silver State. First, let us point out that this distrust, or racism that High Elves may show towards people of other races, is not at all like the deplorable hatred which, for instance, various Valah ethnic subdivisions show towards one another. The sense of superiority for the High Elves is purely scientific, and comes as a result of their genesis. The High Elven people took form when various Proto-Elves, chiefly Larihei among them, bathed in magical pools, Golden Pools. These pools, their effects well documented, enhanced the Proto-Elven body, by making it fairer, taller, improving overall the magical and intellectual abilities of those that bathed in them. For those desiring one more concrete example, the Golden Pools had the effect of elongating the ear lobe of the Proto-Elven body. As such, High Elves have sharper hearing than their cousins. These all aforementioned improvements mean that, scientifically speaking, High Elves are the optimal biological model. Of course, one must with sadness admit that at times this fact has been taken far too much into the extreme. One must admit that the Silver State did have, at times, leaders that, blinded by their superiority, like the tyrant Othelu Orrar, affirmed publicly that “lessers are only slightly better than cattle”. Such a proposition is obviously false. The Mali’thill knows its nature to be superior, but that does not inherently mean that Mali’thill are better at everything than everyone else, or that everyone else is useless. No sane Mali’thill would believe oneself to be a better fighter than the Uruk, or a better shipwright than the Almenodrim, without first dedicating decades, even centuries, to the effort. There are many areas, academically and artistically, in which people of other races triumph, and the Mali’thill are fully aware that all Descendants can store knowledge and be the catalysts of worldly progress. The term “lesser” is more of an umbrella term, designed to describe all those that have not had the privilege of bathing, or not descending from those who had, in the Golden Pools. It is used to emphasise the relation between foreigners and Mali’aheral. It is not intended, however, to downplay the ability or intelligence of non-Mali’aheral, but merely to situate them in reference to the Mali’aheral history. If it is of any consolation to that reader that may be characterised as “lesser”, in recent years there has been a drive within the Silver State to renounce the usage of the term, owing to the contentious reputation it possesses. ON JINGOISM It has been maintained, recently with increased frequency, that the Mali’thill of Haelun’or are jingoists, militarists that seek to wage war upon their brethren. Firstly, let us point out that the Mali’thill originally did not even build walls around their first settlement in Asulon. It was only after their city became the target of frequent raids, that they saw fit to fortify their habitat. For the sake of fluidity, we will skip all the historical details of all the traumas that fell upon the Mali’thill. It will suffice for the reader to know that Mali’thill are not jingoists. Mali’thill generally refrain from warfare. Those that did engage the nation in such activities, like Othelu Orrar or Dimaethor Elervathar, are rare, figures of great contention and division between Mali’thill. Mali’thill would rather conduct their business in peace, internally through argumentation, debates, and direct democracy, and externally usually through a most splendid isolation. The main military force of Haelun’or, the Sillumiran (Elven for “Weeping Blades”), is designed as purely defensive, and the name reflects the tragedy of war. The society of Haelun’or actively refrains from glorifying combat and violence, through various policies, like maintaining the anonymity of soldiers, because High Elves, once more, are not jingoistic. They are pacifists. The act of joining the Sillumiran is seen as a sacred sacrifice one makes to defend the harmonious way of life of the collective. This attitude is also one of preservation. For the Mali’thill are aware, as a consequence of the Curse of the Most Foul, that all descendants of Malin are doomed to lower numbers among their ranks, and casualties are far more expensive to replenish, than for people of other races. ON ACID PITS The usage of the Acid Pits by the administrations of the Silver State have constituted, throughout time, one of the most common points of those that sought to demonise the Silver People. The actual substance, referred to as acid, was invented by a Mali’thill named Silvos Sythaerin, many centuries ago, and was designed to serve indeed, as a means of exectuing those most vile of criminals, such as murderers. There can be no doubt that perhaps the overzealousness of some past regimes, and the light handed manner in which execution sentences were passed, especially upon foreigners, muddled the reputation of these pits. However, one must realise that Acid Pits remain still, the most ‘humane’ method of execution. Far superior to beheadings, which if executed improperly can last minutes and require multiple strikes, or hangings, which can extend into the half hour, be the rope not properly secured. Acid Pits cause instantaneous death, utterly painless. Further, due to the acidic nature of the substance, these pits are also the most sanitary, requiring no body disposal or further cleaning. From the perspective of suffering, one realises that executions via Acid Pits are the least monstrous of all the methods known to Descendants. Some people have raised the point that Mali’thill condemn to Acid Pits everyone they do not like, a point made more recently by the regrettable A’eollaja Ello’janna-Valwynn, which maintained to witnessing “mali being melted in acid or burned at the stake for their blood, ‘thill and ‘aheral alike”. Such a claim can easily be dismissed upon consulting the recent history of the Silver State. The last recorded execution of a criminal via Acid Pits occurred in 1768, when Aerendyl Lor’demar was sentenced to death for his role in the assassination of the Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal. Thereafter, the Acid Pits would fall into complete disuse. The last mention of them existing can be found on the year 8 of the Second Age, when it is recorded that the adoptive daughter of Nelgauth Maehr’tehral committed suicide by jumping into the Acid Pits of the first city of Karinah’siol. The city of Karinah’siol was rebuilt entirely that very same year, and since then the technology of Acid Pits has been lost to the Mali’thill of Haelun’or. ON HAELUN’ORIAN SOCIETY This section will be dedicated to various other false complaints, less prevalent but nonetheless vexating. There have been Mali’aheral, those that have been at odds with the Silver State, to accuse the society and administration of reactionary thought, of regressive behaviour for insisting upon the importance of tradition. Such an idea is, of course, unfounded. Tradition and progress are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they complement each other. Tradition, the remembrance of past epochs and leaders, is paramount to the development of Mali’thill society. Not only must one learn of history so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, but also to learn of the achievements of the past, so that one may strive to overcome them in a continual process of collective progress. On that same trend, some have accused Mali’thill society of misogynism, which is an even more absurd claim. Mali’thill society, since the days of Larihei, has been absolutely egalitarian. It is a well-known fact to all Mali’thill that the intellectual abilities of males and females are utterly identical. As such, within society, within law, within administration and truly within all aspects of life, all adult Silver People are completely equal, since forever. Then there are the talks of Haelun’orian society being unwelcoming to interracial relations. Let us begin by pointing out that, in fact, most nations on this World view such partnerships with unfavourable eyes. There are many moral arguments to bring against such unions. Mali’thill are, biologically, predisposed to have uncommon longevity, so much to the point that it is unclear if Mali’thill are capable of dying of old age. It is because of this that, despite what one may originally think when falling in love with someone of another race, entering a relationship with someone other than a Mali’aheral will bring a great deal of suffering to that Mali’aheral. One will be doomed to watch their love age and die, likewise one will be condemned to watch their children, who will be societal outcasts in most Nations, also age and then die. There is perhaps no greater tragedy upon this World, than that of a parent having to watch its children perish. Then there is the issue of religion. Firstly, Mali’thill are not atheists. Deities exist, that is undeniable. Some Mali’thill have lived long enough to even meet some of them. However, Mali’thill reject worshipping of such deities, in no small part because such practices go against the interests of the Mali’thill. Deities seek to further their own influence upon worldly affairs, only using the Descendant as a means to an end. Further, deities, since they have not bathed in the Golden Pools, are, by definition, lessers. Similarly, the reverence for Larihei is not a religion. Larihei is a concrete historical figure that, through genius and uncommon strength of character, built a civilization that has lasted for millennia. She is not a deity. There are no prayers dedicated to her, nor temples built in her name. Mali’thill only have deep respect for her actions that directly led to the birth of the Mali’aheral race. Issued by the office of the Okarir’san, the Committee of Truth, 2nd of the Sun's Smile, year 74 S. A.
  8. [!] Floral envelopes are posted about Karinah'siol! The Roman Ruins in Schönbrunn, Friedrich Frank A Party in the Gardens Issued 12th of Malin's Welcome, Year 75 of The Second Age Gather Mali’thill, for you will find a glorious garden party by the splendour of the blessed bathhouse, next elven day! At the event, Elokarir’mali will be making an announcement that may be of interest to a collection of the citizenry. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to taste wine and cheese pairings, reviewed and chosen by fastidious Mali’thill at The Night Owl Parlour’s recent evening gathering. Visaj Red & Miravaris Cheddar Sillumiran Sparkle & Farmer’s White Cheese Hyptos Honeywine & Mammoth Cheese We have much to discuss and, progress to pursue. Haelun'or rises to meet each day, ever to follow the path of Larihei, the Lady of Silver! OOC: Friday 6th, 2pm EST/7pm BST May your paths be safe, your floors unbroken and may Elcihi'thilln fill your eyes with beauty. Okarir'mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  9. As a group of Mali'aheral continued to work away at a heap of debris, the unstable sapphire mine they stood in would rumble, pieces of the cavern walls and ceiling crumbling down as they chipped off pieces of the bottom. “Is it falling there, too?” “It is!” “Ve can’t leave him!” Hræthån growled, “If we continue to mine, we’re all going to die, including him!” “Just — go!” Elarhil Sullas gave the muffled cry out, agonizing to be witness to, “The death of one Mali’aheral is better than three.” “The death of none is best!” Soris shuffled towards the stairway, peering toward the water. “We could go higher, is there another place we can get him out?” Questioned Okarir’tir Edgars An’asul. The stairs shook as the structure of the cave was compromised. From above, rocks began to cascade. "Please!" Elarhil pleaded, curling up besides the pirate skeleton that rest in his otherwise solitary hollow, as sand and water flooded in. Hræthån grumbled in anger, "SHIT!" He roared as he begun to hammer as quick as he could at the sandstone. Soris snapped her attention to the ceiling, dropping the shovel as she brought both hands to her helmet, holding the sides, "Shit, shit." She cursed, before turning towards the others. Hræthån grasped then that he would have to take a different approach. He turned to Edgars and Soris, "We have to get out NOW!" He shouted, "We can come back later, when it's safer!" Wide-eyed with alarm, Elarhil nestled further, "Ti, Hræthån! Please GO! You'll kill all of us!" He choked. "Alright, time to go!" Ordered Edgars. “ito kae Dio mya’leh!” Three of them made it to the surface. First spoiler — emotes Second spoiler — screenshots
  10. [!] A yellowed, once wettened and now dried note, flutters — hung up infront of The Night Owl Parlour by an elfess dressed in blue. The ink cursive writing is splodgy and rough in places. It's contents contain indications as to why. It is so very cold, and so very dark, now that my oil lamp has burnt out. The dampness of this tomb I wait in worries me. I notice, in this space where I have lost one sense, that of sight; my other senses feel heightened. A pounding in my head, at times, seems all I can hear. Dreariness too overcomes me. No doubt both caused by my dismal conditions. I try to scheme a way out, but my mind is equally as empty as this cavern, now that no other descendants nor monsters roam it. A man who’s been here far longer, a skeleton pirate makes for OK company, though I long to be able to listen to his life tales. Please, rescue me, expeditiously. Larihei kae annilereh. ito kae Dio mya’leh.
