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[✗] 1D12 Titans Of The Bahdaku Spirit Kiln


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The Twelve Titans of the Bahdaku Spirit Kiln
The old Kingdom of Masur used clay knights to supplement their armies. Built from clay, they were given shape and strength by bodypotters, artisans, and armorsmiths; however, the giving of life to them fell upon only one group, the spiritblowers.

Spirit Kilns were designed with twisting and winding shapes coming up out of the ground, confusing and trapping spirits that wandered into them from the earth. Though spiritblowers did tend the kiln’s fires, they had a more important duty: to coax a spirit to enter the clay knight while they were being fired in the Spirit Kiln. Printed along the inside of every clay knight was a series of runes. These would trap the spirit inside the knight, and give it instructions to follow, ensuring its obedience to its creator's wishes.

It would be wrong to call the clay knights 'willing' servants of the kingdom, because the spirits which animated them were almost always those of minor things. It was not uncommon for spiritblowers to steal the spirit of their neighbor's prized fern for their latest clay knight in order to get revenge for some perceived transgression. The resulting knights were perfectly obedient and subservient to their instruction (although they were quite stupid) due to their lack of sapience.

There were isolated cases where more powerful spirits, the souls of Men, and even daemons would occasionally become trapped inside the clay knights. The Bahdaku Spirit Kiln was known for the Twelve - a group of famous and enigmatic clay knights inhabited by impressive spirits. The kiln itself was built into an isolated rockface in the east desert, and has since been drowned in time and sand. However, its Twelve Titans persist to this day, in some shape and form.

In order to use these entities in your event, roll 1d12 on each of these tables to build a Titan.

First Name
Clay knights are bestowed a name by their spiritblower.

1.       Al'akon

2.       Me'orak

3.       Deh'voloh

4.       Jah'voldum

5.       Kon'pathor

6.       Rak'jebak

7.       Lok'qorak

8.      Te'thulop

9.       Za'zaziz

10.   Yat'orqop

11.    Na'vekon

12.    Mek'xazor


Last Name
It is traditional for a clay knight to take on the last name of its spiritblower, with the prefix 'ben'.

1.       ben Gazbida

2.       ben Fioruad

3.       ben Farooq

4.       ben Binyamin

5.       ben Atallif

6.       ben Braheem

7.       ben Husniya

8.      ben Ibtihaj

9.       ben Imab

10.   ben Jameel

11.    ben Kareem

12.    ben Kharyat


Each Titan has a weapon of choice.

1.       Boomerang and Falcata

2.       Dual Fan

3.       Spear and Square Shield

4.       Fists

5.       Longbow and Kopesh

6.       Recurved Bow and Emei Daggers

7.       Stave

8.      Glaive

9.       Halbred

10.   Greataxe

11.    Broadsword

12.    Morning Star and Round Shield


Each Titan has unique body structures which identify it from the other Titans.

1.       Clay female with slightly avian features, painted with green and black liquors. Wears a cloak made of eagle feathers preserved in an antiseptic balm. Upper chest is in fact a cavity containing a nest woven from roses with a single egg resting in it. If the Titan is destroyed, it reincarnates as an eagle chick and hatches from the egg.

2.       Titan is faceless with a black starry void instead of a face, everything else is made of clay. Whenever wounded, more black void is exposed. During the nighttime, the void is replaced with blue sky that exudes a soft ambient light.

3.       Clay humanoid lizard which is infested with beetles. It wears clothing that is in fact the corpses of many thousands of beetles which have become glued together over time.

4.       Clay female with ursine features, stands roughly three feet taller than the average man. Is caked in mud and blood stains. Constantly secretes realistic saliva.

5.       Short and wide, made of stone rather than clay. Is androgynous and has a pouch of rock dust slung around its neck, which as supposedly all that remains of its genitals.

6.       Tall and lithe, made of stone rather than clay. It is vaguely masculine and has a third eye painted on its forehead in raspberry and apricot juice. Out of this third eye it has thermal vision, but it is blinded by any strong sources of heat nearby, such as fire. It also has eyes painted on its palms, but these are closed and serve no obvious function.

7.       Made of clay. Is home to a young sapling that has fractured its face into an unrecognizable mass, and whose roots are rapidly infiltrating its body. If the tree is allowed to blossom and bear fruit, each of the fruit will contain the ghosts of many hundreds of bugs, which will annoy whoever eats the fruit for the next three hours.

8.      Made of amber. Many bugs are trapped within it, and in its core is what appear to be a human heart. Looks humanoid.

9.       Clay humanoid male wearing the slightly-baggy skin of a marginally fatter man. No matter how hard anyone tries, they can't seem to remove the skin. If someone manages to, then the skin animates into a thrall and attacks at random.

10.   Clay humanoid with a goat head. It is painted entirely black and becomes invisible in total darkness (though, as it cannot see in total darkness, this power is of little use).

11.    Half-solidified clay lion. As it has only been partially fired, its body has the consistency of clay. It becomes more durable when dried out, enough so that it is actually able to bite, but it is otherwise soft and pliable.

