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[Mercs] Company 2-11

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English Version:


Are you looking to fight as a freeman in one of the finest mercenary companies in the lands? Look no further, you’ve stumbled upon Company 211, mercenaries for hire.


We don’t fight for anything other than riches, nor do we look to bow to a crown, faction, or banner. Pay us the right amount and obstacles will be removed, simple as that.


Joining: You can make contact with Company 211 on the road to Hanseti, knock on the gate and request to talk to someone. You can also leave a letter if you’re capable of reading or writing in our drop box. ((Forum post or PM me!))


Perks: Aside from the fair share of money you get from fighting under our name, we also provide housing for men-at-arms and above (along with servants), along with armour and weaponry, though we high insist you own your things.


Hiring: If you’re not interested in joining Company 2-11, but instead want to hire us, again, we can be found on the road to Hanseti. Drop us a message or contract for us in the dropbox. ((Forum message to me or Minecraft PM Temple_Monks, Dokahn, or LoTC_Celia)).


Alternatively, you can get into contact with one of our soldiers or agents, who can relay the contract to higher management.


Letter of Application:



((Minecraft IGN:   ))




Soldier or Servant:


Why do you want to join 2-11?


What do you believe is your worth to the company?



The Steel Code

  1. Don’t act without seeing payment first.

  2. We bend knee to no man, crown, or banner. When you join, you renounce all previous allegiances.

  3. Cowards shall meet steel.

  4. Regardless of your race, gender, or any other factor, if you are capable of swinging a sword or serving, you can join 2-11.

  5. You are held accountable for your actions.

  6. Disrespecting a client or guildmate is grounds for punishment.

  7. Your superiors are to be respected and their word is concrete, lest it be overridden by someone even higher in the chain of command.

  8. The men of Company 211 are like your blood, which shall not be spilt.

  9. You are held responsible for attending a training at least once an elven week, unless you give notice. Furthermore, you must show up for at least one out of three major battles.


The Bounty Share System


Our modus-operandi is that if you get a kill on the battlefield (which should be personally kept track of), you get a bigger share of the earnings. If you are responsible for picking up the contracts, you are guaranteed at least fifteen percent of the earnings.  


Bounties placed on individual work different. The principal that the retriever of the contract being entitled to at least 15% stays the same, however shares are split equally between bounty hunters.


The fact that we take the highest contract in any scenario should be kept in mind. We do not fight for someone if their opponent pays more for our services, as when you join Company 2-11, you renounce your previous allegiances.  


All earnings will be processed by a captain or lieutenant, before they are fairly distributed.  


An example of a battle contract:A thousand coin for fighting in the battle. One hundred and fifty minas will go to the contract securer, ten percent extra for getting a kill (this multiplies up to five times). The rest is split equally among remaining combattants. If you are knocked out, or die during the battle you are not entitled to any of the earnings.”


An example of a bounty contract: Five hundred coin reward for killing a target. Seventy five minas is guaranteed to the securer of the contract. Everything else is split equally among the hunters.”


The Chain of Command

  1. Captain. They are the leaders of Company 2-11. They make the final say on decisions. The position of captain is manned by Sandor Leone and Ser Jon Stirling.

  2. Lieutenant. There are usually one lieutenants. They are in charge of the sergeants and make sure that order is kept. With the support of their sergeants, they can start of a vote of non-confidence against a captain.

  3. Sergeants. They make sure men-at-arms are trained, equipped, and well fed. They are charged with discipline of soldiers, and turning men into soldiers.

  4. Men-at-Arms. They are the soldiers of the company who have proven their worth. They are assigned to a specific sergeant that oversees their well-being.

  5. Whelp. An unbloodied recruit, who has not yet proven his worth with the company. When a whelp has shown he is capable in the fields of battle, they become a man-at-arms.

  6. Servant. They are separate from the chain of command. Servants help the soldiers in performing non-combat tasks, like farming, cooking, blacksmithing, and the like. (Soldiers are not exempt from doing these types of jobs in free time). They take orders from sergeants and above but they are directly under the lieutenant's sphere of control.



Badarse Drunkard Version (Recommended!):


Ye lookin’ tah join dah bes’ fookin’ freeman companeh in dah lan’s? Look nae furder, ye stumbled upon Companeh 211, mercenaries fer hoire.


Weh dun foight fer anyt’ing less den dah riches. We dun fookin’ bow tah nae cruwn, bannah, faction. Pay us dah roight amount a dah scum gits ‘illed, simple as dat.