  11. [!] Leaflets are posted in the marketplace as well as outside the bastille of Karinah’siol. Scout Pamphlet, Vol niut – The Sapphire Mine Issued 9th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 74 of the Second Age Theme Last elven day, a band of brave Mali’thill descended into an abandoned sapphire mine that was discovered North East of the Haelun’orian isle; What awaited, was altogether an unknown. Here are the findings of Okarir’tir Edgars An’asul, Anara Elervathar, Hileia, Stelios Kekemos Hyptos, Valazaer Calith, and myself, Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas. We could infer that the last descendant visitors to the cave were a crew of pirates. Their forsaken ship docked close by, a code found upon the vessel allowed us to enter the mine after decryption. Maneuvering through the cave formation was in itself a task. The walls ooze a luminous lime green slime, adherent to touch, it has the possibility to entrap an entire Mali. That which blocked our path we singed by handheld torches, allowing us to proceed. While it had been evident descendants had not entered for quite some time prior to us, other creatures inhabit the area still. A colossal coconut crab, disturbed by our presence, put up an arduous defence till the creature could no longer — retreating to a crack in the wall. Curiously, frequent throughout the cave were locked chests, each with further unique codes needed to be opened. One chest, relatively near to the surface, we found had a ship carved onto the top and buttons on every side marked front, back, left and right accordingly. A quick-witted Hileia solved the puzzle, noting the order of the directions mentioned in a journal scrap found on the nearby pirate ship, pressing the buttons on the sides of the chest, bow, stern, port and starboard to open it. Deeper in the mine, as close to the bellows as we could get, we were faced with an enormous web that crawled with spiders. Ideas were thrown around as to how to surpass this. However, we concluded it would be wise to conserve energy, establish a plan and return later. As such, we are returning to the site on The Grand Harvest. Above ground, a rescue party will be stationed on the beach as a precaution — with refreshments, naturally. Take your best adventuring gear; advised is a light source, a weapon, a shield and light food and water rations. OOC: Saturday 30th April, 4pm EST/9pm BST Uhieran Scout Leader Elarhil Sullas MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  12. Painting in the Park Issued 10th of The Deep Cold, Year 72 of The Second Age Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien, Ulla Thynell Creatives of Elcihi'thilln, On The First Seed of this elven week, a session of painting in the square will commence! For the innovative minds of Mali'thill are not limited to any kind of study; there is much value to be found in artistic fields. All are encouraged to come explore, practice and enjoy. There will be three categories of painting, which will we run through, in the following order: Still life Model Free form For each category, the object of your painting will be up to choice! Nevertheless, should you find trouble within the vast beauty of our State, finding just one matter in your surroundings to focus upon, there will be a selection laid out as an aid. You may find a model in any other willing participant. No need to bring your own brushes - all equipment will be provided by the State! OOC: Friday 22nd, 3pm EST/9pm BST May your paths be safe, your floors unbroken and may Elcihi'thilln fill your eyes with beauty. Okarir'mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  13. elparir’thilln issue no. 3 printed by the Silver Printing Press 8th of the Snow’s Maiden, 73 S. A. pg. 1 Haelunor’ito… BLACK MAGIC WITHIN THE VALWYNN MANOR Early into the month of the Deep Cold of the fateful year of 71 of the Second Age, the society of Haelun’or would be shaken by a most sinister discovery. Within the manor of the kinslayer Ayliana, within the heart of the Silver District, right next to the heart of the Motherland, the Citadel, it has been found out, by the Okarir’tir of the Silver State, that therein existed a shrine most foul, made of an unknown material black and red in colouring, possessing a fiery pit in the centre. Following this discovery, the Silver State was quick to contact a Paladin of Xan, which promptly confirmed that indeed the nefarious construction was a shrine dedicated to the foul Azdromoth, the Drakaar that, much like the humiliated Setherien, seeks to enslave the Descendants and turn the world into its feudal demesne. Soon thereafter, following an even more thorough inspection, there has been uncovered a vast array of secret tunnels, leading to what look like storage facilities. Many hypotheses have sprung about the purpose of these storage areas. Some have speculated that they have been used by the Valwynn to hide the property stolen from Mali’thill families, while others have taken a more extreme proposition, suggesting that the areas were used to hide the dead bodies of those civilians killed by the infamous Blue Berets. In light of these discoveries, the Maheral Braxus Ni’leya was quick to release an official denouncement, asking simultaneously for the residents of the Valwynn manor to present themselves before the Silver Citizens, and stand trial for the suspected moral degeneracy. As expected by many, however, none have presented themselves for a trial thus far, and instead opt to evade justice once more, leaving unanswered many of the queries that exist within the minds of the inhabitants of the Silver District. Despite access to the manor being restricted by the Okarir’tir until further notice, it has been reported that adventurous children often wonder within the haunted grounds to partake in spooky childish activities, including playing a more morbid variant of the game Hide & Seek, wherein one or more Valwynnites, the monsters, have to search for the hiding Republicans and “devour” them. pg. 2 CROWDRAKE ATTACK UPON THE SILVER CITY On the latest month of the Sun’s Smile, the denizens of Karinah’siol have been graced by a most joyous festival, the wedding of two Kharajyr citizens, part of the group that wishes to settle within the Silver State of Haelun’or. The deftly planned celebration, however, was brusquely interrupted shortly after the official wedding concluded, by nothing other than a dreadful Crowdrake. This Crowdrake beast, which looked very much just like an oversized crow, incredibly dangerous due to its sheer size and strength, was probably drawn to the ceremony by the splendid smell of food, which completely engulfed the northern Silver District on the day of the celebration. This flying beast was able to descend and severely injure many attendants, including one of the newlyweds. Of paramount importance in defending the city proved to be the Medi’ir Pamphilos Hyptos, the Tilruir’tayna Seth Calith and the Maheral Braxus Ni’leya, which was the one to deliver the killing blow upon the beast. At the scene was also present the Okarir’nor Luthien Maeyr’onn who, possessing extensive medical knowledge, was able to offer first aid to those injured, and prevent any citizens of our Blessed Motherland from perishing. This unprecedented attack has exposed a flaw in the military capability of the Sillumiran patrols to fight aerial beings. To remedy this, the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, who was also present during the struggle, has pledged to begin immediately the process to acquire and equip the Sillumiran with state-of-the-art crossbows, so that such threats are, in the future, neutralised before they manage to harm Larihei’s children. pg. 3 TROUBLE AT THE SULLAS SOIRÉE The latest success of the Okarir’mali, the Sullas Soirée, proved to be not without amusing drama. As the activities were in full swing, allegedly one guest, related to the Sohaer, broke a glass of beverage, attempted to hide the fact and, when discovered, went on to pin the blame on the ancient Seth Calith. This prompted the aforementioned Calith to confront the Sohaer in rather brusque fashion, and ask for a public apology from his kinsman. Fortunately, the party proceeded thereafter jovially, thanks in no small part to the organisational abilities of the Okarir’mali, who has also announced further plans of events, such as a painting activity, to entertain the public of Karinah’siol. Still on a light note, the event saw the sudden return of the twice former Okarir’maehr, the wisened Aiera Sullas, whom many presumed to have perished during the bloody ‘fennic occupation. pg. 4 THE PUBLIC POST OFFICE IN FULL SWING Continuing the successes of the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, a State-administered post office has been set up in the public square, near the tavern, now renamed by the Okarir'mali as The Night Owl Parlour. Therein, denizens of Karinah’siol are encouraged to drop correspondence, which, through professional couriers, are then delivered to the specified address or person, in a prompt and secure fashion. This project has seen thus far resounding success, people, like blue-eyed Mali’thill, successfully contacting their peers, like open, yet uncommitted denizens, for various matters of importance. pg. 5 Haelunor’itone… THE EMPIRE OF MAN SHATTERED After almost two decades of constant struggle, following a devastating defeat at Eastfleet, a battle known now as Philip’s Folly, the Holy Orenian Empire was forced to sign a humiliating peace with the Kingdom of Urguan and the other members of the Coalition. Presumably shortly after, Philip III passed away, being succeeded, as per Orenian Law, by his eldest son, Philip IV. However, a succession crisis occurred when his younger brother, Frederick, staked his own claim to the throne. The Empire was torn apart and civil war ensued, allegedly some contemporary historians began dubbing it the Brothers’ War. This bloody conflict was, however, short-lived, and ended on the 21st of the Sun’s Smile, year 72 of the Second Age, when Frederick’s forces battled with the Imperial Army in the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Army was officially defeated, and Philip IV perished soon thereafter. Thusly, the Holy Orenian Empire is no more, with the now king Frederick I proclaiming himself as the King of the Orenian Kingdom. Many hearts within the Silver State of Haelun’or have expressed sorrow at this anarchical conflict, knowing too well how tragic civil strife can be, recalling the not-so-distant attempt of the Valwynn to take over the nation. Other voices have expressed growing anxiety over the ascension of Frederick I, speculating that his reign may mark the abandonment of a centralised Imperial administration, and a descent into a bitter reactionary feudalism. pg. 6 KRUGMAR AT WAR The continent of Almaris knows no rest. Citing alleged instances of “racism” and a failed assassination attempt, the Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal has issued a proclamation calling for the rallying of the Uruk people and for marching upon the Duchy of Elysium. So far have been reported only isolated skirmishes and sporadic engagements within the forest bordering the two nations, with the main assault upon the city of Elysium yet to come. Owing to the fact that diplomatic affairs are a matter of national security, an official statement from the Silver Government, concerning the conflict, has not been made public. pg. 7 EBONWOOD DISBANDED Perhaps as a consequence of the Orenian Empire falling apart, its chief Elven vassal, the land of the Imperial Elves, Ebonwood, has been officially disbanded, by one named Amaesil Vuln’miurel, into whom were vested regency powers following the alleged state of ill health that has befallen Minuvas Melphestaus. As a result, an exodus has been created, afflicting the now former residents of Ebonwood. Reportedly, many have sought refuge in the lands of the Vortice. Reactions to this development, within Haelun’or, have been generally gravitating towards sympathy. In a quick public poll, a citizen declared for the newspaper: “I don’t agree with this cult of Malin that this Minuvas made, but I think the multiple calls for inter-Elven diplomacy on neutral grounds, especially during the conflict with the ‘fennic monsters, however futile they proved to be, were at least noble ideas that were worth preserving. It is a sad day for the Elven people.” [!] This newspaper is readily available for the citizens of Karinah'siol to read, issues being distributed to people's houses and to other various public places of interest via adequately compensated couriers.
