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The Panzerreiter [Guild Post]


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House Stafyr’s own cavalry force


The mounted levy of House Stafyr has been opened for recruitment. From all over Lord Stafyr’s land, brave men volunteer to ride to protect their home, and Kingdom. These men, brothers and comrades in arms, patrol the Duchy of Adria and ensure it remains safe from any and all threats. The riders of the Panzerreiter will charge alongside the First Regiment in times of war, shocking and crushing Oren’s enemies. Clad in heavy armor, riding brave warhorses, they will set a strong example for the soldiers following them in the charge. Those who join the Panzerreiter as Rekruts will be supplied with a horse to use during training, armor and weapons, as well as proper training on how to use them. In addition, active riders will receive a home, within Werdenberg or Katzburg, as reward for their service. The home will scale up with an enlisted man’s rank, as will his wages, which are distributed every saint’s week. All men of the Panzerreiter will be expected to uphold the Panzerreiter’s high standard of honor and discipline. We need soldiers who will devote themselves to this cause by showing up to train and patrol, and by remaining an active member of the levy.

((We aim to hold training sessions daily, at ~ 9-11 GMT, with ~ an hour of casual RP afterwards. Appearances at these sessions and activity will be the factors considered when a promotion is available for a member. ))


The Levy will make their home in the Stafyr keep of Katzburg. The keep is one of the finest in Athera, housing all the necessary amenities for a mounted levy, and then some. It is built on the old site of the Perch, which was deconstructed in order for Katzburg to rise. The countryside surrounding the fort has been restored from it’s scarred state.





The Bannerfuhrer is the head and commander of the Panzerreiter. Fitted with the finest armor our smiths can make, he will lead the brave riders, to victory or defeat. His experience in combat and leadership will ensure the Panzerreiter remains a deadly force. The current Bannerfuhrer is Farley III Stafyr (AmKrules).


The Hauptmann are the lieutenants of the Order, second only to the Bannerfuhrer. Hauptmann wear strong heavy armor as they represent the levy. These men will incorporate their knowledge and skill into their training regimens, raising brave men from ordinary peasants or burghers. The Hauptmann will be at the head of patrols, and ride alongside the Bannerfuhrer into battle, leading the way for the rest of the mounted brigade. The current Hauptmann are Evios Hall (cookedporkchops_) and Arathorn (Semihilyus).


The Panzerreiter are the senior riders of the Levy, who have learned from their comrades, the Hauptmann and the Bannerfuhrer, and proven themselves in combat. They will receive fine heavy armor and a properly fitted warhorse to ride, as they follow the Bannerfuhrer and Hauptmann into combat. Each will be responsible for a Reiter, who they will mentor and prepare for combat. The Panzerreiter will be the bulk of the cavalry.


The Reiters are the initiated recruits of the order. They will use a horse during training sessions and wear chainmail armor. It is within this rank that men must prove their worth by learning the lessons given to them by the Panzerreiter, Hauptmann, and Bannerfuhrer. Proper riding and combat skill will be the emphasis of their training, though survival skills and logic will also be tested.


The Rekrut are the freshly enlisted men of the levy. They will receive light armor and undergo trials and training to confirm that they deserve their position among the Panzerreiter.


As the sun rises every morning, so will I, to defend and protect Werdenberg, Katzburg, Adria and Oren. I will obey the orders given to me, or face punishment for it. I charge and retreat with the Panzerreiter, my brothers in arms. My horse will be an extension of myself. I shall protect it’s life as I protect my own, and as I protect the lives of all Orenians. The Bannerfuhrer, Hauptmann, and Panzerreiter will lead me on to glory as I ride forth and destroy the enemies of Oren.





Do you have a home currently?

What experience do you possess?

Why do you wish to enlist?


Minecraft Username?



Are you willing to get or use teamspeak?



Farley Stafyr (AmKrules)


Evios Hall (cookedporkchops_)

Arathorn (Semihilyus)




Henry Remolf (koikoibuddy9)

Mulraugh Dalton (Mullraugh)

Kahlan (Comet_OMG)


At the bottom of the notice lie a few signatures

Lord Athelstan II. Stafyr

Bannerfuhrer Farley III. Stafyr

Scribed by Hauptmann Evios Hall

Hauptmann Arathorn

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