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Robert Senatoor


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Personal Arms of Robert Senatoor




Name; Robert Senatoor

Full Titles; Man-at-arms

Nickname; Rob





Age; 21 in rp (23 in autoaging)


Gender; Male


Race; Human heartlander


Social Status; Man-At-arms and Esquire of first company of the Golden Crows of Siegrad


Sexuality; Heterosexual


Height; 181 centimeters


Weight; 86 kilos


Homeland; Kingdom of Oren


Current Home; Siegrad




Build; Quite thin but strong with broad shoulders, being quite flexible.


Hair; Brown


Eyes; Hazel brown


Skin; Caucasian, but tanned.


Voice;  Dark with alot of bas, but also gentle with a Yorkshire accent.


Identifying Marks; None.


Appearance; Described as having as smooth skin as a babies arse and a kind smile, having a sharp jawline and having 'nice' cheekbones.


Clothing; Cheap, usually wears chainmail.


Weaponry; Arming sword, Longsword, Mercy Dagger.




Strengths: Sword fighting,


Fears: Dying alone, fighting whilst outnumbered.


Weaknesses: Has tinnitus on his right ear, can't read very well.


Intelligence: Not very intelligent, but loves to question and criticize everything.


Languages: Roberto Habla Ingles


Profession: Man-at-arms


Prized Possessions; His life.





Religion or Cults: None, really, or simply doesn't care.


Alignment: Lawful good


Short Term Goals: Staying alive.


Long Term Goals: Becoming a knight and starting his own landed house.


Score; IIII I




Favourite/least Favourite..


Place: Home/Swamps


Pastime: Studying and practicing/ Doing nothing


Food: Potato's and Ham/ Rotten food


Drink: Ale!/Water!


Colour: Green and Gold/ None.


Animal: Horses/Turtles.





Married; -----


Trusts; Elric Ros, Cantonus Chivay, Sarus Senatoor, Karl Barbanov, Marshal Tarcell Othaman


Befriended; Brendt Chivay, Alfar Svane


Friend; Elodie






Dislikes; Guy "Monkey ears" De Bar and his annoying son.


Annoyed by; De Guys


Hates; Amyas


Wants to kill; Members of Amyas

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very mysterious 


edit: alright

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