  14. [!] Silver envelopes are delivered directly to Haelun'orian mailboxes! 72 SA Sullas Soirée Dearest Mali’thill, It is with bounties of pleasure and pride the Sullas talonnii will be opening our manor to the citizens of Haelun’or for an evening of exquisite grazing, music, dancing and games! We offer a time well spent amongst beloved lliran. Specifically on the agenda of the eve are the following: ⚪A toast to the new Republic! A historically Sullasian ideology is in full swing and beckons swift progress for the Silver State, thanks to the tireless work of Elheial’thilln. 🟡 Various appeals from each host, among these, tarot reading and having a uniquely written poem! ⚪ Snack buffet and beverages. On the menu is Haelun’orian honey, olives and sparkling beetroot water! Our address is Berr’lin Boulevard IV. Please RSVP. [!] RSVP slips are included. ↓ Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas & Residents of the Sullas’Calith’ehya manor.
  15. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sounds of Beasts Drown out my Thoughts We march onward, the clear sky marks it as a good day The clamor of bronze strikes our souls For they march, the beast's eyes upon us now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The firelands, long known as a source of danger for those who dwell in the ashy valleys below. These lands, native to the various beastmen who roam across its rugged county know only freedom to do as they will, to live their natural way. In their blood is the instinct to congregate, to move forwards to fresher pastures. First, only a few trickled in, seemingly singular individuals looking for lairs, for sustenance. Slaves and gladiators were sent, removing such beasts Yet, not singular in number. These lone beasts weak and unarmored were but only the advanced scouts of a larger more devastating herd. Seeking to add to their territory. Already they had taken their number up to the GREAT RAM FORTRESS, her forges churning and smokestacks pouring, as the beasts labored to cast the metal they needed for their warmachine. Forging weapons and Panoplies for their elite. THE BRAVE BAND, GLORIOUS Heroes! Hoplites clad in second skins of polished bronze, and heavy shield, paid well, each a hero each an individual looking to prove his worth in salt strode forth to meet this foe gathering on the borders of great Krugmenistan. Their forces commanded by the Indomitable Rex, and lead in the field by the Bronze Goliath himself, Ulagula'Ugluk. These heroes, came upon a shipment of fresh metals and arms from the fortress, their forces met by a great threat. The beastmen poured from the plains and the hills, and their great Champions announced challenge. And with Challenge they were met! The battle raged, and the Heros, strength of Leyd in their arms, drove those beastmen from the borders, though not before they took their bronze and their arms with them into the depths of the Firelands. Dedicating their victories to the Pantheon, the Phalanx, mustered in their strength brought the captured of the Minotaurs before the great Qarkah. Reeling in their weakness, Qarkah gave these beasts a new purpose. To redeem their weakness by culling that of others. And locked them away in the depths of Qarkah's Labyrinth. To guard the treasures it holds. The hero's bathing in the Adulation of the GREAT Krugmensitan, and SILVERED Sulianpoli knew, that the Herd will come once more. They are on the Moove... And now that the Labyrinth is complete, New Heros may prove themselves GREAT. And earn the vast treasures within. Undying is the KLEOS, this DIVINE GLORY we win! 'LO MAY THOSE WHO HAVE DONE THEIR DUTY RECEIVE THEIR JUST REWARD! And those who fell, find theirs. Rest now, Heroes, take your spoils, cast new bronze, nurse your wounds, mourn your dead, prepare thyselves. The Herd Cometh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come lads TELL US YOUR TALES OF BATTLE, SO YOUR IMMORTAL KLEOS MAY BE SUNG THROUGH ALL TIME! [[[Welcome to our new Storyline! One thematic and full of great struggles and great dramas sure to bring about the HERO inside you! Its hosted in Sulianpoli! The Silver Colony in great Krugmenistan! This eventline not only has large events and consequences and rewards for actions, but also static nodes, extra resources, trade, and a few CHALLENGES and DUNGEONS for even foreigners to TEST THEIR SALT! Come and test yourself in our Labyrinth! Come prove your STRENGTH in the TEMPLE OF IRON and receive great 'Boons' and many blessings!)) Tell your legends here!
  16. [!] Pinned to the Haelun'orian notice board and around the tavern is the following notice. To Change A Name Issued 5th of The Deep Cold, Year 71 of the Second Age Music It is with consideration that a centre of congregation in Karinah’siol, previously named The Magelight Inn, is to be renamed. Members of Elcihi found a rebrand in order, as changes are underway, and additionally to remove association with the former Okarir’mali. It is henceforth to be called The Night Owl Parlour. By Amanda Clark The Golden Owl is the symbol of the Elibar’acal. Azorella Elibar’acal being a figure of note regarding the last Republic of Haelun’or. As the building is under Sullas management, owing to the talonnii’s ancient beliefs of the power of astral bodies, comes the inclusion of ‘Night’. Changes to The Night Owl Parlour are to include removal of the impure smoking lounge and betterments to other rooms within the establishment. Sohaer Alaion Miravaris Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  17. elparir’thilln issue no. 2 printed by the Silver Printing Press 21st of the Amber Cold, year 71 S. A. pg. 1 Haelunor'ito... THE HEIAL’THILLN COMPLETE Early into this Elven week, the denizens of Karinah’siol have been greeted by the most pleasant news of the occupation of the last remaining open seats within the Silver Council. Following a brief electoral round, Elarhil Sullas ascended to the Okarir’mali tenureship, which has been empty ever since the days of the kinslayer. The now newly elected Okarir’mali has even published, albeit a very brief, list of objectives to be followed during his ministry. Even further, shortly after his election, the Sullas had already arranged for a soirée, which was seen as a promising success, rejuvenating the people of Karinah’siol, so weary of the recent memory of war, and rumour has it he has many more events in store still. It has been noted that even the self proclaimed speaker of Malin’s kin, the lord of Ebonwood, Minuvas Melphestaus counted among the guests of this primordial social event. While not altogether spectacular on its own, such a thing could hopefully herald a warming of relations between the Silver State and the Continental world. Outside of the Electoral world were the offices of the Mediir’an, the Sohaer’s direct adjutants. Following the political reforms of the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, to such offices were concentrated the diplomatic efforts of the State. Following a meritocratic assessment of potential candidates, to the aforementioned positions were elevated the Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos, and the already famous Malaurir Ikur Sullas, known for his thirty-year Maheralship during the late Arcasian Haelun’orian Republic. While, for matters concerning State security, their current endeavours shall remain undisclosed, this pair inspires hope for the future, and is most certainly seen as a wise decision on the part of the Sohaer to elevate the two. Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos, still young on the political scene of Haelun’or, has been described as lacking that unwavering attitude to the dogmas of the past, which some older politicians appear to possess. Further, by trade a sailor, he has travelled to many exotic corners of the world, familiarising himself with foreign customs, thus making him an excellent Mali’aheral to have on the diplomatic arena. At the other spectrum lies the ancient Ikur Sullas, who many believed to have retreated from the world of politics. Perhaps lacking that same novelty that his homolog seems to have, Ikur Sullas is, at a closer glance, a perfect piece to balance the international efforts of the Nation. Possessing much experience amassed over centuries of activity, and establishing many connections, especially in the realms of the Valah, it seems of no question that the wisened Malaurir shall stand sentinel over the international security and prosperity of the Silver State of Haelun’or. pg. 2 THE REVIVAL OF THE EVARIR’THILL IL’CRUAN The latest announcement from the office of the Maheral Braxus Ni’leya sees the reintroduction of the ancient institution of the evarir’thill il’cruan. This ancient order, architected by the famous Kalenz Uradir, serves as a guardian of purity, directly under the administration of the Maheral. The duties of its members include the investigation of dubious members of our Blessed society, of those that are suspected of harbouring impure beliefs that may threaten the security of the State and the progress and health of Larihei’s children. While the Maheral’s proclamation does not state it explicitly, it is implied that the members of this order will remain secret, in order to protect the paths of investigation from potential corruption and intimidation attempts upon investigators. To most citizens of Karinah’siol, this reenactment of the order seems most justified, for, it is reasoned, while the bandit pretender may have been expelled from the Silver City, it is believed her evil intentions of subjugation have not disappeared entirely. Thusly, the evarir’thill il’cruan is a most needed mechanism of further protection from the evil plots of the bandit and the kinslayer. “We are facing an oppressive, reactionary enemy that seeks to relegate Larihei, and elevate in her place an illegitimate bandit. They want to do away with our egalitarian social order, and bring about an obsolete one; a feudal caste system that even the Valah have started to abandon. It is unfortunate that we must renounce a degree of privacy, yet it is a necessary sacrifice I personally am willing to make, so as to ensure our societal well-being, collective happiness, Stately security, and the continuation of our most enlightened way of life. Besides, I know I am pure of both mind and body, so I have nothing to hide.” stated a regular Mali’aheral citizen, when asked about the necessity of the evarir’thill il’cruan. pg. 3 THE RETURN OF THE KHARAJYR The Silver Island upon which the city of Karinah’siol is built is healing, after decades of turmoil. As evidence to this stands the expressed desire of a group of Kharajyr to construct a settlement on the island. The Kharajyr are a most noble people, having a long history with the Mali’aheral. Many ‘aheral, in light of this most beautiful friendship, have even voiced their opinions that the position of Tilruir’kha should be reinstated, one which granted the Kharajyr a voice in the Silver Council, last during the last Haelun’orian Republic, some 70 years ago. An official position on the political status of the Kharajyr remains yet unknown, but it is doubtless that chances of such an emancipation would grow proportionally with the actual number of Kharajyr which seek to settle within the Silver State, so far remaining rather small. Hopes are, however, that their numbers will only grow from here on, and a most ancient community will sprung to live once more in harmony with the children of Larihei. Donation boxes have been prepared by the Silver Government, however, inviting all Mali’aheral that may possess an excess of marble, quartz, sandstone