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A strictly non-combat and highly customizable form of magic, this magic type based of the popular book series ‘Harry Potter’ makes use of a wand and shouting random words to cause a series of effects! This would almost be a slightly more complex and interesting form of magic, that requires nothing but a mere connection to the void to work; however that’ll all be explained later on.


How does it work?


Well, currently holding a wooden stick and shouting a random word of two does very little to the world around you. However, an odd little man is bringing his knowledge to the world at long last. Over the past lifetime this odd little man has developed several spells for a variety of effects, all powered by the void itself. The process starts with a wand being selected, often found to be specific to the user’s demands. The wandweaver then takes this wand, which currently is nothing but a stick and ‘teaches’ it how to use the holders connection to the void, to pull mana from the plane and into the wand. Having a wand filled with mana enables certain effects can be ‘triggered’ using specific words and phrases that the want has been ‘taught’. Whilst being held the wand and the holder between intertwined, the spells, charms also becoming tangled within this connection, therefore if you’re not holding the wand none of this is possible. One may now ask ‘If it only uses a connection to the void, why can't I just scrap the wand?’ This is because each wand is imbued with a ‘special’ charm if you will that enables it to be slightly more customizable, to store these separate combinations and help assist in intertwining the connection of the user and wand. Also to restrict somebody just ‘stealing’ a wand, and using all the power upon it the charm which comes with it, you must also include the user of the wand within the charm; meaning nobody else other than the one ‘weaved’ into it can use it.


The next step I shall discuss is how the ‘Spells’ come to be! Well, over the years the frail old man has developed many a effect atop the original, wandweaving spell that cause a variety of effects! All to be listed below. However! This magic is not limited by the already formed spells and charms, no! Upon being taught the correct abilities within wandweaving, or finding one to ‘weave’ the effect into the wand your creativity is your only boundary! That, and several years of work and studying in order to successfully form the new spell. Well, and that fact anything formed has to be within the bounds of reality; so for instance magic such as necromancy & arcane evocation are completely out of the question! I must also add, once a new spell has been created it isn’t automatically transferred to the wand. Only the ‘pre installed’ spells are available until the new one has been weaved into the wand you hold.


Becoming a wandweaver is no easy task! You must undergo a series of lessons that could takes months, even years to complete before finally the wandweaver believes you’re ready.. In doing so he will teach you the final word, and how to incorporate it to create the wands and spells that assist in the daily lives of those around them.


Current Spells/Charms


Due to my complete lack of creativity, all of these are stolen from the Harry Potter franchise.. I may mix the names up slightly yet! They’re fancy and spiffing so I’m using them.


Credas (Unblock): Unblocks a choking man’s airways! Developed by the original wandweaver after discussing the process with several doctors from around the realm he managed to formulate a technique for assisting those in dire need! Without getting your hands dirty.

Clauditis (Lock): Forces the lock of a door to seal! Not only that, yet it forms a ‘seal’ around the lock disallowing normal unlocking means for several hours. Counteracting by recludam.

Recludam (Unlock): Removes the magical binds of of Clauditis around a lock, allowing it to be freely opened and closed once again. It also can force the unlock of basic locks, however anything complex the spell will simply fail.

Sectis (Cut): A very weak cutting ability! Can only slice through paper, opening those letters or destroying that incriminating evidence.. That or give somebody a really nasty papercut.

Sana (Heal): Fixes very minor wounds, such as a light cut. Trying on anything more than that will only cause further damage to the victim. (Questioning this one myself, if current healers do not wish for it to be a thing then so be it!)

Silentium (Silence): Causes the victims tongue to become stuck atop their mouth! Silencing them for around 20-30 minutes, or until the cancel spell is used!

Lucem (Light): Causes a narrow beam of light to emit from the users wand, enough to light up a small room or corridor, yet hardly enough to reveal a large underground cavern!

Septentrio (North): Forces the wand to point in the direction of true north, practically acting as if it’s a compass.

Redintegro (Fix): Repairs minor objects, such as a broken stick, glasses, clock… Little things, has little effect if a sword was to shatter.

Pellentesque (Cancel): Removes all effects done by a wand, quite the rare spell. Does not fully ‘silence’ a wand yet only the effect is has produced.




Now, for obvious reasons this form of magic must have some form control. Allowing the community base to create their own forms of little spells could have some negative effects. So they would have to be OOC’ly approved, thats the idea behind the wandweavers only being able to form new spells and create wands, we can somewhat give RP reasoning for OOC needs of control. How it’s monitored could be done through various ways, I could monitor it, or the LM team, I do not mind.


I thought I'd add a little something more, this is my attempt to add slightly more creativity to the magic of LotC instead of the bogstandard 'earth, fire, air and electricity' stuff. It enables people to form there own magic spells without having to pass through the laborious process of getting lore approved, however don't get me wrong. Forming a new spell still requires vast research, and explanations of how that particular spell connects to the void and manipulates them.. The magic type is just a way to gather all these minuscule spells into one place. Further questions can be answered.

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I understand currently no new magic is being accepted, but I wrote this after a stroke of boredom and decided to post it anyways.




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References to popular culture are not often looked upon highly.


Plus you don't seem to have much of an explanation as to how it fits in LotC. Why is language and a twig connecting to a magical force? Void or Deity?

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References to popular culture are not often looked upon highly.


Plus you don't seem to have much of an explanation as to how it fits in LotC. Why is language and a twig connecting to a magical force? Void or Deity?


Language is merely a trigger, something to 'kick in' the effects explained. Quite frankly this was thrown together within an hour based on a slightly unique idea I summoned up. I've hardly devolped the idea to vast qualities. And, as explained it's the void. The void does all sorts of odd and bizarre things that shouldn't happen in real life, this is just a way of manipulating it to create a unique magic that breaks apart from the usual methods we see today.

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Incantations? I am waiting for Kalenz to acknowledge my existence to discuss incantations for whimsical/domestic uses. If I can get it off the ground you could use a wand if you like, though its just the words that matter.

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Incantations? I am waiting for Kalenz to acknowledge my existence to discuss incantations for whimsical/domestic uses. If I can get it off the ground you could use a wand if you like, though its just the words that matter.


Alright, tell me the result.. Although the words would leave a large hole in my heart.. I suppose I could adapt around them, or make them merely an aesthetic feature that some choose to say for no apparent reason.

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