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So join a city guard or something? Also of course you like to go outside -_-, you live in toronto. I live in the middle of nowhere some 2 hours away.

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So join a city guard or something? Also of course you like to go outside -_-, you live in toronto. I live in the middle of nowhere some 2 hours away.

Do anything appropriate. It doesn't even need to be a fake job. I help run this organization but I still have loyalty to the Warlord and my clan, I just keep my lives entirely separate.

Also, Pilchar and Angelos, I can't pm you the information topic because for some reason PMs don't get through to you guys.

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Wait what? I joined thinking that this was going to be who I am and who I worked for, I did not know that this was merely a side thing. That really hurts, I wanted to find something that was active, and would supply me with tons of work but did not know that this place wasn't like that.

The Dark Brotherhood from Cyrodil was a part time thing.

Assassins can't be assassins 24/7, because of the amount of people who give contracts, and the diffuculty in performing them.

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Guys also, we have our own Teamspeak channel, and using TS to poke me, even if you don't speak, is the best way to get updates because I'll be on TS sometimes even when I'm not on MC. PM me ingame or on the forums, or poke me on TS for the password.

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((Just to clarify what alex said, yes this should not be your main employment. Why? Because if we give each of you a job, every day, everybody'll be on our asses. That's a little bit too much of a stir.))

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Name ((MC)):MythMaster26

Name ((tIG)):Mathias_Shadows (PaRaDoX

Real Life Age:21

(sub)Race:High Elf (LOL ik)

Combat experience:Tons I'm pretty good at PvP I've fought in 2 wars and I participated in the "Battle of The Boats"

Would you consider joining our soon to be created sorcerers league?: Yes

(If so)Any Magic Skills?:No, not yet (they haven't been released)

Would consider being a spy?: sure

Past military experience:2 wars against the undead (one of them being snowy fields we got into the fortress of iblees)

Past criminal experience:was a robber for a while and I do assassinations for money on the side)

What have you heard of us IC? nothing

What have you heard of us OOC? well some guy (Jexdane?) totally blew his cover by doing a sloppy job and giving away too much info in PMs (lol FAIL)

What skill level do you currently hold on the following?

Swords: 30

Axe: 5?

Bow: N/A

Unarmed: 15?

Preferred weapon: Bow or Sword

Screening Questions

Accepted villain app link (Required): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/8144-villain-mathiass-villain-application/

(thats my wimp one i made a more advanced one but i cant find it)

Are you wanted in any countries?: No I'm very secretive

Why do you want to join?: because when i first joined the server (when it started) i made a tavern and an underground assassins guild but i got robbed and it failed horribly. And I've always wanted to be an assassin so i figured why not just join an assassins guild? do here I am.

Define powergaming thoroughly:Quote

Powergaming (or power gaming) is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximizing progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie. Due to its focus on the letter of the rules over the spirit of the rules, it is often seen as unsporting, un-fun, or unsociable.

Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC? NEVER

"Legal" stuff

Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary. Again NEVER

Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion? Yes, yes I do.

Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? Yes absolutely

Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? For sure! why wouldn't I?

Have you downloaded the skin or another appropriate skin? Not ATM but I only plan to wear it when on missions (I need to keep a low profile to stay under-cover)

I know you were accepted by fatwampa, but you're on probation until you answer these questions properly:

1. Your definition of powergaming is copy-pasted.

2. You excluded some of your past organizations, is there a reason for that?

3. Did you really only learn about this guild because of Jexdane? What exactly do you mean that he gave away too much in PMs?

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I know you were accepted by fatwampa, but you're on probation until you answer these questions properly:

1. Your definition of powergaming is copy-pasted.

2. You excluded some of your past organizations, is there a reason for that?

3. Did you really only learn about this guild because of Jexdane? What exactly do you mean that he gave away too much in PMs?

I could answer the 2nd and 3rd for you if you like *evil smile because he knows the truth.*

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Mathius, explain yerself.

And be quick.

((Plagiarism is a pretty big offense buddy. Lying on an app about past experiences is even bigger but meta-gaming? You'd better have some pretty good excuses.))

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Hey guys anything goin on?

Not much. Do you happen to have a villain app?

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Hey guys anything goin on?

He was the former leader of the White Ravens, and currently owns his own assassin guild. as for number 3, pure meta gaming I believe.

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I believe he was sent by Ogedi in revenge.

Gimme the word, and I'll ban req. Itchy trigger finger, and I've already compiled a case...

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