and other construction materials, to donate them to the noble cause of the Kharajyr. pg. 4 THE BANNER OF HAELUN’OR Gone are the traumatising days when the Mali’aheral fervently debated among one another the correct approach to routing the ‘fennic menace from their homes. Now, they turn to more lighthearted matters, yet still with just as much passion. To honour those poor civilians, mothers and children, that were mercilessly slaughtered by the ‘fennic occupiers, as well as to honour those heroes that actively engaged the invaders and thus died in the name of Larihei, the Silver Government announced and temporarily implemented the changing of the colour of the National Standard, from red to black. However, with the period of mourning drawing to an end, and with the beginning of the proper reconstruction, voices within society have expressed their opinion that the new, temporary colour, should instead stay permanently. This has evolved into a proper debate involving all of the denizens of Karinah’siol regarding which colour should grace the Silver State’s banner. Following an ad-hoc voting within the Public Assembly, the struggle evolved between the colour red, and the colour blue. As the main counterpoint to red, some people have expressed that it would herald a return to the more dark pasts of the Silver State, those of the Diarchy, characteristic of their undemocratic society, whereas the concern with blue was that it would make the Standard of Haelun’or too similar to that of the ‘fenn. This has not stopped, however, some people to come with more outlandish propositions, such as having the colour pink upon the National flag, in the memory of Azorella Elibar’acal, the late Malaurir assassinated towards the end of the Diarchy almost a century ago, since then a martyr of the democratic cause. Other people have proposed to return to a system of colour-coding according to each colour’s associated meaning within Mali’aheral culture, each institution bearing a flag of different colour, in relation to its purpose, such as the Library hoisting a blue flag, while the Sillumiran quarters a red one; only the coat of arms is to remain the same. Ultimately, following multiple polls, and the vote in the Assembly, it has been expressed by the majority that the colour red upon the Standard should be reintroduced. This development was announced officially not long ago by the Silver Administration, thusly the colour red shall make its return upon the banners of the Silver State. pg. 5 INTERVIEW WITH THE SOHAER ALAION MIRAVARIS It is with utmost pleasure that this newspaper editorial team receives the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris’s positive reply to the invitation of participating in an interview for this very newspaper. The Sohaer, not a novice on the political arena, has been voted as the Nation’s steward at a most critical time, and is therefore the centre of attention, for his decisions can potentially ruin, or usher into prosperity, the very nation of Larihei’s children. It is with that in mind, that it has been seen fit to invite the Sohaer to answer a few questions of importance to the public of Karinah’siol, recorded as below: Interviewer: “Sohaer, ahern ito nae’leh, for accepting this invitation and for agreeing to answer a few questions that I think are of importance to the public. Let me begin on a light note. Now that you have ascended to leadership, the invaders have been driven out and the Silver Council is full. Do you have optimism for the future, do you see this nation prosper in the years to come?” The Sohaer: “Well, I am a man of honesty, llir, and I must say I do see a bright future for the Mali’thill, for Haelun’or. This is not to say there shall be no troubles along the way - I’ve no doubt there is still much yet to be done, llir! But as an overall, I do indeed believe this is the beginning of something great.” Interviewer: “Over the past years, it seems that the entire intellectual world of the Elvendom has been captured by one idea, that of Elven Unity. What do you think about Elven Unity? How do you view such a concept, and how do you propose the attitude of the Silver State to be in regards to other Elven realms?” The Sohaer: “It is regretful that, in recent years, our relations with our Mali cousins have been rather strained. In terms of Elven Unity - I am most amicable to the possibility. Ne another Dominion of Malin; The Silver People do not seek a return to the forests of the ‘ame - yet a closer allyship, perhaps a co-elven committee? Should our ‘ame and ‘ker cousins hold a similar view, this is a possibility that definitely sits upon the horizons. It is my goal as Sohaer to branch out and engage the Silver State in the affairs of the realm once more.” Interviewer: “Now, you are of course no stranger to politics. You had a rather brief attempt to guide the nation, during the Republican Revolution. The question arises, then: What have you learned from those days? What did that period of turmoil teach you personally concerning leadership?” The Sohaer: “I expected this one to come up. That time was one of immense stress. As you might know, I held the position of Okarir’tir for an elven year or so prior to my brief first Sohaership; I was placed into the position in a rushed manner, the duty of mediation and stabilisation falling upon me. I soon learnt that the office of Sohaer functions quite differently to that of ‘tir. It is not a position in which you might command alone. After the assassination of dear Malaurir Azorella, there was much chaos afoot within elcihi. Those councillors that had been noted as suspects for possible involvement, many of whom were close llir of mine; I believed their story entirely. As someone who was not present when the attack happened, I could not fathom that these certain members of the Citizenry were so quick to place blame, to further bloodshed, rather than investigate properly the incident. In my absence, a small mob formed not long after Azorella’s death, attempting to throw the councillors who had been present at the scene into the acid pits for failing to intervene. To this, I hoped to finally make conclusion of the terrible event. Myself and mister Acaele, who was not, began making preparations to hold one large trial, chaired by the Malauriran, wherein those who were accused of complicitness in the assassination might be tried, yet so would those who acted in rashness, causing damage, assaulting the accused without provision of fair, proper trial. Unfortunately, I made the decision within this time to remove mister Maehr’tehral from my Silver Council. A popular ‘thill at the time, spearheading a great deal of the call for the immediate incarceration of all Councillors present at the scene. This, in turn, sparked the call for democracy. Now, llir - you must forgive my acts in this regard. As a young oem’ii, I had seen Okarn’thilln fall - it was in Fi’halen, under the system of Diarchy, that I had spent most of my life. A prosperous time it was, for the most of it. But ti - you can begin to imagine, I did not have the prettiest picture of democracy, nor a great understanding of its strengths. In retrospect, I can see my mistake. It was with this mindset that I put the growing calls for democracy aside - I had thought it to be an issue I might deal with at a later time, after the trials were sorted, after elcihi was back together. I was incorrect; and I failed to bring about elcihi’s confidence in me. I had kept mister Kinahen upon my council, who, I was later informed, whether purposefully or not, directly failed to intervene in the murder of Azorella, standing only a few steps away from her as she died; a bystander, in such a time of great crisis. With these upsets compiling, it came to be upon the date of the trial that the Citizenry declared Acaele to not be, and formally demanded elections. With this realisation, I bowed my head. I felt it was not fitting for me to run for Sohaer at the time. Instead, I took my leave from elcihi for a period of self-reflection; to recount those events, to grow, and to better myself. It is in recent years that I have returned, and in a situation of such crisis, I hope that this time I might redeem for the missed opportunity back then, the chance for progress squandered and the failure to lead with rightful approach.” Interviewer: “You have been denied the opportunity of reaching to the supporters of the bandit claimant, as she refused to debate you. Perhaps among those supporters are people misguided, who had their emotions manipulated and now find themselves in the camp of the ‘fenns, fearing that returning to this Island might bring about their execution. What do you have to say to those people? Do you believe they can be saved, that they should have our mercy?” The Sohaer: “To those Mali’thill who have indeed been misled, I reach out to you as I would any lost kin; fear not to return home, for redemption and progress is always at hand. The Path of Purity is ever open, and I should hope that, much alike myself, you each learn to reflect upon past mistakes and take steps towards improvement. The maehr’sae hiylun’ehya awaits you yet; for all who are ‘thill, a welcoming hand is extended.” Interviewer: “Lastly, I believe you have answered this during the public assembly, but I think it would do well to inscribe it here also. Considering the situation on the mainland, and that the main active treaties still in place have been signed by the kinslayer and her false counsellors, what do you think of the war on the Continent, between Oren and the Coalition? Do you see, as it develops now, a possibility of it affecting Haelun’or, or of Haelun’or intervening?” The Sohaer: “As of current, I cannot see Haelun’or intervening. Whilst I hope to seek friendships outwards, I do not seek conflict outwards. We’ve much work yet to do within the Silver State, and I should not feel it is our place to intervene, this is ne our conflict. Yet, times change, and we shall see what occurs. Despite these treaties having been signed by the kinslayer Ayliana, I am an elf of honour and I intend to stand by these agreements. Nevertheless, I shall say this: Haelun’or is ever good to its lliran, and shall stand by them should they face harm.” pg. 6 Author’s Note To conclude this most voluminous second issue of The Silver Harbinger, it is the wish of the author that thenceforth the newspaper shall accept advertisement proposals. Depending on the number of articles within one issue, it is desired to run at most about one or two advertisement campaigns per edition, so as not to clutter it too much. If it is your desire to make an advertisement campaign, do send a letter to the address of Berr’lin IV. No financial incentive is required, for those advertisements that shall appear on the newspaper will be placed free of charge, to give equal opportunity to the less endowed Mali’thill, and to advance our egalitarian society. The newspaper does reserve, however, the right to reject any advertisements that promote products or services in contradiction with the Silver Law, or situate dubiously within the life philosophy of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Lastly, to the same address as stated above, Berr’lin IV, one can also send letters of application, for those that wish to join the newspaper team, ever open to newcomers. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, Maenor Aildhuin [!] This newspaper is readily available for the citizens of Karinah'siol to read, issues being distributed to people's houses and to other various public places of interest via adequately compensated couriers.
