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The Coprinus, Healers Of The Fringe


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As the darkness and corruption seeps into the land, all goes into chaos. The branches and dark powers make its way into the pines, and soon the life around it. All around, animals die from hunger and sickness. The plants are wilting and dying from the acidic soil. All is laid to waste with this dark essence inhabiting the fringe.

Yet within a single, lonely cave, the darkness does not reach. Within this cave, life flourishes from a single body. It has long been decayed, but the pure soul battles the darkness, and is losing rapidly.

Soon the plants too begin to die, and that pure soul struggles on, spending its essence on the survival of the cave. Yet, as the darkness seeped within, it reacted with the soul.

The soul recoiled in a blast of pure energy, eliminating the darkness around the cave.

The essence of the soul spread through each living thing, but was absorbed by an unexpected form of plant life. The Mushrooms.

The Mushrooms grew in size; they developed more and more over time. Some became the largest mushrooms in the entire fringe, while a select few evolved. They grew a conscious, and were aware of their surroundings. Five they were, and five they always shall be.

They were the Guardians of the forest. The Coprinus. These beings are not a new race, but protectors as Ents are to trees or druids are to life. The Coprinus protect the wild life of caves. They create new habitats for animals in the least habitable places. They can soak up water, and use it as they please. They can spread spores, to restore the barren lands of war and darkness. For they are the warriors of light.


The Coprinus

Intro: This new creature is a humanoid mushroom. They are able to travel separately or within their single group of five. Their lifespan will be forever, but they can be killed as any mortal can. Yet, like a phoenix, they can re-grow themselves by attaching their soul with another mushroom. This will take an elven week at most for the whole creature to reform.

Habits: They can live within the mortal world and cities as they please, but will prefer a habitable cave. These will in turn, be their spawning cave if they are to die at any given event. They will release spores from time to time, but depending on the mood of the Coprinus, they could be poisonous. However, they tend to be passive creatures and so the spores will not cause any harm.

They can perform any task a mortal can, but requires teaching as all do. Magic, however is restricted from them, for they are not creatures who can access the void. They also require the consummation of food, which does include meat. They will live within the area they purge of corruption, rarely mingling with other races.

Habitats: a Common cave of this creature will be small or large, and abundant with life. A small room will be filled with mushrooms, as this will be their spawning room. They will also have a pool to stay hydrated. Mushrooms do require absorbing water in order to survive. Whatever else that may be found within the cave will be up to the Coprinus. They too, reside within large mushroom houses, but this is a rare occurrence as it does resemble the habits of man, orc, and elf.  

Attack/defense: As I sated earlier, they do release spores. But they can only release three kinds. One of them being the restoration spore. These will allow life to thrive and make the land fertile. Next, the paralyzing spores will do as the name states. It will affect your nervous system and paralyze you for a few hours. The final one is the poison spore. This is extremely toxic to all and is best to be avoided.

Yet, the creatures are able to wear armor, use tools, and fight with weapons.

Appearance: ​The creatures generally resemble living humanoid mushrooms. They will carry with them, bags or sacks of mushrooms to spread around the fringe. this will allow them to have a better connection with the land and its life. 

Revival: The revival of these creatures will take an elven week as stated. and they will develop within the stalk of a giant mushroom. The mushroom will take on the looks of the Coprinus, which will indicate if the creature is in fact within the stalk. once fully developed, the creature will rip through the stalk from the inside, and so will continue to live as it once did. 





The purpose of the Coprinus is to revive the world, and bring a more peaceful creature to the fringe. We have ghouls, shades, you name it. Why not add something players can be weary, yet thankful of. For they can help restore what the darkness has done to the lands, and even provide water for a rising settlement. They are basically conscious mushrooms wanting either to help or to thrive.

I did not want an abundance of this creature for the sake of rp. We don’t want an entire city full of respawning mushroom people or an uncontrolled species of creatures either. This way, the five players will keep the amount of the creatures in a controlled group. Yet, more could be added if the community wants them.


Now I want YOU players to decide if we could use the Coprinus for a more interesting rp situation and experience, or deny this and say how “there are too many things that can do what the Coprinus can do”. 

The choice is yours.

*If you do think this is a great idea and want to be one of the five, pm me with this application*

Rp name for the Coprinus:

MC name:


Why do you want to be one of the five:

How will you portray your character (nice, cunning, mischievous, etc):
NOTE: you still need to help others, it just adds a personal kick to the creature.

You must accept the terms and conditions:


I (Insert name here) shall not abuse this character and break the rules. I will help out all who needs it and play the part. I will not meta-game, grief, or break any server rules. I will not commit a crime (intentionally ;) ). I will respect the rules of the Coprinus and will respect all players.



NOTE All who wish to be one, allow for the idea to be accepted or not

Edited by cman64
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I think you should hold off on the PMing of the application, brosef. Wait till this lore/idea is accepted first, and then send out applications. It'd be a shame if this lore was denied, and all the people who filled out the applications weren't allowed to actually be a Coprinus. It'd be false hope.


Unfortunately, I don't see the point in this lore. Not to mention we already have druids, which I see you've mentioned. I just don't see why we need another type of creature in the Fringe to fight the Scourge when there's already so many other types of people and things fighting it as well. And there are also Dryads.


I'm going to have to say no to this. I'm sorry.

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I think you should hold off on the PMing of the application, brosef. Wait till this lore/idea is accepted first, and then send out applications. It'd be a shame if this lore was denied, and all the people who filled out the applications weren't allowed to actually be a Coprinus. It'd be false hope.


Unfortunately, I don't see the point in this lore. Not to mention we already have druids, which I see you've mentioned. I just don't see why we need another type of creature in the Fringe to fight the Scourge when there's already so many other types of people and things fighting it as well. And there are also Dryads.


I'm going to have to say no to this. I'm sorry.


I added for any who wish to become apart of it should wait within the post.


But the difference is that these are "creatures". They are more inclined to live and revive the fringe that they will reside in. also, they do not use any sort of magic like the druids, and could quite possibly have closer relations or agreements with them.

Regarding the scourge, its the players' option to fight against them or if they are convinced in rp. It would be the right thing to do as creatures of the fringe to fight against them.


All in all, i can see them helping out the druids or any other group that have a close relationship to the fringe environment 

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Are we really in need of healers...we have the Monks, the Druids, Clerics, Golden Lance, Kha...

Why not then have them as more creatures like i originally wanted. they aren't in any way a new race, and strictly are protecting their home, the fringe. preferably they don't heal people, just the land that they choose. or they could have a comical twist and spread fungi around the fringe

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