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  1. Sun’s Smile, 1973 I.T [Music] The Silver Crusade hereby shall organise a sortie, to chase the demonic beast Fenrir that made its escape after its failed attempt to siege Brabant. This demonic monstrosity must be put down at all costs before it reaches other nearby, unprepared and unprotected settlements. As such the Silver Crusade will rapidly rally at Brabant to pursue the demon. Alchemists are requested to start production of Null Arcana equipment, to be able to cut through the demon’s malflame. Gear covering the body entirely will be supplied by the Duke. [!] The vile demon fleeing.
  2. [!] Shield of the Silver Crusaders. ISSUED BY: THE DUKE OF BRABANT ON: 11th of Horen’s Calling, 1968 I.T Prayer for Protection. “May the Creator protect us And in turn we protect others Let Him be our shield, So that we may be His hammer, ridding this world of darkness. He who stands with me shall be my brother, Amen.” -Antonius Cardinal Artorus, Prayer Book for Owynists. The faithful people of the Duchy of Brabant have been under constant assault by the agents of Iblees, foul necromancers and their minions. However, we still stand proud with unwavering faith. When they desecrate our holy grounds, we cleanse them, when they burn our churches, we rebuild them. But now, it is time for the faithful to act, to purge these minions of darkness not only for the sake of the Duchy but for all of Braevos. Thus, I, Ser Sterling Whitewood, Duke of Brabant hereby call upon the flock of canondom and all honourable warriors to start the Silver Crusade upon the undead forces of The Vicar. This group will be composed of everyone who wishes to prove their loyalty to Godan, as well as those righteous who simply wish to purge evil from the realm. For those hesitant to join, or those who believe the issue is the Duchy’s alone, I assure you that The Vicar doesn’t want to stop at our small Duchy. They want to burn down the chapels of Haense and Balian. They will not stop until our temples are burnt and all that is good is destroyed. Noble or peasant, man or woman, take up your arms today and fight for purity and faith. I saw you for what you are, an old man still scared of death, the fear of my lance causing you to stumble. The wicked powers you wield are nothing short but a mask, to hide your fear and weakness, the fear of closing your eyes and never opening them again. Frail and foolish, afraid of life, Hides from God and turns to strife, Dark powers he wields with pride, His pitifulness cannot hide. [!] Silver Crusaders standing on business. Signed, His Grace, Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood, Duke of Brabant, Marquis of Lotusgrad, Baron of Blackwell, Lilenburg and Swan’s Keep, Lord of the Peaks, Protector of the Weefolk. Her Ladyship, Maxima Cosima Falkner Court Physician and Herald.
  3. [!] The missive would be carried by goblins, and posted around all the notice boards within the lands of the Iron’Horde and its Vassals. ♪♫ "WAGH BE UPON YE" Declaration of War For tuu long haz da buurz been zleepin' within da hear ob da Iron’Horde. In light ob rezent eventz, agh da evur zleeping buurz dat iz ever prezent within da goi, it ahm finally tik for da great huntahz ob the Lur to act. "IRUN AGH INCENZE" A Promise From diz day onwardz, agh till da threat ob da buurz haz been purged from da landz ob da Iron’Horde, da Lurz will nub cease the Great Hunt. All who hab been found out to be buurz, zhall be hunted by da Lurz relentezzly until dey will be purged from diz land entirely. "MAY DA LIGHT OB VOTAR PURGE LATZ" No more Buurz Let it be known, dat da Great Lur Hunt againzt da buurz haz been deklared. Let it bi hurd, dat all buurz will be hunted down zwiftly agh mercilezzly. Nub mattur if latz ahm Uruk, Honorary, Ally, or a member ob anuda klan. Latz will bi purged by da LIGHT OB VOTAR! Signed, Madoc’Lur, Wargoth ob Lur agh Dominuz ob da Iron’Horde Grimruk’Lur, Chieftain of Lur, Krimpgoth of the Iron’Horde
  4. THE FIRST CRUSADE OF REINMAR A REPORT ON EVENTS LAST SAINT’S DAY Issued by the HAUPTMANN OF REINMAR On this 13th day of Joma and Umund of 496 E.S. TO THE PIOUS MEN AND WOMEN OF REINMAR AND WHOMEVER THIS MAY CONCERN, A most momentous event took place on the last Saint’s Day in the year of our Lord. After the concussion of the dual weddings of Helfgott - Berkhoven and Helfgott - Burke. The mad Necromancer Funnybone and his ilk graced Reinmar's firm towers with the blood of man and beast alike in a show of their disgusting cruelty. However, within the walls of Reinmar was the truest form of faith before GOTT. Men and women of multiple races from across Aevos had come to support the most holy union of the two happy couples. So when the party guests, as well as the brides and grooms, saw the cruel action, all quickly ran into action. Under the loose command of Hauptmann von Reinmar but mostly with the Lord’s divine grace on them, the diverse group of Canonist forces engaged the foul darkspawn who had foolishly remained bear witness to the Lord’s wrath. NOTED PARTIES HOUSE OF WEISS Lord Walter and his Wife Marian Weiss, Who