  18. [!] Leaflets are posted in the marketplace as well as outside the bastille of Karinah’siol. Scout Pamphlet, Vol oem – The Bay Issued 9th of The Amber Cold, Year 71 of the Second Age Theme Citizens of Haelun’or Eluhieran, the scouts of Haelun’or, shall be going on an excursion this Malin’s Welcome with a goal established by Maheral Braxus Ni’leya; To capture a white octopus. One has been confirmed to exist off the coast of our Silver Isle. The octopus is then to be transferred to the fishtank within the restricted Eternal Library. The scouts humbly ask you to join us on this day, as it is too precarious to go alone. This task will contribute towards the Sil Badge for Uhieran! In this capture, the creature is not to be harmed, we must be tactful in our approach. [!] A fold on the leaflet can be flipped up! Maheral Braxus Ni’leya Uhieran Scout Leader Elarhil Sullas Uhieran Scout Leader Alpine Wonda MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  19. Awakening ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ A High Elf scatters through a darkened forest, dressed in a dusty, muddy, light blue jacket that had several holes ripped through it. His pants were frayed and covered in dirt as the man scrambled over large roots. There was no light source other than the light evil, bluish light that pulsed through the veins of the trees. There were few shadows darting after the High Elf, though anyone might be incapable of deciphering the difference between man and beast. A howl struck through the fleeing Elf’s bones, panic ensuing only shortly there after. He could not see his path, could not see the direction or where he was running, all he knew was that he had to get away from whatever chased him. The menacing blue light overcast him, pulsing bright for a moment. His ears popped as a sound wave shook the forest, the ground began to rumble and quake, causing him to catch his foot upon one of the deformed roots and slam into a pool of mud. Quickly, the ‘aheral turned his body, scrambling away on his back, soaked in mud. A darkened beast was lit up by the blue light cast from the veins of the tree, the dirt and ground blackened with purple hues, making quite obvious the corrupt setting.. The beast curled forward, baring its fangs in a gnarly manner before thrusting forward, gullet agape to snap up and end the Elf that had run. And then there was darkness. —------------- A blond ‘thill sat up abruptly in his bed, shirtless and panicked. Quickly, he feels along his chest, to confirm that he still exists. That he still was in the realm of the living. And so a grim look overcast his visage, and he sat in silence for several minutes. His gaze slowly turned over towards the left side of his bed that lay empty. A bed too large for just one person to use, and yet the other side was empty. He took a deep breath, rolling out of bed. His bare feet pad upon a cold, wooden floor as he stepped in front of a mirror to look over his perfect, yet imperfect form. He was tall, slim, and handsome, most might say. Though there was something new, a large portion of his lower abdomen had turned into a new, metallic material. It was silver and glistening upon the low light of the room, lit by a lone lantern. The slim ‘thill lifts two nimble fingers to feel over the strange, hardened scar tissue, a depressed sigh escaping his form. And so suddenly, the High Elf bursts in a fit of anger, slamming his fist upon the mirror, shattering it abruptly due to the brittle nature of the thing. He kicks a nearby stool over, lifting an arm to cover his face whilst he reigns in his emotions. And silence struck through the room once more. “I can’t keep doing this, I'm sorry, Taevas, I'm sorry. This world is just.. too cruel.” The mali’thill turned towards his closet, quickly throwing on a dark blue overcoat that moved down to about his lower calves. He grabs a satchel full of an assortment of goods. Money, a book and quill, et cetera filled the bag, as well as several folded sheets of paper. He exits out of the room, his face still grim as he glances down the hallway to a door near the end. He grunts, seemingly confused for a moment. “I suppose he is a heavy sleeper, then..” Karinah’siol, a temperate citystate upon an isle, lush with greenery and life. Home to the ‘thill for this moment. However, as of current, it was corrupted by a voidal tear that was eating away at the lifeblood of the isle, as well as other places around Almaris. A city of silver and white, torn through several times with strife, exhaustive battles, and magical destruction. Through this city, the scarred ‘thill walked, eyes gazing at the banners that hung voicing support for Larihei, the founder of Haelun’or and Mother to All High Elves. He let out a gentle sigh, his grim features turning into a neutral expression, yet he did not stop at any stalls. His direction was true and unwavered, out the open gates and to the docks. _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ On the nearest boat, he boarded, uncaring for the destination. A trip to nowhere, to disappear for now and get away from the chaos that had gone on for many years, since his arrival in the city, oh-so long ago. The only things he had brought with him were the clothes upon his back, the satchel he carried, and the weight and guilt of every decision he had made up until then. A break away from the city, though he would be back, reforged. Valazaer Calith would return. And back within the Sullas-Calith Talonni Mansion, a letter was left, addressing his only other family member, Seth Calith.
  20. [!] A navy blue paper envelope with metallic silver and gold stars, every one hand-painted, is delivered exclusively to each citizen of Haelun'or! Banquet of Stars 10th of The First Seed, Year 71 of The Second Age You are cordially invited to the Banquet of Stars, this Sun's Smile in Elcihi'thilln! Beneath the white, radiant starlight we shall parley and enjoy the finest Haelun’orian delicacies! Our esteemed Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, along with his also highly valued talonnii member Arasdir Miravaris, will be performing a rendition of ‘Haelun’or ito lye’leh’. Furthermore, the cherished Medi'ir Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos will be showcasing the beauty of one Akritian instrument, the kithara! All are appreciated who bring along extra platters or drinks, especially those of their talonniis speciality. All are expected to behave civilly, instigators shall be removed. A single additional copy of this invitation has been included for you to extend to a lliran! Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  21. Election of the Okarir’mali 9th of the Deep Cold, year 70 S. A. [!] At the entrance of the Eternal Library, upon a clear cube of quartz, sits toweringly the Okarir’san. To his right one can find ballot boxes, while to his left, on a table of the finest Haelun’orian wood, rest ballots and ink pots and quills in abundance. Nailed upon a nearby post, one can also find the following missive: “MALI’THILL, now that we have liberated our Blessed Nation, progress must once more take priority. Now it is time to make your silver wills heard, and aid in the political reconstruction of the nation, for you are all called to officially vote in the OKARIR’MALI election. The OKARIR’MALI serves as administrative head of the city parlour, non-economic guilds or associations, and peacetime leisure; promotes the continued cultural development of the blessed mali’aheral through planned public events; works alongside elHeial’Lauriran to promote an active high society; manages and updates the Haelun’orian Notice Board; maintains and staffs all public places of leisure in Haelun’or, as per our most blessed Constitution! The sole candidate for the aforementioned position is: Elarhil Sullas As a result, if the citizen finds the candidate disagreeable, upon the ballot shall be added the secondary option of: Abstain The RULES of the election, as per our Constitution, are as follows: Each Blessed Citizen has at its disposal a total of two votes. How the citizen uses said votes is up to them. They may be given to one candidate, or split, etcetera. Citizens may vote for themselves. The Election and the counting of the Votes are supervised by the Maheral. Illegitimate votes will be discarded. ((If you have two characters, you may not vote on both)) If you try to fish your vote from the ballot box, it will cause an immediate discount. ((Do not edit your post)) Only the Maheral and their assistants, who count the votes, may delve into the contents of the ballot box. Any other doing so is in violation of the Silver Law. ((Do not metagame)) Only Blessed Citizens, over the age of 50, living within the Silver City, may vote: 1) Proven pure of blood. 2) Proven adherent of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya as determined by the Maheral. 3) Not currently undergoing Path to Purity. The vote shall last for an entire Elven Day. ((Voting will close in one day from the publication of this post))” THE BALLOT ((MC Name: )) Name: Vote 1: Vote 2:
  22. A PLEDGE 9th of The Deep Cold, Year 70 of the Second Age I affirm that as Okarir'mali I will carry through the following: -An active tavern environment -Allow for new tavern staff to apply -Work with Elsillumirans new sector for event safety -Make enhancements to the theatre and game room areas of the tavern -Appoint and coordinate Tilruirs to aid in the running of Haelun'ors event life -Aid in the creation and promotion of non-economic guilds and associations, as well as leisure activities within Elcihi'thilln -Work with talonniis of Elcihi'thilln to help them host events -Manage and update the Haelun'orian Notice Board Tilruir'nealu Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  23. elparir'thilln issue no. 1 printed by the Silver Printing Press 2nd of the Amber Cold, 70 S. A. pg. 1 Haelunor’ito… VICTORY DAY Euphoria and rejuvenation seem to be the moods that have drowned the entire Silver City. The latest development in the brutal conflict that has traumatised our kin, that started by the kinslayer Ayliana, renders the Mali’thill of Haelun’or VICTORIOUS. Confirmed reports have emerged, affirming that the Sohaer Alaion Miravaris, and the Maheral Braxus Ni’leya, have successfully taken control of the mechanisms of the security of the State, including gates, doors and the treasury. Thus, Ivarielle and her barbarians have lost the ability to terrorize our blessed people, and, it is reported, they have disgracefully left the city. This was to be expected, many of the most respectable citizens of our nation stated their prediction that, upon losing the ability to oppress, Ivarielle and her minions would do everything within their ability to escape justice, leaving unanswered in the eyes of the law the many illegalities they are accused of having committed. In light of all these facts, the proud citizens of Haelun’or are encouraged to take to the streets and celebrate this most sweet of VICTORIES, now possessing the full certainty that this time, when leaving the safety of their homes, they shan’t be accosted by ‘fennic occupiers. Caution is still advised, however, that we should not rest on our laurels. The rebuilding of our Silver State has only just begun, and there are many efforts that need to be made by all of us, to recover from this costly period of turmoil. United as Larihei’s children are now, they must now direct their efforts towards reestablishing and advancing the central philosophy of MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA. Further, we must hold in thought and in our hearts those citizens that have perished at the hands of Ivarielle’s monsters. Those courageous citizens that gave their life in the name of the progress and health of the nation, in the name of Larihei. We must celebrate the memories of those scores of unnamed Mali’thill heroes, who, with their pure blood, watered the fields that will house our oem’iian, Larihei’leh oem’iian. With that in mind, it has been announced that the banners of Haelun’or shall temporarily display the colour black, in contemplation of the memory of those fallen. pg. 2 THE GHOSTS OF KARINAH’SIOL A most fabulous report has come out concerning the decisive victory of the Mali’thill over the ‘fennic invaders, detailing the strategic brilliance and the never ending bravery of a group of Mali’thill republican rebels, that have managed to drive the invaders from the shores of our Blessed Island. It is alleged that a group of unknown Mali’thill patriots, equipped with flints, kindling and daggers, descended, within the cover of the night, the walls of our Blessed City from somewhere in the North-East, where the ‘fennic patrols were rarer. Following this, they walked around the outside walls of Karinah’siol, and made their way towards the city’s harbour and main supply line of the occupiers. Equipping themselves with blue