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Heinrik Carrion [Wip]


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Character Name Heinrik Carrion
Nicknames: Roy, Baron.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Northerner/Raevir
Status: In skygod prison/Healthy/alive.

Height: 6”1
Weight: 200lbs
Body Type: Muscular.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty blonde.
Skin: White
Health: Restless, healthy.
Personality: Loyal, family man, firm and direct, somewhat strict, charitable.
Inventory: Ring of peace, sword of Godfrey Horen, the crowns of Renatus, Salvus, Savoie, Kaedrin, Herendul. House Carrion blade, House Carrion boyar cap, the dagger of Roy Royce.
Further Details: N/A

Life Style
Alignment*: Chaotic good.
Deity*: The Creator
Religion: Ruskan Orthodoxy
Alliance/Nation/Home: Oren
Job/Class: Royalty
Title(s): King of Oren, Duke of Renatus, Duke of Ruska, Duke of Salvus, Count of Corazon, Count of Rosemoor, Marquess of Koviran, Marquess of Kralta. Protector of mankind, Saviour of Kralta, Grand Strannik of Oren, Holder of the boyar cap, Fidei Defensor, and unifier of the Human Kingdoms
Profession(s): King of Oren
Special Skill(s): Leadership, military minded.
Flaw(s): Hoarder of wealth, cunning, can be deceitful

Current Status: N/A
Arch-type: N/A
Sub-Type: N/A
Rank: N/A
Weakness(es): N/A
Strength(s): N/A
Current Spell(s): N/A


Fighting Style: wide mensur
Trained Weapon[s]: Longsword, shortsword, dagger, pole arms.
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Archery: N/A

Parents: Roy Royce, Ipera Carrion
Siblings: N/A
Children: Roy Carrion, Siegmund Carrion, Ipera Carrion, Frederick Barrow.
Extended Family: House Royce.
Pet(s): Rex (Deceased).



Heinrik was born in the northern lands where he lived in a manor house with his kin. They owned a fair bit of land and had a number of armed men at their command. The young Heinrik was born around the Northern values and mannerism. When Heinrik was roughly six years old, his father had him sent to the Lord Lieges castle as proof of his loyalty at that time. Another reason for this is due to the fact there was talks of an upcoming revolution, Heinrik's father feared for his only son's life, and believed Heinrik would be much safer at the Lord Lieges Castle.


In that exact same year the revolution had happened, Heinriks father was beheaded and mutilated for “treason”, his mother was taken captive and Van Roy manor was destroyed. The Lord Lieges Castle on the other had, was put under siege.


During the siege of his Lord Lieges castle, the Lord Liege had lost most of his bannermen and kin, fractions of the keep were destroyed and Heinrik had gone missing, presumed to have been taken captive by the same rebels who had destroyed Van Roy Manor.


In this time, Heinriks mother was being brutally tortured, she was both physically and mentally sick at the time, believing there was no hope left. Eventually, she took her own life, by biting off her own tongue and choking on her own blood. They kept Heinrik alive as a noble’s ransom, as he was the last heir of Van Roy and would be worth a pretty coin, if his Lord liege could summon the coin to purchase him.


Heinrik had overheard a few guards laughing about how Heinriks mother had killed herself during his time held as prisoner in rebel captive. Upon hearing the news, everything around Heinrik faded, suddenly he could not hear anything, he could not see anything... Everything around him turned into a dark Abyss as there was no room for tears, for the lose weighed a heavy toll on Heinrik’s heart. Suddenly in his anger he had let out an extremely large scream and launched himself at the prison cell doors, attempting to grab hold of the guards on watch. There were screams of “I'll kill you.” “I'll have each and everyone of your heads on pikes!”. He held a great hate for the men responsible for his mothers death, and he would remain restless until true justice had been dealt.


At age nine, the Lord Liege would get his vengeance, he, and his allies militia stormed the tower Heinrik was being captive in and slew a majority of the towers inhabitants. Heinrik was then seized as a ward by the Lord Liege.Heinrik, still knowing that justice was not properly served made a request to the Lord Liege to execute everybody who had remained within the tower, leaving no survivors. He felt these cruel wretched men had to pay for their crimes with their own blood, and had pleaded to the Lord Liege to have them executed.


The Lord Liege had accepted the young Heinriks request, and within the following evening the rebel knights and the remaining inhabitants pleaded for mercy to the Lord Liege but were executed regardless, in front of the young Heinriks eyes, Heinrik did not look away during this act, he had the feeling it would make him look weak and unworthy, upon watching the life of the rebels drain away before his eyes, he had felt a feeling of closure, and felt that justice had been dealt. During these acts Heinrik began to develop a slight satisfaction for watching others having their lives taken before his eyes.


The Lord Lieges accommodations was still under repair and under potential danger, the keep was not safe for Heinrik, so the lord liege decided to have sent Heinrik away to study elsewhere. The location he was sent to is unknown, but it is known that Heinrik learnt to fluently read and write. Heinrik enjoyed reading books, and at that time wanted to become a writer. This ambition had continued for a fairly long time, up until he was 13 years old, when he had discovered a new purpose and goal. Most of the books he read were about his homeland in the north, about it’s history, it’s present and about northern customs. An ambition formed in the young Heinrik's mind, an idea which made Heinrik wish to fight and fulfill his legacy and leave a mark on the world as a Van Roy. He abandoned all hope of being a writer, and instead. Trained to become a fierce warrior capable of great things. He had favoured a bastard longsword to anything smaller, axes were insufficient, short swords were useless and bows were unreliable.


A few years later he was recalled to one of his liege lord’s associates home-stay. He became interested in politics, hoping to one day redeem the Van Roy and his lord lieges loses. Both houses had lost so much during the revolution. Upon his return to noble courts, he was met with some scorn, he felt the need to prove himself to everybody, nobody knew his name and many dismissed him as the liege lord had to waste precious time and lives trying to rescue the “Van Roy boy” Many thought it was cumbersome and wasteful to allot resources to save the son of a minor noble who most likely would lead to nothing. He felt the need to change that perception of himself.


Heinrik was an understudy to this other minor noble, who taught Heinrik about political corruption and how to deceive a person effectively. Heinrik was not yet ready to execute these actions without practice, so the Lord Liege told Heinrik to bribe the local herald into telling the local populace of a new form of plague, and that the only person the people can look up to currently is the Lord Liege. The idea proved efficient, some of the locals believed the rumour of plague to be false, whilst others thought otherwise and men flocked to him for cures and remedies to the potential plague. With more people under his banner, the liege could raise his taxes and earn more coin. Heinrik studied this lesson of deception and corruption, along with others, in the courts of nobles, eagerly waiting to when he could scheme, plot, and rise his status as they did, so he could leave a mark in the world that was not him being a useless prisoner in a great rebellion.





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