How tah join: Link up wit 2-11 on dah road to ‘anseti and request tah talk tah some’un. Ye can ulso leave ah lettah ef ye can fookin’ read er wroite en our drop box ((Forum post or PM me!)).


Wot ye get outah joinin’ th’ companeh: Fer yer little shitey arse joinin’ us, t’ere be some tings ye get. Asoide from a fair share from the earnings, we alseh provoide ye wiff housin’ fer yer sorry self if ye a man-at-arms or ‘bove (servants as well), ‘long wiff weapons ‘nd armour, though we puhfer ye ‘ave yer own!


How tah hoire Company 211: Maybe yer not feckin’ interested in joinin’ but ye wont tae hoire us tae do yer dirty werk fer ye. ‘gain, we can be found in th’ elven lands on tha road tae ‘anseti. Drop a message or contract fer us in th’ dropbox ((Forum message to me or Minecraft PM Temple_Monks, Dokahn, or LoTC_Celia)).


Alternatively, ye can ge intae feckin’ contact wiff wun ‘o our soldiers, ‘ou can relay th’ contract tae high management.


Dis be dah lettah o' applicashion:



((Minecraft name:  ))



Soldier or Servant:

Why ye want tah join 2-11?


Are ye worth more den spit?



Dah fookin’ code:

  1. Dun lif’ yer fingah wit’out seein’ dah riches.

  2. Bend nae knee tah no fookin’ crown, bannah, er faction. W’en ye join, ye renounce any existin’ loyalties ‘r allegiances.

  3. Cowards’ll fookin’ meet our namesake.

  4. It dunnae mattah if ye ugleh, piggy, or dark elf. If ye can put yerself tae good use, yae can join.

  5. If ye get too drunk tah shwing yer sword we’ll put yah in a barrel til ye got yer wits.

  6. Ye talk shite, means ye be pickin’ a fite.

  7. Rehspect th’ peoples ou be highah ranked t’en yeh, ye pathetic piece ‘o shite.

  8. Th’ men ye foight besoide be yer bruvahs, ye ain’t ‘ere tae bluddy t’em.

  9. Ye gots tae show up fer trainin’ once an elvish week, ye feckin’ *****. Also, ye gots tah report fer atleast un ‘o th’ three major battles.

  10. Dun be a feckin’ *****, ye feckin’ *****.


Dah fookin’ way shares work:


Roight, ‘ere’s dah way we be oper’atin’. Ye get a kiel ondah field o’ battle keep track o’ dat shite and ye’ll get a biggah fookin’ share. If ye pick up a contrac’ fer dah companeh ye’re ‘titled tah Fit’teen percent o’ dah reward even if ye doo fook oll.


Bountehs be diff’runt. Same fit’teen fer foindin’ et, but yee share wut’s lef’ equalleh among yer fella bounteh ‘unters.


Remembah, we take the ‘ighest contracts. We dun foight fer yer feckin’ muvah or sum’n ‘less t’ey offah th’ most gold. W’en ye join Companeh 2-11, ye renounce yer previous ‘legiances!


Ah cap’n or lieutenant handles th’ moolah first tae process it ‘nd split it fairly.  


Fookin’ example o’ a battle contrac’: Doushan coin reward fer foightin’ in a bah’tle. un-fitty tah dah contract securah, ten percent fer gettin’ a kiel. Senty-foive tah dah contrac’ securah. Erryt’ing else is spilt equalleh among dah ‘unters. If ye get knocked out or die loike a dumb fecktard in th’ battle, ye dun get ‘ny of the earnin’s because you’s a fookin’ idiot.


Fookin’ example o’ a bounteh contrac’: Foive-’undred coin reward fer kiellin’ some poor fooker. Senty-foive tah dah contrac’ securah. Erryt’ing else is spilt equalleh among dah ‘unters.


Dah fookin’ chain o’ cahmand:


  1. Capt’n. Dah leadah(s) o’ th’ moighty Companeh 2-11. T’ey call dahshots ‘nd t’ey the biggest badarses ‘round. Th’ cap’ns be Sandor Leone ‘nd the Ser Jon Stirlin’.

  2. Lieutenant. T’ere be usually un lieutenants. ‘e er she beh en charge o’ th’ sergeants ‘nd make sure ordah is kep’. T’ey can start ah vote ‘o non-confidence ‘gainst a cap’n, wiff th’ votes of the sergeants.

  3. Sergeants. T’ey ‘re th’ uns ‘ou make sure th’ men-at-arms ‘re trained, equipped, ‘nd shite. T’ey be charged with disciplin’ th’ boys, ‘nd turning t’em intae men ‘nd real soldiers! Har har har!