berets, mimicking the looks of the enemy, and through the most ingenious verbal discourse, they slyly managed to pass by the invaders’ guards, and make their way straight into the harbour. Reportedly, from thereon our kinsmen had free reign. The deeper ‘fennic camp allegedly was in a state of complete chaos, with soldiers and officers alike relaxedly gambling and haggling over loot stolen from our Blessed City. The patriots profited off this general unawareness to climb onto the supply ships of the invaders, docked within the port. Thereupon, they lay their kindling down and set it aflame, ruining in a short timespan the entire supply vessels of the enemy, it being too debauched to react promptly. Further, at this point it is believed someone within the camp announced that Mali’thill, wearing the uniform of the ‘fenn, had infiltrated it. Swords were unsheathed, and before long, due to the anarchical state of the camp, emphasised by the darkness of the night and the raging fire in the harbour, ‘fennic invaders, in their confusion, started attacking each other. Come morning, the entire supplies of the enemy were either burned, or drifting serenely upon the sea. The invaders’ camp now lay empty, save for the unharmed Mali’thill patriot militias, allegedly dubbed the Ghosts of Karinah’siol by a captured combat-fatigued ‘fennic invader. After such a crushing defeat, the occupiers, under threat of starvation by virtue of their supplies being destroyed, had no choice but to retreat from our Blessed Island. pg. 3 THE SILVER GOVERNMENT REBUILT Eager to begin the rebuilding of our Blessed Nation, Sohaer Alaion Miravaris has announced, on the 10th of the Grand Harvest, a new, reformed Silver Council. This new council possesses 6 Okarirships, eliminating the positions of Okarir’tayna and Okarir’akaln. Further smaller changes have been made to the remaining positions, and duties shifted, such as diplomacy no longer being the chief duty of the Okarir’san, but rather that of the Medi’ir. Thus we know, that alongside Sohaer Alaion Miravaris and Maheral Braxus Ni’leya work Tiuthwyn Visaj, Rune Viradiraar, Edgar An’asul, Maenor Aildhuin and Arasdir Miravaris, who occupy the positions of Okarir’maehr, Okarir’hiylun, Okarir’tir, Okarir’san and Okarir’nor respectively. At the time of the writing of this newspaper, the Okarir’mali and Medi’ir seats remain unoccupied, however Sohaer Miravaris is looking to fill those seats, and has thus opened the Okarir’mali position for election, still underway. Those interested and eager to help rebuild our Blessed Nation more actively are thus encouraged to launch themselves as candidates. Similarly, the Medi’ir seats, being under the direct supervision of the Sohaer, are officially still open to application. Those skilled in the diplomatic field, who wish to see our State thrive and rebuild its diplomatic prowess, are urged to contact the Sohaer immediately. While most of the Council is unelected presently, and thus functions on limited legitimacy, Sohaer Alaion Miravaris urges trust and patience, for such a provisional government is needed to stabilise the nation, and stir it out of the troubled waters of the present. When the calm has returned, the Sohaer assures, a vote of confidence shall be held for the Okariran, and let democracy decide whether the deeds of each satisfied the citizenry, and furthered maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Regardless of the outcomes of the election and the interview of the potential Medi’iran, it seems that the Sohaer is determined to start the proper rebuilding of the nation, and bring about exciting times for Larihei’s chosen. pg. 4 Haelunor’itone… THE ORENIAN ARMY IN DISARRAY The latest reports from our Western neighbours confirm that the Orenian Army has been defeated by the forces of the Coalition, not far from the main Eastern port. Following the Orenian victory at Haverlock, in an ambitious speech, Orenian Emperor Philip the 3rd announced an offensive, being quoted for proclaiming ‘No Peace Until Victory’. Thus the Orenian army moved to advance into Urguani territory. Their strategic position was less than advantageous, moving through the East Hub, they were forced down a narrow corridor which rendered useless any numerical advantage, being blocked by mountainous terrain on their West, and by the Ocean and the Voidal tainted terrain on their East. Thus, the terrain seems to have decisively favoured the Coalition. After much bitter fighting, eventually the Orenian army was forced to retreat, many failing to do even that, as the Coalition forces hunted them down. The World awaits with foreboding the next move of the Coalition, and whether they will attempt to close in on the Orenian capital again. With such a devastating defeat, the future of the Orenian Empire once again seems uncertain. The position of the Silver State of Haelun’or in this conflict, now that its own has been settled, remains unknown as of yet, and is largely dependent on who succeeds as Medi’ir. Whether it will draw closer to neutrality and isolationism, as was the case historically, or enter the fray, as was the policy during the reign of the tyrant Othelu, remains to be seen. pg. 5 Author’s Note There have been, in the past, a couple attempts to run Stately newspapers within the Silver State of Haelun’or. The unfortunate reality is that most ended after a couple publications. I believe such to be the case as many focused solely on propagandistic effects by the newly arrived into power. As a result, when their power consolidated and there was no need for propaganda, or at least not periodically, the newspapers ceased to have any importance, and thus stopped publication. One such striking example is the newspaper ran by Silvyr Uradir, during the early days of Othelu’s tyranny. It focused chiefly on discrediting the republican forces, and to agitate the extremist societal masses. As such, when the republicans all fled and the extremists held captive all aspects of the State, the newspaper stopped publishing, because it no longer served a purpose. It is the desire of the author, to further the purpose of the newspaper beyond propaganda, and to hopefully achieve a periodic newsletter, that should be as objective and faithful to the truth as possible at the time, so that the citizens of Haelun’or may be served information to further their mission to progress, instead of hindering it with useless falsities. With that in mind, this first edition has been written, hopefully a prelude to many others. The current format may be subject to slight changes and adaptations, as the numbers and experience of the team in charge changes over time, for now consisting only of one person. Thusly, if there are any people willing to contribute to the future of this hopefully weekly publication, I encourage you to contact me in person or send a letter to my residence in Berr’lin IV. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, Maenor Aildhuin [!] This newspaper is readily available for the citizens of Karinah'siol to read, issues being distributed to people's houses and to other various public places of interest via adequately compensated couriers.
  24. A CHALLENGE - Alaion Miravaris - penned and issued by A. Miravaris, 69 S.A. - Lliran, I come to you today to correct a mistake that I made long ago: to run, democratically, for the Sohaership of our blessed cihi. I admit, my short but brief tenure as Sohaer was one thrust upon me in the midst of chaos - and, knowing little else, I held the stance that a steel fist would grant stability, quelling the tide. Since then I have learnt - to right a wrong. Those were my words, and now do I seek to follow such with action. [!] An artist’s rendition of old Haelun’orian ruins - the old cities re-imagined. [ACA - Limca by Johann Blais] There is much still yet I wish to do; a number of changes which I seek to bring to our Silver Shores. And for this, I call for the support of my lliran, to cast their vote in the election, to place their trust in me to bring forth the wisdom I have gained in their favour. I hold a vision, lliran - a vision for our future. I have seen elCihi rise and fall into stagnancy, I have seen it flourish with light - these patterns made clear, I have been able to learn how to best keep our Cihi alive. [!] An artist’s rendition of a past Haelun’orian city. [A New Hope by Johann Blais] Our home, our blessed Silver City, has recently fallen under threat - dutiful Sillumiran, unarmed civilians and even oem’iian are among those who have been harmed at the hands of the militant ‘fenn and ‘ata that for some time occupied our streets; those that may seek to do so again in future. I promise you now, lliran - I shall do all that can be done to make elCihi safe for the children of Silver once more. My Pledge As Sohaer, I would seek to instate the following: ━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━ OEM | SAFETY I : The immediate approach to repairing our Silver Gates, to once again solidifying Silver Walls. A formalised gatekeeping process shall be implemented - one that is flexible, but fair. As Mali’thill, we should seek to grant challenge and inspiration to those who wish to visit our fair home : I should seek to have gatekeepers assign short quests to leisurely visitors. Those who visit for diplomacy, however, would fret not to be delayed - the issuing of diplomat passports would be open and accessible. II : The continued offer of immunity and refuge to those actively undergoing the Path to Purity, as per tradition, as per the directions of elMalauriran - as righteousness demands. In regards to the Mali’fenn maliata’ehya that recently have made entrance into our walls - I would encourage any with pure Mali’thill blood that have perhaps been led astray to undertake the Path to Purity, and seek out formal citizenship once more. The Silver Way holds difficulties, but I believe that given the right encouragement, all of Silver Blood can prevail through - to follow in Larihei’s legacy. Yet, all who are not Mali’thill nor seeking a return to Silver are beckoned to make their departure; I am ever merciful, and would see that even those of true ‘ata filth are offered this chance to leave our walls before they are removed. NIUT | STRUCTURE III : The introduction of a reformed structure of elHeial’thilln, in which each Okarir may be appointed or dismissed to and from their position by the elected Sohaer, but is open to challenge such that, if well-supported, it shall call for a debate and election to be held over the position. The structure of elHeial’thilln ought to be, as always, meritocratic. Such is the logical way - the Mali’thill are intelligent as individuals, and yet only together might we hope to bring about an appropriate leadership, one that holds the approval of the People to guide the vessel that is Haelun’or towards the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Elections as mentioned are to be held with the oversight of elMalauriran, and the electorate criteria being a Blessed Citizen: a) Proven pure of blood. b) Proven adherent of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. c) Not currently undergoing Path to Purity. d) Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. e) Submission of a minimum of one satisfactory tome to The Eternal Library. f) Contribution to The Silver State of Haelun’or for five years i.e. Sillumiran service, work beneath a council department, personal industry, active study, writings for the Eternal Library, physician, etc. Where disagreement over the status of blessed citizen of any individual may be resolved through Malauriran vote. I would aspire to take a census early-on within my Sohaership as to make this status clear. Within my Silver Council, I would seek to hold Six Okariran Offices, with the addition of the Medi’ir and Sulii’ceru - the former of which is chosen by Elsohaer to act as their personal delegate to foreign nations, who represents them in interactions with outside powers, and the latter of which is chosen by Elmaheral to remain unknown - their sole prerogative power being to call an early dissolution of the Silver Council in times of crisis, immediately bringing forth a new election. The Six Okariran Offices (Okarnan) would be as follows : Okarir’mali, master of Elves - TAVERN, EVENTS Okarir’maehr, master of Knowledge - LIBRARY, COLLEGE Okarir’hiylun, master of Health - CLINIC, LABORATORIES Okarir’tir, master of Law - SILLUMIRAN, INVESTIGATION, TRIAL Okarir’san, master of Words - INFORM, SCRIBE, DEBATE Okarir’nor, master of Land - CITIZENSHIP, ECONOMY, TRADE NOTE : I believe to begin with, it would be best for the elected Sohaer to appoint Okariran in order to achieve stability and immediate functioning of the Silver State, a full council with which to begin swiftly making repairs and improvements to the city, yet these Okariran will still remain subject to electoral challenge from citizenry who feel they