12.    Hollow iron bull. Its creator was imprisoned inside of it and burned to death, and when enraged smoke billows from the bull's nostrils and the screams of its creator are echoed out.


Each Titan has a retainer which restrains its powers. If the retainer is destroyed, its powers are unleashed.

1.       Two cultists taking turns reciting a hymn that keeps the Titan under control. They want to use it to protect their religion.

2.       A runic orbiter which floats a few feet above the Titan. It just a sphere covered in runes, and will remain out of reach of anyone nearby. It is able to avoid most attacks made on it by dodging.

3.       None, this Titan is defacto unretained.

4.       A ******* HUGE BEAR.

5.       A deathless man. He is now several hundred years old, and has been bearing the curse of retaining the Titan. He seeks someone to take his place and become deathless, which also involves being unable to hurt another living thing ever again.

6.       A fragment of some sort of crystal.

7.       Bandits which are using a runic tome to control the Titan. They want to use it to maraud travelers.

8.      Elderly woman who rides on the Titan's shoulders. She is dressed in adventurer's garb and seeks to have one last adventure before her death.

9.       Undead human who repairs themself with the Titan's victims, they are constantly rotting.

10.   The ghost of the Titan's creator.

11.    The Titan's weapon.

12.    The Titan's body. When damaged enough, the Titan becomes unretained.


Each Titan has a spirit which empowers it and gives it particular powers.

1.       This Titan is inhabited by the God of the Red Flux. A constant red flux surrounds them resembling fine red specks which appear into and out of existence around the Titan. Living creatures in the Flux slowly have their souls corroded away. When unrestrained, the red flux grows at a rate of five litres per hour.

2.       This Titan is inhabited by the Black Hound of the Hills. Dogs and wolves instantly cower in the presence of this Titan. It is able to track any living creature it has the scent of over an unlimited distance, even across planes of existence. When unrestrained, it can travel through planes of existence.

3.       This Titan is inhabited by the Seven-eyed Dustlord. A constant duststorm billows out around under this Titan's footfalls as it ages the ground beneath it. When unrestrained, physically touching this Titan causes aging.

4.       This Titan is inhabited by the Meir Ocean Spirit. All bodies of water within twenty feet of this Titan becomes saltwater When unrestrained, this includes the water inside of living beings.

5.       This Titan is inhabited by the Forest. Plants grow in its presence, and fields and instantly overgrown with crops and weeds. When unrestrained, it can control the growth and movement of plants to deadly effect.

6.       This Titan is inhabited by the Wraithsoul. It can only be destroyed by being thrown into the same Spirit Kiln in which it was created, otherwise it reconstitutes its body a few hours after its destruction. When unrestrained, it can enter and leave other Titans at will.

7.       This Titan is inhabited by the Black Star of Melvok. As long as this Titan is looking at the sun, the sun can not be seen in the sky for anyone else. When unrestrained, the sun is literally not present for anyone else, causing rapid temperature drops.

8.      This Titan is inhabited by the Blacksash Volcano Spirit. Ash pours out of this Titan's seams constantly, leaving a trail. It is warm to the touch and can cause ignition of flammable material by staring at it for a long period. When unrestrained, it leaks magma from every orifice.

9.       This Titan is inhabited by the Spirit of Year Fourteen-hundred and Thirty-three. This Titan knows everything that happened during that year. When unrestrained, the Titan also gains all the martial prowess and profession mastery of every living entity during that period.

10.   This Titan is inhabited by the Mage-eater King. This Titan knows the exact position of any mage within five miles, and is able to teleport to them within five-hundred feet of specificity. When unrestrained, the Titan will begin to hunt mages to the exclusion of all else. It also becomes immune to magic.

11.    This Titan is inhabited by the Alchemist. This Titan is able to reproduce any substance it has been exposed to given enough time. When unrestrained, it can reproduce any substance it has been exposed to at will.

12.    This Titan is inhabited by the Son of Kabosh. This Titan does not fear, and instead exudes and aura of domination. This causes those within ten feet to fear the Titan. When unrestrained, resisting the Titan's explicit verbal commands becomes impossible.


Each Titan has at least one motive which guides it. Roll additional rolls if you want to have a more complex Titan.

1.       Kill its retainer.

2.       Conquer the world.

3.       Marry and have a family.

4.       Commit suicide in an easy and painless way.

5.       Become an accomplished painter or writer.

6.       Learn a profession.

7.       Kill everything.

8.      Become an arbiter of justice.

9.       Lead a noble house.

10.   Join or found a religion.

11.    Fulfill its retainer's wishes. If they have none, then the Titan is ambivalent about everything.

12.    Develop philosophy.


A fellow mentioned that he might like to use some of Masur in events. This provides a possible tool for such ambitions to be fulfilled with. This isn't the only thing you can do with Masur lore, just one possibility. 

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This is... elaborate. Did you develop this on your own? This and the Kingdom of Masur are both impressive projects.

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Yeah. I wrote them originally for another server but I couldn't resist spiting GGT. I took some inspiration from Goblinpunch's Knights of Kel Dravonis.

Not sure if this constitutes event or lore, so I posted it here.

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Uh, I guess move this into denied, because you denied Masur.


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This Lore has been denied.

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