  4. Men-at-’rms! T’ey th’ soldiers of th’ companeh t’at prove t’ere worth. T’ey be assigned tae a certain sergeant t’at acts as t’ere supahvisah.

  5. Whelp. Ye a fookin’ whelp, tat’s wot ye are. A whelp be unbloodied, ‘nd hasn’t proved ‘is worf wiff th’ companeh. Unce t’eve showed t’ere capable in th’ fields ‘o battle, t’ey become a men-at-’rm!

  6. Servant. S’perate from th’ chain ‘o command, servants ‘elp th’ soldiers by doin’ non combat tasks, loike farmin’, fishin’, ‘nd otha ***** shite (soldiers be not exempt from t’is toipe ‘o works in toimes of peace!). T’ey take ordahs from th’ sergeants ‘nd above but t’ey respond directly tae th’ lieutentant.




Guidelines of Joining Company 2-11


When you commit to joining our RP group, you agree to be a good roleplayer and a positive influence to the community. Flamers, aggressive trolls, and general assholes aren't allowed in the company because they reflect a negative image of Company 2-11 towards the server. The leadership group behind us reserves the right to kick anyone out for these reasons. Don’t be a dickwad just about sums everything up. :>


OOC communication is important as well! We’d prefer that people who join have skype, so that it makes it significantly easier to communicate out of role play


Thanks for reading!

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Looks forward to killing this group just like they do with every other group

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((Minecraft name: SugaryHobgoblin/aidanhd500 ))


Name: Gallagher ((go habs go))
Race: Human
Age: 22

Soldier or Servant: Soldier

Why ye want tah join 2-11? To fight a good fight, and earn riches.


Are ye worth more den spit? Aye.


(( skype is aidanhd500 though I'm 90% all 3 of you already have me added ))

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((This was an awesome read. Might join you on a character I don't really play too much on anymore.))

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((Minecraft name: SugaryHobgoblin/aidanhd500 ))


Name: Gallagher ((go habs go))

Race: Human

Age: 22

Soldier or Servant: Soldier

Why ye want tah join 2-11? To fight a good fight, and earn riches.


Are ye worth more den spit? Aye.


(( skype is aidanhd500 though I'm 90% all 3 of you already have me added ))



A response is penned to Gallagher, sent to the post office of origin. 


"To Gallagher the Human, 


    We have recieved your application and would like for you to visit us for an interview and orientation, if you are still interested in joining Company 2-11. If you are unaware of where we can be found, please do not be afraid to pen a reply, as we are capable of sending a guide to the Cloud Temple.




    Ser Jon Stirling, of Company 2-11."


Jon released the raven from his hand, letting it fly away. 

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"Might as well see what yer runnin' with."
((Minecraft name: grouchybadger. ))

Name: Lawrence Of Aldersberg.
Race: Human.
Age: 34.
Soldier or Servant: Soldier.

Why ye want tah join 2-11? Ain't into that highborn, noble bollocks. Done my time servin' the kingdom 'n' crap, though I'd take a change in career, y' know?

Are ye worth more den spit? Aye, been workin' out a bit too.

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"Might as well see what yer runnin' with."

((Minecraft name: grouchybadger. ))

Name: Lawrence Of Aldersberg.

Race: Human.

Age: 34.

Soldier or Servant: Soldier.

Why ye want tah join 2-11? Ain't into that highborn, noble bollocks. Done my time servin' the kingdom 'n' crap, though I'd take a change in career, y' know?

Are ye worth more den spit? Aye, been workin' out a bit too.


Ser Jon Stirling rubs his beard, dumping a few small pieces of parchment paper from the dropbox onto a thick wooden table.


He sorts through the letters, raising his eyebrow at Lawrence's application. 


"Har, har, har! T'is un got 'eart, oy'll give 'im t'at!"


He pens a thick reply, made out to the bird station of the sender. 


"To Lawrence of Aldersburg, 


    We have recieved your application and would like for you to visit us for an interview and orientation, if you are still interested in joining Company 2-11. If you are unaware of where we can be found, please do not be afraid to pen a reply, as we are capable of sending a guide to the Cloud Temple.


    To ease methods of communication, please send us the location where we can reach you by post the easiest. ((If you have skype, tell us!)) 




    Ser Jon Stirling, of Company 2-11."


He grumbles under his breath as his raven takes off. "Floi, ye feckin' bird, floi!"

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((Minecraft name:  firewall3064))


Name: Tommy Gambino
Race: Human
Age: 26

Soldier or Servant: Soldier

Why ye want tah join 2-11? Because I wanna get bloody fuckin rich by bashin' skulls!