could better serve such a position. Once this is established, and a census taken, I would seek to fill any vacant positions by holding an election for the post. In regards to the Mali’thill who currently hold such positions - or similar such positions - I would still yet like to make their further acquaintance. HAEL | DIPLOMACY IV : The selection of a Medi’ir Should I be elected Sohaer, I would start my tenure - after addressing the very immediate issues of public safety and a functioning base council - with my selection of a Medi’ir. I hope to hold within my first elven week a number of meetings with potential candidates, and would advise and inspire any and all with the vested interest in bringing about a Haelun’or with an elevated voice upon the international stage, a Haelun’or which seeks to interact with the outside world, to contact me regarding such an appointment within that first elven week after the election. V : The opening up of diplomatic avenues, and active correspondence Lliran, it is no doubt that in recent years our touch with the outside world has waned. For a time too long have we become complacent and isolationist, comfortable within our home - we see now that such can only last so long. I would wish to offer our neighbours embassies, trade routes, pacts - to re-engage our Silver State in the affairs of the world, to rebuild and kindle anew friendships with fellow states, for we must be champions of progress for all; we, the Mali’thill, are bound by elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya to strive for Progress, and that Progress we shall extend to our cousins, our neighbours, the lliran to our blessed Haelun’or. VAELU | EDUCATION VI : The integration of the Silver Clinic with the re-introduction of the Haelun’orian Laboratories. For too long has Haelun’or been without proper scientific study. This is one key aim of mine - to link back together our Medical branch and our Scientific branch, as they always ought to have been. It is only through this that we might advance hiylun - that we might advance the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, in fact. Progress and health calls for progress in health. I would hope to encourage the active resurgence of the Haelun’orian scientific community - like in the days of old, of Sullas, shall we praise and facilitate our fine inventors, studious ‘thill, and provide them an environment in which they may work. Through this, may we prosper and see the development of modern enlightenment. VII : The formal re-issue of Eternal Library rulings. I would seek to encourage elOkarir’maehr to publish the formal requirements necessary to enter the Eternal Library once again; such being a donation of a book, quality-checked by elOkarn’maehr (the department of elOkarir’maehr). Oem’iian (Mali’thill beneath the age of 50) are to be exempt from this requirement, and special other exemptions may be made in very occasional cases, but overall I would aspire to have this encouragement towards literacy and the continued development and growth of our Eternal Library, the oldest and largest in all the realm. VIII : The facilitation of the Eternal College as an apprenticeship system. Lliran, we have seen the Eternal College start-up - and swiftly stop - in the past. No more of this, I say: I hope to cultivate instead a system of meritocracy and independent learning, guided by those of scholarly achievement. I seek to have lectures be openly held by any, whilst facilitating an ‘apprenticeship’ system from teachers to students. Ideally, each teacher should take on between two to four students - no more, for each deserves quality time spent tutoring one-on-one. These teachers shall act as mentors and facilitators of their students' growth, challenging them to projects, taking their assistance in studies and experiments, and most of all supporting the individual aspirations and experiments of their students. This personal attention, I believe, would be the best way for our Mali’thill oem’iian to gain knowledge and insight, as well as a greater sense of freedom in their studies. One hopes that this issue of self-nomination and challenge shall inspire you, my dear citizenry - both to inspire each ‘thill personally, and to perhaps inspire your confidence in my vision to lead, ne rule over, Haelun’or: to guide our people to prosperity. Any who hold queries upon this or any other topic, or who simply wish to speak and make my acquaintance, are more than welcome to contact me with an invitation of tea. Signed, A. Miravaris
  25. The Silver Constitution AUTHORED BY IVARIELLE IBARELLEN Revised by Laerdya, Iphys Catullus, Ayliana Valwynn, A’eojalla Valwynn, April Viradiraar Adopted as of the 9th of The Snow’s Maiden, 70SA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY TITLE ONE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES TITLE TWO RIGHTS, DUTIES AND GUARANTEES TITLE THREE FORM OF GOVERNMENT TITLE FOUR THE SILVER COUNCIL TITLE FIVE THE NATURE OF THE BLESSED MAHERAL TITLE SIX NATIONAL DEFENSE TITLE SEVEN ROLES OF THE MALAURIRAN TITLE EIGHT AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ONE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES ARTICLE 1. The Silver State, formed by the insoluble union of the followers of Malin and Larihei Lohmanin, is the nation of the Mali’aheral, founded on the following ethics: I - The principle of Legacy Bearing and Talonnii traditions and maintenance and the light teachings of Ivarielle, to boast forth that of a stronger cultural, militaristic and economical foundation of the Silver State. II - The dignity and doings of the Mali'aheral and of those eligible for a temporal protection or stay; III - The economical values of labor and motivated initiative to contribute to the growth and development of The Silver State. ARTICLE 2. The Silver State shall forever be free and independent of all foreign power. ARTICLE 3. (Will never be strictly the patrimony of any person or family, and can either so be chosen or inherited should a successor be named and agreed upon.) ARTICLE 4. The following shall constitute fundamental objectives of the Silver State: I - Build a free, just, and solidary society; II - Ensure national progress; III - Promote the welfare of all citizens; IV - Promote the strength and protection of the realm; V - Offer means of education to the citizens, basic and advanced. CHAPTER II ARTICLE 5. Sovereignty, in all its plenitude, radically belongs to the State, which has the exclusive right to enact its laws. ARTICLE 6. The Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary branches of government are interdependent, harmonious with one another and respond to the Uthir’s behest. ARTICLE 7. The Silver State is bound in its international relations by the following principles: I - National Independence; II - Equality among states; III - Defense of peace; IV - Cooperation among nations to promote progress. TITLE TWO RIGHTS, DUTIES, AND GUARANTEES CHAPTER I - INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE RIGHTS AND DUTIES ARTICLE 8. The inhabitants of The Silver State have the right to be protected in the fruition of their life, honor, liberty, security, work and property. None may be deprived of these rights unless in accordance with laws established for reasons of general interest. I - No one may enter a house without the consent of its owner, unless caught in the act of committing a crime or disaster, or in order to render assistance, or when a court order is issued; ARTICLE 9. All mali are equal under the law and no other distinction is admissible between them except that of talents or virtues. I - Men and women are equal in rights and obligations, under the terms of this Constitution; II - The practice of any profession, trade, or work is free, provided the necessary qualifications are met, as established by law; III - Freedom of association for licit purposes is full with the exception being for that of paramilitary ones which are forbidden; The plenitude of defense; The sovereignty of verdicts; Jurisdiction for the trial of felonies against life, culture and the State’s integrity IV - The law shall regulate the individualization of penalties and shall adopt, among others, the following: a.) Deprivation or restriction of liberty; b.) Loss of assets; c.) Suspension or interdiction of rights; d.) Capital punishment; e.) Enforced military terms. ARTICLE 10. No one but that of the Uthir or Medi’ir of the time may grant writs of land, honors or vassals. ARTICLE 11. All artistic or historical wealth of the State, whoever its owner may be, shall be considered to be cultural treasure; it shall be under the protection of the State and the law shall establish what it deems appropriate for its preservation. CHAPTER II - SOCIAL RIGHTS ARTICLE 12. Education, healthcare, nutritional assistance, work, housing, leisure, welfare, and security constitute the fundamental social rights of the citizens and residents of the Silver State. ARTICLE 13. The Legacy Bearing and Talonnii are the foundation of our society. The Silver State shall watch over its moral and material stability, for the proper development of oem'ii within our community. ARTICLE 14. The law shall provide for the necessary measures to ensure that oem'ii are protected from corporal, intellectual or moral neglect by their parents or guardians, as well as from exploitation and abuse. ARTICLE 15. All inhabitants have the duty to take care of their health, as well as to seek assistance in case of illness. The State shall provide the means of prevention and free assistance to all. ARTICLE 16. Every inhabitant of the Silver State , without prejudice to their freedom, has the duty to employ their intellectual or corporeal energies in a way that benefits the community, which shall endeavor to offer, preferably to its citizens, the possibility of earning their livelihood through the pursuit of an economic activity. CHAPTER III - NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP IN THE SILVER STATE ARTICLE 17. Nationality: I - All Mali born in the territory of the Silver State shall be regarded as denizens of the State. II - The children of mali’aheral descent, who, having been born in a foreign country, can opt to apply for their citizenship of origin. ARTICLE 18. Citizenship: Citizenship in the Silver State must be renewed if the citizen in question has been inactive from the State for four years, and must be met with the following conditions: a) Proven worthy by means of a consistent meritocracy of four years. b) Proven adherent of the laws or military service (for a set period of time). c) Maintains active and recent contributions to The Silver State. d) Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. e) Demonstrated understanding of The Silver State’s Culture. ARTICLE 19. Condition A is proven by means of an extensive military service from childhood or to be that of a rising figurehead amidst other citizenry and residents ARTICLE 20. If the citizenship of one of Larihei’s children is revoked, in accordance with chapter 2 article 4 of the Silver Laws, the Mali’aheral in question must seek either reinstatement via petitioning for citizenship or decree of the Uthir or a majority vote from his/her council. ARTICLE 21. Rights of the Citizenry: a.) All Citizens have the right to medical service and protection. b.) All Citizens have the right to a lawful trial. c.) All Citizens have the right to approach the Uthir and his/her council with substantial evidence to call a fellow citizen to trial. d.) All Citizens have the right to bring grievances to the Uthir and his/her council. e.) All Citizens are entitled to basic education and the means to advance themselves mentally. TITLE THREE FORM OF GOVERNMENT ARTICLE 22. POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION The Nation adopts for its government the Ivarilist Authoritative form. Its sovereignty shall be exercised directly by the Uthir or Medi’ir and indirectly by the representatives on the Silver Council instituted by this Constitution; all according to the rules expressed therein. TITLE FOUR THE SILVER COUNCIL CHAPTER I - INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ARTICLE 23. The venerable Silver Council, is a constitutionally bound political collegiate that keeps control over the administrative functions of this most blessed nation in service of Progress and responsibilities granted to them by the Uthir. The offices that compose this body are as follows: Uthir, Head of Council; Medi’ir, Advisor and Regend to the Uthir; Okarir’mali. Master of People; Okarir’maehr, Master of Knowledge; Okarir’nor, Master of Land; Okarir’akaln, Master of Coin; Okarir’san, Master of Diplomacy; Okarir’tir, Master of Defence; Okarir’tayna Master of Arcane; Okarir’hiylun, Master of Health; Vassals ARTICLE 24. The Honorable Silver Council, is serviced by attendants under the name of Tilruiran, who shall be directly appointed by the