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  2. @Man of Respectdo you remember in axios when you flew me around all of tahn in a boat, i think about it really often and i wanna do it again some day

  3. know what, tag ur it (no tag backs)

  4. on that note, there are already Shaman Cursed Children. I don't know if there are druid ones, nor templars—but all other deific magics seem right in their alley. Seers and Heralds. Locking them out of deific magic just seems kind of bland. I know this has been addressed though, matching their compatibility to their lore pieces, but wanted to point it out!
  5. A Xionist Voidal mage realized he picked the right religion.
  6. Paladins, this is your one and only opportunity to give me magic and admin in your discord. If not, I will destroy you. 


    You have been warned.

  7. now $X1ON stocks are up


  8. Hello everyone! Please read below before posting Lore subs, while sometimes can be unsettling to the communities in which they affect, are still valid regardless of 'community input' and are generally made in good faith by the author, that being said I ask that we all remain civil and do not resort to slinging insults. Please leave your criticism to one or two comments max and make sure it is well-mannered or I will be handing out warnings moving forward. I understand that both sides deeply care about their opinions, their characters, and their communities, but resorting to ire or insults is not allowed. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me prior to posting if you need to. Thanks!
  9. An Adunian poet walking by crouches down, picking up a missive haphazardly tossed on the ground. He reads it, and a single word escapes from his lips. "...byrlady."
  10. A Templar in the distant realms far off from Koyo-Kuni reviewed the post. “The Paladins are less successful versions of us, prideful bastards will try and blame the Shugo of Koyo-Kuni now.” He laughed.
  11. wooz

    Notice of Renewal

    Aurae claps. "That's an honorary paladin right there!"
  12. "This is a hot mess already...." Sofiele said looking at the missive "An ultimatum is one hell of a way to demand someone to do something for you."
  13. "Disconnect Xan!" The High Keeper commanded.
  14. Father Nerium lifted his Herald-Bone mug to his lips, reading the missive with wide eyes. Taking a slow, slow sip. . . He savored the smokey oud of Lumbridge Lumbean Coffee. He sighed aloud, "Die Xan die."
  15. "-..Oh. Nevermind. Maybe it was that bad." spoke Bog, having just flipped a page, his prior read being the first withdrawal post.
  16. [!] This letter found itself in all the hands of Embered Paladins one way or another. In my months traveling I have been made aware, by pure luck I suppose. That you all have managed to lose the allies I and my Mal’onn worked hard on securing for you. Do you wish to lose? Does your single minded arrogance and hubris feel the weight of your actions yet? Will you realize your actions when Azdromoth has burned half the realm? When the Silverblade speaking on behalf of the Sunlit Lord gave of us the Ultimatum; Unity or Blood. What did you all think that meant? Did you think it extended only to the borders of one Order? Ne, my comrades. It extends to the borders of all those that would see the Dark felled. But you all cannot even Unify into a single Order. You all cannot work together. You all cannot even work together with allies made for a common fight. Truly your hubris knows no end. What would He say if He came down to our realm and saw how you all treat each other? Scheming to disconnect your fellow Embered based on evidence that you cannot prove. Acting higher than the descendants of the four brothers we swore to protect. I would not be surprised if He abandoned us again. Taking with him our Embers. When the Silverblade again came and bid us to Unify the world once more to fell Azdromoth. You all staggered and stumbled. It was only thanks to the work of a few that you had allies offer their support. I will be returning from my short pilgrimage on spreading His message and finding my Mal’onn to set you all right. For there will be no Order or realm for us to return to if this is not remedied. So I say, and will continue to say if it is not followed; Unify. Unify. Unify. We are not above descendants. We are below them. We are their protectors, and their guides. Our purpose is to keep them safe from the Dark so they can be free and act how they please. So His Order can be made manifest. But yet there will be none of His Order if you all continue to let arrogance and hubris grip at the heart of the Ember you have taken on. You will either follow me into Light and Order. Or you will all sink and drown in Darkness. In a burned out husk of a realm with no one to protect and a Lord lost. Make your choice upon my return. Unity is our Salvation. Salvation is our Liturgy. -Aurae
  17. [Theme] Cathan stared at the post, before preparing to get navally landed by two-hundred Harrower landing boats in the future. Somehow the Paladins had lost all of their allies. And still blamed everyone else.
  18. Father Nerium leaned back in his chair as he read the missive, a large coil permitting it to bend. He considered the weight of this missive, concerned naturally for the health and safety of Uncle Elarhil and Aunt Aurae when Xan inevitably perishes. Bad politics ended Veletz, and now it was the end of the Paladins. Letting out a noisy, "Hmm.." he realized he had reclined completely horizontally, and the seat nearly ejected him forward as he startled.
  19. Aurae sighs even harder in disappointment at her fellow paladins as another ally withdraws.
  20. "Was this Latz doing?" He asked pondering if he had ruined the Paladins with one swift pen stroke.
  21. ".. Strange," spoke Bog, merely scanning through that missive. Then, he turned to his buddy, their expression peaked with interest - pupils dilated. "I recall a story now, back on Almaris. The wicked Miven Caerme'onn herself, neglecting all issues that made themselves apparent; Azdromoth was one of them, ti? History repeats itself, it seems." That friend spoke nothing in retort, because it was a mere feline, only focused on the week-old bacon Bog snacked on.
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