Are ye worth more den spit? Yeah.

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((Minecraft name:  NoChuckTesta))


Name: Fistandantilius, or Fist
Race: Highlander human
Age: 26

Soldier or Servant: soldier

Why ye want tah join 2-11? I am a strong fighter and I want to grow rich and feared and gain much glory and make my father, Fistandantiliite, proud


Are ye worth more den spit? I am worth 10 dead men! (that is how many I can kill alone)

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Soldier or Servant: Soldier for Hire


Why do you want to join 2-11? Because It's annoying looking for contracts on my own.


What do you believe is your worth: My combat ability


((Minecraft IGN:   )) csalz96

Name: Croesus "Fatboy-Slim" Letholdus

Race: human


edit: Just realized I somehow goofed really hard on the app and answered some questions twice.. lol

Age: 24

Soldier or Servant:


Why do you want to join 2-11?


What do you believe is your worth to the company?


to the company?

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Name: Sofie
Race: Human (?)
Age: 23
Soldier or Servant: Soldier
Why do you want to join 2-11?
Sofie was born to a pair of performers who made their living in a traveling circus. From a young age, Sofie was noted for her unusual strength in comparison to her size. Sofie could lift and throw objects of amazing size. The traveling circus recognized her talent and employed her as Strong Woman act. Her impressive strength and great muscles delighted the crowds at her performances. Her greastest performance was in Anthos, where she was able to lift a 250 lb elephant calf up over her head.
Due to the civil unrest happening throughout the land, though, the circus went bankrupt and had to close, leaving Sofie without work. Sofie struggled to find work. Her unusual strength and large, clumsy hands made it hard to perform delicate tasks, like cooking or cleaning. Sofie felt out of place and embarrassed in a world full of delicate, small women. Feeling like there was no other option for her, Sofie had to resort to mercenary work in order to get by. Her great strength and large hands make her a born brawler. One punch from Sofie is known to fracture jawbones.  
2-11 seems like just the place for an unusual woman with unusual talents.
What do you believe is your worth to the company?
Sofie might look like a gentle, mild-mannered woman, but appearances can be deceiving. Sofie hits like a truck. She is a formidable foe in close combat. A few well-placed punches from her can incapacitate a man. 
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Jon sits at his desk, tapping his finger on it's fine wood as he take a few minutes to scan over all of the applications. He squints his eyes at the applications of Gambino, Fist, and Croseus, simply tossing them into a pile labeled "Felix". 


The next application he pulls is Sofie's, crumpled up tightly and at the bottom of the pile. After taking some time to review the application, he nearly spits out his scotch in laughter. 


"Har, har, har! A big *****, tat's wot we need. She sound loike she got 'eart, oy'll give 'er t'at." Jon says, smirking across the table to Leone, clad in his black iron Lion armour. 


"Oi loike it." Sandor replies, taking the letter out of Jon's callused and rough hands. "Lord knaes we meed more people 'round 'ere t'at ain't big *******, har har." 


Jon nods stoically to Sandor, taking out a fine nib, along with a small pot of ink. He begins to pen a reply to Sofie. 


"To Sofie, 


    It is with great pleasure for us to state that we have read and reviewed your application. If you are still interested in being a part of us, please send a message to my personal raven cage, so that we may make arrangement (My IGN is LoTC_Celia). As an alternative, show up at our gates, if you know where they are, as someone should be on duty. If you are, however, unaware of where our place of dwelling is, we would be more then happy to send a runner over to guide you.  


    Best wishes, 


    Ser Jon Stirling, Captain of Company 2-11."


With that, he dabs his finger on his tongue, before sealing the letter, and whistling loudly for a messenger boy to come and deliver the letter to it's place of origin. 

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((IGN; CaptainOriginalz)

Name? Adrian Pryce, but people prefer to call me Pryce.

Race? Human.

Age? Thirty-six bloody years.

Soldier or Servant? Soldier


Why do you want to join the 2-11?

I have been told that I am more than capable of swinging a sword. All my life I have been beheading people for an old lord of a fool. I have been without purpose for some time now, and I see myself fit in a mercenary band. I do not really care for payment, all I need is a bed, some food and perhaps some gear and a new sword.


What do you believe you are worth to the 2-11 company?

I am a strong and diligent man, trained for fighting and killing both innocent children and massive roaring orcs. In my past I worked as an executioner for a fool of an old lord. I can cut wood, hunt, rob some pleb and over all just help with whatever is needed. I can hammer steel, but never really had the chance to actually become a smith. I also consider myself pretty good at clipping off elven ears.

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    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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