had come to the wedding, lived entirely up the name of the ever-zealous House of Wiess, both of them joining the front line against the heretic shield wall. With Walter landing, an important hit on the dark spawn with the House Holy Blade. KNIGHTS OF SAINT JUDE The Knights of Saint Jude appeared in force at the battle, taking the bulk of the front line against the enemy shield wall. Their most holy force held the line against the dark spawn line for the bulk of the battle, aided by other good men of Canonism. And prevent their taint from moving even an inch closer to Reinmar once the battle began. The Landser would like to express their utmost respect for the knights of Saint Jude and their desire to work together again, as their order in battle was exemplary. We were also honored to see a new faithful join their ranks after the battle. LANDSERS VON REINMAR The Landsers von Reinmar, including all four of those who had their wedding just prior, stood fast alongside their Waldenian Brothers, with Particular not to a very amusing fireball fired by Oberlandser Mage Arthur Burke, which caught the scum Funny Bone causing him to eventually flee the battle screaming. 'Put it out! Put it out!' as well as Leutnant Avya Berkhoven, who slides the massive head from the bear-sized flesh golem. Overall, the Landsers all conducted themselves well according to their roles. Using properly combined warfare with magic, alchemy, and slayer-steel brute force. FORCES OF MINITZ The Forces of Minitz, including their templar, managed to break into the center of their formation, with their templar blasting and shutting down any more range attack from the Iblees forces. The Prince of Minitz Ferdinand Barclay, standing and fighting alongside his cousin, his Princely Grace Manfred Barclay, the second. PERSONAL MENTIONS Laurissa von Haense for her efforts in targeting the most dangerous of the enemy and going to great physical lengths for our holy cause. The House of Colborn, while they may not have intended it, sent a very big soldier in a small package. MESSAGE TO THE FAITHFUL Canonism won the battle this day, but the war rages on as Iblees forever attempts to corrupt our world. So never let your sword dull or become ignorant to corruption, for he who rests rests. Wer Rastet, Der Rostet. With the glory of Gott's victory in your hearts. I encourage you reading this missive to remember we are Gott's blades, and our one true enemy is Iblees. So, never turn your back on your fellow canonist, no matter their secular allegiance. Now, all good canonists, go with Gott and steel yourselves against corruption! CLOSING PRAYER Saint Edmond, model of all knights, possess me not with fear; grant me peace and strength in the hour of battle. Let God think not on my faults but on my potential. I swear that if I come through this day with courage, I will strive to embody the honour that thou didst: I shall show clemency to the prisoner, give succour to the widow and spare the peasant. Amen! GOTT MIT UNS, ,Hauptman of Reinmar Thank you to @Petsch2k@Trey@Balthasar for playing the baddies and giving everyone a fantastic event!
  5. The Crusade of the Great Milkman To my brave and loyal soldiers of Milkland, I, the great milkman, your king and commander, hereby announce my plan for a crusade against the elf heretics, as follows: We will march to Nor'Asath , the land of our enemies, and we will conquer it in the name of milk. We will destroy their temples, their palaces, and their forests. We will take their gold, their jewels, and their cows. We will make them pay for their crimes against us and our cows. We will fight with milk as our weapon, as we have always done. We will use our bottles, our buckets, and our hoses to spray them with milk. We will blind them with our cream, we will choke them with our cheese, and we will drown them with our yogurt. We will show them no mercy, no pity, no compassion. They are not worthy of any of these. They are the enemies of milk, and therefore the enemies of Milkland. They are the ones who started this war, and they are the ones who must end it. We will not stop until we have achieved our victory. We will not rest until we have avenged our losses. We will not give up until we have found our families. These are my plans for you, my brave and loyal soldiers of Milkland. I ask you to trust me and follow me in this crusade. Together, we can make Milkland a glorious and powerful kingdom, where everyone can enjoy the blessings of milk. Your king and commander, The great milkman
  6. I love the Milk With cocoa, I love the Milk when it's good, I love the Milk With cocoa, I love the Milk, I love the Milk. In step, comrades, in step, comrades, In step, in step, in step, In step, comrades, in step, comrades, In step, in step, in step. Just one Milk with cocoa, Just one cup of milk turns us into lions, Just one MIlk with cocoa, Just one cup of milk turns us into lions. No Milk for the Elves, No Milk for those dogs, No Milk for the Elves, No MIlk, no Milk. Love the Milk With cocoa, Love the Milk, it's so tasty, Love the the Milk With cocoa Love the Milk, we love an Glass of Milk.