Council. ARTICLE 25. Each Laurir, at the discretion of the Uthir, is granted the power to appoint Tilruiran as they deem necessary for the best performance of their duties. The Succession and Appointment of Government: a.) The Uthir reserves the right to maintain the Silver Council and continue the progress of the Mali’aheral through the selection of all Okarir and Medi’ir positions designated within this Constitution if initially vacant or presently unstable enough to warrant it, otherwise voting shall be held and the candidates are appointed meritocratically. b.) The Uthir is afforded the right to appoint their own successor either by missive, speech, or signed and sealed testament posthumously and then the council convenes to vote, ¾ is required for the chosen to be instituted or a public vote is held to elect a new Uthir. c.) The Tilruiran are appointed and dismissed by the Okariran whose position they serve under or directly by the uthir. d.) No position of government may be occupied by those who do not hold citizenship within the State. e.) Any member of the Council, who is unable to uphold their citizenship, shall be stripped of all rank until their citizenry is reinstated. f.) Any vacant position on the Silver Council shall have its duties undertaken by the Uthir and/or their Medi’ir until such a time comes that the position can be appropriately filled according to the subsections above. g.) Should the Uthir perish, their rank shall be transferred to their appointed chosen successor, if no successor was named it will transfer to their medi’ir as a regency until voted in with ¾ council support in accordance with b.). h.) No Okarir may hold two positions nor manage two positions ARTICLE 27. Duties and privileges of the Uthir: a.) Serves as the Head of Council for the State, managing the Silver Council in pursuance of constitution and law, along the ancient principle of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. b.) Serves as Supreme Commander of the Sillumir. c.) Coordinates and directs the effort of The Silver Council. d.) Serves as chair for the meetings and sittings of The Silver Council. e.) Appoints and removes Okariran and Medi’ir to maintain a full and functioning Silver Council. f.) Oversees and arbitrates requests for trials. g.) Coordinates and directs the diplomatic and military undertakings of The Silver State during lockdowns or martial law. h.) Forms Committees and Emergency Councils for matters concerning war and diplomacy or development of the State socially or economically in the event of poor standards or functionality. i.) Ratifies treaties. j.) Proclaims a state of war, should The Silver State come under attack by a foreign power or, if necessary, in pursuance of our international treaties concerning collective defense in response to aggression. k.) Proclaims martial law, also called Diraar, for the purpose of ensuring public health. l.) Oversees land writs and appointment of land holders ARTICLE 28. Duties and privileges of the Medi’ir: a.) The authority of the Medi’ir is second to the Uthir, and is only truly active in the absence of the Uthir. Whilst present, they do not have to assume control over the Council or officials, but when absent they may do such. b.) In the absence of the Uthir, the Medi’ir is vested with executive authority in all domestic affairs to execute their duties. c.) The Medi’ir may conduct political alliances, denouncements, ambassadorial affairs and diplomacy with the permission of the Uthir or in their absence with the appropriate councilor. d.) The Medi’ir assists the Uthir in the drafting of new legislations, reforms and general domestic policies. e.) In the absence of the Uthir, the Medi’ir assumes any indirect responsibilities the Uthir held, and in the event of the Uthir filling council positions before absence they assume such also. ARTICLE 28. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’mali: a.) Organizes public events and celebrations within the State. b.) Maintains and staffs all public places of leisure in the State. c.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’mali. ARTICLE 29. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’maehr: a.) Serves as Chief Librarian of the Eternal Library. b.) Serves as Head of the Eternal College. c.) Maintains the integrity, collection, organization and expansion of all Eternal institutions. d.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’maehr. ARTICLE 30. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’akaln: a.) Serves as treasurer of the State. b.) Administrates the Market District. c.) Supervisor of both interior and international trade. d.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’akaln. ARTICLE 31. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’nor: a.) Manages the citizenship, taxation and resources of the State. b.) Manages the allocation of residences. c.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’nor. ARTICLE 32. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’san: a.) Manages diplomatic correspondence in collaboration with the Uthir. b.) Overseer of all publications within the Silver State. c.) Manages press and State announcements d.) Manages all non-aggression pacts and alliances in conjunction with the Uthir. e.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’san. ARTICLE 33. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’tir: a.) Serves as administrative head of defense in conflicts both foreign and domestic. b.) Serves as Commander of the Home Guard. c.) Serves as Commander of the Vallei’lin. d.) Heads the recruitment and training of the military assets of The State. e.) Manages the structure of the Home Guard. f.) Manages the structure of the Vallei’lin. g.) Manages the gatekeeping of the Silver State. h.) Heads the distribution and maintenance of military equipment. i.) Detain any member of the citizenry indefinitely, in the interest of public welfare. j.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’tir. ARTICLE 34. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’tayna: a) Serves as the Head of the Ilumiran and all other magical institutions of Haelun’or. b) They are charged with the Magical development of Haelun’or and its citizenry. c) They keep records of all Magic users within Haelun’or, this record will be kept in the private library for requested perusal. d) Will refer any unlawful magic users to the Uthir as lawbreakers. e) Appoints and dismisses Tilruir’tayna. ARTICLE 35. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’hiylun: a.) Serves as the primary maintainer of health within the state. b.) Serves as the primary head for health institutions within the state. c.) Is responsible for location and assessing any suffering from health issues within the state and bringing treatment to them. d.) Is responsible for filling and making sure health institutions have persistent staffing and heads. CHAPTER II - LEGISLATIVE PROCESS ARTICLE 36. Members of the venerable Silver Council, Heial'thilln, undertake the sacred duties of discussion, drafting of legislation under the guidance of the Okarir'tir and supervision of the Uthir and Medi’ir, with the Uthir and Medi’ir having the ability to veto any majority decisions agreed upon by the council within reason and WITH reason given. TITLE FIVE THE NATURE OF THE BLESSED MAHERAL ARTICLE 37. The nation's greatest example of high elven society, the Maheral, shall henceforth always be held to the protection Larihei Lohmanin’s lineage, foremost founder of the Elven people by serving as the primary guide for the new generation’s education of such. ARTICLE 38. The Maheral's powers and legacy are formal, ceremonial, educational and non-political, and it is by no means an electable position or one that can intervene in the state’s affairs. ARTICLE 39. During times of Diraar the maheral is unable to declare the State Lost, as the manpower and easings of constitutional restrictions mean the state most definitely is not lost. ARTICLE 40. During times of internal conflict, the Maheral is unable to take sides, nor is a maheral able to come about until such is settled. ARTICLE 41. The Maheral shall be the sole overseer to purity trials, and any and all trials pertaining to one’s purity shall be handed over to the Maheral to ensure they are managed in the way of Larihei. The Maheral may not declare one impure without a proper trial, however. ARTICLE 42. The Maheral has no right to call for an election for any council positions, nor do they hold a vote in the council. The Malauriran also cannot call for an election of any government officials. TITLE SIX NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER I - THE SILLUMIR ARTICLE 43. The Sillumir is a permanent and regular national institution, structured on the basis of hierarchy and discipline. § Complementary law shall establish the general norms to be adopted in the organization, preparation and operation of the Armed Forces. I. Patents, with their inherent prerogatives, rights and duties, are conferred by the Laurir'sil, and are secured in full to active and reserve soldiers, who are eligible for military titles and ranks and, along with other members, the use of uniforms. II. Active military personnel who take office in a political post or public office will be transferred to the reserve, in accordance with the law. III. Officials shall only lose their rank and position if they are judged unworthy of the post or incompatible with it, by a decision of the Uthir or Medi’ir, or Okarir’tir in times of peace or in time of war. ARTICLE 44. The Sillumir’s essential mission is to defend the State and the integrity of its territory, its Constitution and its laws, always acting under the superior command of the Okarir’tir or Uthir, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24, paragraphs “b” and “j”, of the Grand Constitution. ARTICLE 45. The members of the Sillumiran are the servicemen of the State and its core territories. CHAPTER II - THE NATURE AND COMPULSORY STATUS OF MILITARY SERVICE ARTICLE 46. Every resident has the obligation to militarily defend their homeland and to comply with the legal regime of military instruction that qualifies him or her for that purpose during times of war. This civic endeavor shall be grounded on the unavoidable duty to train and engage in activities concerning the defense of the Nation against threats of any origin or nature, and in efforts to promote cooperation with the Country's overall development and welfare. CHAPTER III - PUBLIC SECURITY ARTICLE 47. Public security, a duty of all residents of The Silver State, and the right and responsibility of all is exerted to preserve public order and the safety of people and property. ARTICLE 48. Those under suspicion of being threats to public security are liable to both investigation under reasonable suspicion by the Okarir’tir, with approval of the Uthir; and search and seizure of property ARTICLE 49. All active duty members of elSillumiran have a right to detain citizens in order to ensure public security, and have a right to immediately hold a trial with said detained citizen should they be able to meet the requirements for proper court proceedings. However, trials of government officials need to be sanctioned by the Uthir. ARTICLE 50. No private militias or any operations utilizing lethal or nonlethal force may operate without permission from the Okarir’tir or the Uthir. ARTICLE 51. In times of civil strife, Diraar is automatically triggered if one side holds both the law and majority council. Only the Uthir may declare when such is over. TITLE SEVEN ROLES OF THE MALAURIRAN CHAPTER I - MALAURIRAN AND THE GOVERNMENT ARTICLE 52. Malauriran who are not in the eyes of the public for more than three elven months will be denounced from their position.The job of the Malauriran is to guide the Maheral spiritually, and if they cannot represent themselves in the eyes of the public they will not be seen fit to be leaders of purity and spirit. ARTICLE 53. The Malauriran cannot call for an election of official government positions, nor can they impose on an election or vote for a government official. The Malauriran are the only ones able, however, to nominate a candidate for Maheral. ARTICLE 54. The Malauriran will not convene without the consent from the Uthir or the Medi’ir, and may not come to a decision without first the consultation of the Uthir or Medi’ir. They also may not intervene with government policy, make reforms to the constitution, the Silver Law, or any other official documents pertaining to political, economic, or international policies. TITLE EIGHT AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER I - AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 55. The Silver Law and the constitution may be amended with a majority vote of 4/7 by Elheial’thilln. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EYHA
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