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Althurias Mellahweyn


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((I had this sitting around in my Google Docs for the longest time... I figured it was about time to officially post this. Obviously this will be changed periodically as Althurias grows and changes.))



Nicknames: -

Age: 215

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Status: Alive


Height: 5’11”

Weight: 140

Body Type: Ectomorph

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Light brown

Skin: Fair-skinned

Markings/Tattoos: None

Health: Perfect Health

Personality: Althurias is generally good natured. He is an optimist and tries to see the best in the world. He is very curious, which can lead to problems for him as he may take unsafe actions in order to satisfy his curiosity. Althurias is also very ambitious regarding his magic usage and other things he is passionate about. He wants to be the best mage that he can.


-A sack full of minas

-Collapsable tent

-Several bundles of food


Further Details: None

Life Style

Alignment*: Chaotic Good

Deity*: Aeriel

Religion: None. He acknowledges Aeriel as a higher power but does not specifically follow a set religion.

The settlement of Amondin.

Job/Class: None

Title(s): None

Profession(s): None

Special Skill(s): Intelligence, Ambition, Willpower

Flaw(s): Strength, Curiosity, Endurance


Current Status: Mage

Arch-type: Arcane

Sub-Type: Alteration

Rank: Tier 2

Weakness(es): Althurias needs to concentrate for a while before being able to make the object he wants to move, move. As such telekinesis is not the best choice in combat situations for Althurias.

Strength(s): Telekinesis is by far the most practised magic that Althurias knows. He is attempting to learn Electromancy, but he keeps shocking himself. He is also trying his hand at illusion but can’t seem to get it right. He is also attempting to learn Illusion magic.

Current Spell(s): -


Fighting Style: Close quarters combat

Trained Weapon: Dagger, shortsword

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Archery: Poor



Ahlgarius Mellahweyn


Nervinne Mellahweyn (née: Llalond)

Siblings: None

Children: None

Extended Family: Unknown

Pet(s): None


Althurias Mellahweyn was born the son of Ahlgarius and Nervinne Mellaweyn, both proud high-elves, despite both being born from an impure bloodline. He was born in Elendriel, on the continent of Asulon. He lived a happy life with his parents, however he mostly resided with his mother. Ahlgarius, his father, was a wizard and was always travelling through the region, in search of new magics to learn and new students to teach.


Althurias always admired his father. Ever since he can remember he’s wanted to be like him, to be a mage. When Ahlgarius had some free time we would most often spend it, showing young Althurias a thing or two about the craft. When Ahlgarius was away, Althurias would often keep himself busy by pouring himself into magic books and things of the like.


One day Althurias was eagerly awaiting his father's return from the Holm. Not but a few hours ago Ahlgarius sent a bird to Nervinne stating that his return home should be soon. However… he never returned. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months… but there was no sign of Ahlgarius. It was not long before he was presumed dead, and the entirety of Asulon had to be evacuated. Both Nervinne and Althurias were torn apart. Althurias became a shadow of his former self. He became secluded and rarely spoke. A lot of his time was spent in his room, practising magic bit by bit. Nudging things across his room with telekinesis, and attempting to create illusions.


After a few months Althurias grew out of his depressive state. He began to travel outside and interact with the people of this new place they were at, Elysium they called it. Althurias didn’t know what to make of it. Everything was much more closed together and claustrophobic. He didn’t enjoy it. As soon as possible he wanted off that island.


Soon that time came! There was news that a new island, Kalos, was just discovered. Althurias wanted to travel to this new place but his mother wished to stay in Elysium. Althurias frowned, for he knew what this meant. This was the time the two of them separate. Althurias was an adult at this point and he knew this time was coming. He bent down, kissed his mother on the forehead and walked out the door, seeing his mother for the last time.


The trip to Kalos was smooth sailing. Althurias met a few friends along the way and shared a good time. He set up a small farm in Kalos and made some good coin off the profits. Althurias was happy. For perhaps the first time in his life after his father's untimely death. He had plenty of time to practise his magic as well as farm, it was perfect.


But soon it became time to travel again. Both Kalos and Elysium began to be plagued by terrible storms. The order was given for everyone who wished to escape the storms to climb aboard and sail to new lands. Caught up in the traffic of running people, Althurias never got to say goodbye to his mother. He never knew what became of her. He never knew what became of both his parents.


Again he spiraled into a depression. He became shy and emotionless. He traversed the new land of Anthos with next to nothing on him. He occasionally sent up a tent and slept in the middle of nowhere only to pack up and move on the next day. Each day he was bombarded by bandits and each night attacked by zombies. His depression grew worse and worse….


But then he met Tharoon. One day during his travels from the Cloud Temple he came across an old man speaking to a halfling. The old man was adorned in blue robes and held a gold staff. Althurias was instantly reminded of his father. His face lit up with excitement. He had to get to know this odd fellow… but he knew he couldn’t simply just strike up a conversation with him… so he followed the man. He followed the man all the way to the boundaries of the North. Where he got ahold of the man’s journal and discovered he was to give information to the Scourge, a supposed evil faction that was wreaking havoc all over Anthos!


Althurias was taken aback. He didn’t know what to do! Suddenly the wizard began to wake up. Althurias tried to escape but he could not… his feet would not cooperate. The wizard rose to his feet and looked menacingly at Althurias. He snatched his book back and ordered Althurias to go back from where he came. Not knowing what to do, he turned on his feet and headed back, all the while telling himself that he would find out more about this odd old man.


Not more than a month or two later the two ran into each other again. The wizard threatened Althurias, and Althurias threatened back. After some taunting back and forth Althurias grew angry. He wanted to show this old man what he was made of. His eye twitched. His fingers gently moved. Soon his fingers became ingulfed in blue sparks jumping from one finger to the other. The wizard simply laughed. Upset, Althurias then went on to levitate a piece of bread out of his satchel. Again the wizard simply chuckled. The pair then went on to show the other their magical prowess. Eventually the wizard seemed to have enough. Using what seemed to be the majority of his power, he summoned a full fledged crow out of thin air. The wizard then sent it flying, and shortly after… collapsed to the ground.


Althurias ran over to help the wizard. The two smiled. After the man rose from the ground he explained to Althurias that he was a great wizard known as Tharoon the Blue. Tharoon also went on to say that he was wanting to begin a magic school. Althurias’ eyes beamed and he eagerly asked if he could be a part of it. Tharoon agreed, and the two agreed to put their past behind them. Since then Althurias’ mood has improved greatly, and the two have been travelling Anthos in search of great adventures.

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