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[Recruiting]The Prophets Of The Shadows


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Long ago, there was a
small village unknown to the world. The village was surrounded by dense trees
that all feared to enter. The inhabitance of this village was an unknown race
of elves, a group that had been thrown out of their society and traveled around
the land. This was before Anthos had risen, and there is no recorded date of
their departure. The village was small, and had little to no defenses. The men
that were thrown were guilty of many crimes, and soon were to develop their own
society. According to legend, their god, Azgrelo the god of the lost, had
appeared in the leader’s dream and told him of an old prophesy. He had spoken
of the people of the village will achieve greatness in their deeds. The men
will show that they are worthy to follow the god’s lead and the new prophet’s

The next day the

leader of the village had told the men of this dream. He had explained the
words that he had read within his mind. That there is a god watching over his
people and it is their responsibility to follow. The people show disgrace to
their leader, thinking that he was insane. They laughed at him and scowled him
for his stupidity.

That night, Azgrelo

returned and asked of his follows and their progress to enlightenment. The
leader had told of his misfortune with regret and sorrow. Outraged, the God
said that within one week from this very night, a raid party of orcs will torch
the village. There will be a few left to survive, and they will either follow
me or be cursed by my wrath.

At dawn, the leader called

for a village meeting, and explained his vision. The people laughed and scowled
once again, taking no heed to his words. Every day, he reminded them of the
danger, and every night he was visited by the god. On the very last night
before the orcs were said to come, Azgrelo gave the leader information. He had
said that if the villagers did not place their hand in blood upon the door,
they will be killed.

The next morning, the

leader told of this great information to the villagers. After a week of hearing
the leader rant on and on, some gave in to his words and followed out of
annoyance while others just mocked him.

The events predicted

happened that very night. The villagers stayed within their homes, unwilling to
fight, while most of the buildings were torched and the inhabitance murdered.
The cry of orc raiders could be heard within the small village, along with the
screams of the dying and the silence of the dead.

The fire burned out

at dawn, and the remaining men collected in the small town center, with the
smell of burnt bodies and ash in their noses. They all had looked at the leader
with open eyes, and could not thank him more. Suddenly, the leader collapsed in
front of the entire village.

The god had returned

to the man’s thoughts, telling him that there are traitors amongst him, and to
bring out a test to prove their bravery.

Upon awakening, the

leader told of the challenge each man must take. Some of the villagers said
that they will not follow at the thought of following the god, and all that was
left were three men and the leader. The challenge was to kill and consume the
traitors. The god explained that their years will add upon their own, making
the men to never age. They were considered the first cannibals in the history
of the knowing world, and were feared for a time. They consumed entire villages
and broke families. They never trusted any other but themselves, but would make
alliances with others.

They were no longer the elves but were of something found within pure chaos. Where masks constantly, they ravaged the world at their own bidding. 

Suddenly, after years

of consumption, they disappeared fifty years before the rise of chaos. Their
legends had died and their legacies broken. Nobody knows where they had gone,
and believe that they were going to an ancient alter to pray for their god.

They were never seen

again………until now.

All throughout

Anthos, small villages of no meaning were consumed by their endless hunger for
flesh. The threat has returned. The ones that were once feared…….

The prophets of the



(Hey guys I wanted to
try something new and that I don’t think Anthos has seen before. lets bring some cannibalism to the server!)

if you want to help be the three companions then by all means send me a pm and fill out the questions

What will you bring
to the group:

Why do you want to


How active are you:

Will you accept the

fact that you will eat all kinds of flesh:

How will you

rp(characteristics and personality):

Send a picture of

your character’s skin:

Scenario 1- A man

approaches you in a bar and acts very aggressive, calling you names and such as
a drunk would do. He places his hand on your shoulder, what d you do?:

Scenario 2- You and

your companions approach a small village. Do you a.raid b.pass it c.ask for a
sacrifice and leave d. make a deal with the villagers (be creative) e. whatever
you want to do

Explain your choice

and what you would do:

Scenario 3- if you

came to approach another antag group, what would you do? :

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Does anybody want to join me? this is just considered a pastime while things pick up in lenfarthing. fredegar will stay, this character only comes out when the town is empty.


Anybody can join, but there are only three positions because i want to keep this as a small group, but it can expand if it is needed to do so.  

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