  7. [!] The pious and faithful within the city of Sin and Vermin as they cleanse it from the corruption of Iblees & the void __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Blessings be upon those who read this and we pray GOD guides you through life. The war against Vermin and Sin has been a roaring success and has exceeded the expectations of all of us within the Friedrichian Band. We did not expect such swift action and widespread support within Canondom when we first called to action. It makes us glad to see Canondom has not fallen like Lurin. A few days within us penning and announcing our PIOUS & RIGHTEOUS quest, the HOLY MOTHER CHURCH and Canondom rallied a force before marching into the city of Lurin. Clergy and faithful. There they handed several terms to the lord of the GODLESS city which they promptly accepted. The forces of Canondom were allowed to cleanse the city from Sin & Vermin through whatever means necessary. All that was needed is a permit from the HOLY MOTHER CHURCH to do such. Only a few hours passed before some of the culprits behind the attacks on clergymen within the city were caught and dealt with. A great victory for sure. Yet our work is not done. The corruption of Lurin runs deeper than expected. They have forbidden clergymen from preaching THE HOLY LIGHT OF GOD within their lands except within churches. The WORD OF GOD shall not be restricted to certain areas. They insult and mock our faith and faithful openly. This cannot be tolerated. They intervene in the testing of lurinites and draw blades against clergymen still. I shall remind you that these are the doings of the average citizen and guards within the city of sin and vermin. When we, the merry knights of the Friedrichian band alongside faithful from aaun and veletz, tested spooks with a permit granted to us by the HOLY MOTHER CHURCH, we were met with intervention from Lurinite lackeys and drawn blades. They had no intention of letting us conduct our testing in peace. They tried sowing seeds of distrust among us by questioning our purity. An attempt to lead us into bickering and targeting ourselves. Their sly words fell on deaf ears FOR GOD PROTECTS AND UNITES THE FAITHFUL. When all failed they drew a blade on our most beloved Bishop Callahan, demanding his blood be drawn. Seems like it wasn't just darkspawn and xionists who thirst for clergy blood within those walls. Our conclusion is this: Lurin has fallen beyond redemption. The only way to save the few remaining and dwindling faithful in the city is by crusade. To cleanse the land of the sinful and vermin scourge by fire and blade. Destruction to the current Lurinite regime and establish a PIOUS state from its ashes. Thus, we the faithful of Canondom, plead to you, Pontiff Sixtus V, save them from the GODLESS pit that drains purity from the faithful. Call a crusade. Crush the agents of Iblees and the symbol of sin & vermin that Lurin represents. ✠ AVE HOREN, AVE OWYN, AVE GODFREY ✠
  8. There are 12 crusader virtues that every crusader of milkman should follow and those are the mentioned 12 virtues: 1 Temperacy 2 Chasteness 3 Beliving in the words of Creator 4 helping people in need 5 Not killing without a reason 6 Accepting anyone regartless of their race 7 Beaing Just 8 Fighting for the Good of Canonists 9 Not fearing death 10 Grace and mercy 11 Defending the freedom 12 WE are born to be WARRIORS!!!
  9. Saddle therefore bridle therefore beautiful mounts True knights fall off all adornment Arm yourself, drape yourself with your Faith Proud Canonists the Creator sends you Our children exalt with joy Forehead of love and singing without fear Of our souls they will defend The Aevos With their heart The ramparts of a holy family Hearth, heat that does not waver The strong enclosures of the dynasties Offering tutelage to all his friends The bland flower is courtesy The Blooms of Hanseti-Ruska has recovered King Milkman, in the shade of the oak Shine for this promised land
  10. Brothers and Sisters Ive saw a vision From the creator himself (yes i am a canonist) He said that the elves need to be converted so i decited to make a crusade against them! Those pesky infidels dont want to convert to our religion so ive decited that they should be converted by force! We need a lot of people to Make the crusade succesfull so ive decited to spread my word that you the reader are now reading to all of the canonists over the world! The partecipents of the crusade will be rewarded with land under the vassalisage of the King of the crusader state, And that King will Be Me. Lets make Aevos Great again!
  11. [!] The Following document would be mounted to the various sign posts and notice boards of the Realm. Hearken ye, hearken ye! It is with a heavy heart and the righteous fury of Knox, that I, Cyris, Shire-King of Bywater, must perforce declare war on the darkspawn of Almaris. The Iblees cultists who have fled our lands and sought refuge in the darkest corners of the realm shall not be allowed to continue their vile practices unchallenged. Thusly I do summon forth the Knights of Knox, and those with courage among our kin, to take up arms and defend our fair realm from the taint of darkness. Every able-bodied halfling of Bywater shall if they so desire, lay claim to a shovel forged from the finest Slayersteel, a noble weapon bequeathed unto us by our newfound allies, the Druids of the Vale. With these shovels in hand, we shall smite our foes and send them back to the very depths of Arugula's sea from whence they came. Let it be known that, as your king, I do not undertake these actions lightly, but we must safeguard our people and our way of life. We do not wish to stand alone in this quest, thus the Kingdom of Bywater beckons upon its neighbors to join this crusade against the darkness. Together, we shall exhibit to the darkspawn the might of our combined forces and banish them back to the shadows. May Knox bless Bywater and her allies with his cunning and wit, and may we emerge victorious in this righteous struggle. Let the foxes of the Shire roam free, and the frogs of Frogtopia sing with joy, for we fight for their liberty and the liberty of all decent folk. Signed, His Majesty, King Cyris I, Thain of Bywater, Liberator of Frogtopia, Father of Foxes, and Protector of the Realm.
  12. The order of St Amyas. The Knights Chapter of The Grand Lorraine Truths The Knights of the Grand Lorraine recognize four basic truths of this world as absolute fact 1. The creator is the ultimate power and wisdom of this world, and all worlds. 2. The Creator’s word is law, in this world and, all worlds. 3. The creator’s word should be shared with all those who would choose to hear it. ​4. Those that Reject the word of The Creator and defy it are to be punished. The chapter exists in service to the The Almighty Creator, his Clergy and his Divines. The Chapter acts as Warriors, Clergy, and Historians for the Church of the True Faith and the Divines. Men of the order are taught to practice self-discipline, study scripture, armed combat, and record historical events. Vows Men of the order take vows to The Creator, The Divine Emperor, The church of the True Faith, and the High Pontiff himself. They are to ensure the stability and loyalty of the order. These vows are as follows: Celibacy. The vow to abstain from and avoid the temptations of lust, wicked is the temptation of fornication and leads men to stray from the creator's light. Poverty The vow to abstain from the sins of greed, to forsake worldly possessions and pledge all of one's self, material possessions and wealth to the church of the true faith. Obedience The vow to remain obedient to the faith, the Church and the order. Piety The vow to remain true to the creator’s word. To remain faithful to his law, his name and his glory. To follow scripture, pray and praise his name. Patience The vow of peace and temperament. To ensure no member of the order is needlessly bloodthirsty or angry, this vow is to ensure a calm mind and heart. Hierarchy Master of Order - Master of Arms- Master of Scrolls Knight of Lorraine - High Chaplain of the Lorraine High Sergeants - Chaplain Sergeants - Scholar Child of the Lorraine Rank Descriptions Council Master of Order: The Master of Order is responsible for maintaining political ties, managing the order’s finances and teaching High Knights and High Chaplain’s the importance of social interaction and patience with the outside world. Master of Arms The master of arms is responsible for the training of High Knights and High Sergeants as warriors and in discipline, planning battles and leading charges against enemies of the church. The Sentencing and prosecution of heretics, oath breakers and deserters. Master of Scrolls The Master of Scrolls is the head clergyman and Historian of the order, responsible for recording and safeguarding church and order declarations and history. Preaching the creator’s word to order members, overseeing the studies of High chaplains and Chaplains and dispersing clergy of the order to missionary work. Combative ranks: Knights of Lorraine. Responsible for the training of a child of the Lorraine, taking one of them under as a ‘squire’, leading small fighting forces comprised of Sergeants and High sergeants into battle. As well as physically conditioning themselves and attending chapel. High Sergeants. Responsible for the continuous training of Sergeants, reports to the Master of Arms for training and to update him on the progress of Sergeants. Sergeants The basic footmen of the order, responsible for their own upkeep and following the orders issued to them. Clergy ranks. High Chaplain. The followers of the faith, responsible for directing chaplains and scholars in activities, scripture readings and chapel sessions. May be called upon by the Master of Scrolls for missionary work, along with chaplains. Chaplain Responsible for recording small sections of history and scripture for the order’s collective library. As well as working alongside Sergeants to teach Children of the Lorraine the creator’s word. Scholar: Responsible for studying only, not allowed to preach the creator’s word until deemed fit by a high chaplain or the master of scrolls himself. At which time they become a chaplain. Child’s rank Child of the Lorraine: Children, usually orphans in the care of the order, taught scripture and made to work under a knight until adulthood. Where they may be promoted to Sergeant or Scholar based upon their preference. Application to the order:
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