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The Battle of Marnadal


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“Did you see that little dwarf *****? I like his kind the best. Killing them is like pulling weeds, strangely relaxing.”

-Artimec Camoryn, Commander of the Hrivedd nonhuman brigade  


The Valley of Flowers was a God-forsaken place, between the rain, the mud and the immovable spikes. It was enough to make any man of Oren wonder why they were trying to conquer it from their stunted enemies in the first place. Or perhaps that was merely the bitterness of defeat getting to them.

Indeed, an advance force of Imperial men and entered the valley, but unfortunately had been repelled back as did happen from time to time when the Urguanites became cornered like rats.

It was no matter, for the Empire was nothing if not resilient. If their dwarven enemies could survive massacre after massacre then surely the coalition of elves and men would dutifully march on after only being pushed away from an entrenched fortress or two.

With such a lack of success, it was time to open this war onto a new front. To this end, Imperial men began pouring into the recently annexed mountain fortress of Ard Ghorrock, retreating out of Urguan and marching doggedly east, past the north of the Blue Mountains and circling around to the southern tip of the Hallowvale: inside the fortress, the commanders set their sights on a new target - one which had long plagued the Emperor and his predecessors.








TIME: 13th of February 2016. 5 EST PM.

ATTACKERS: The Holy Orenian Empire and allied forces


LOCATION: The fields between Fort Dunamis and Ard Ghorrock


Vandoria from left in Fort Dunamis, Oren from right in Ard Ghorrock




If the defenders are killed or driven from the field of battle.


Attacking forces are killed or driven from the field of battle.


Orenian victory: Initiative to proceed with a siege upon Fort Dunamis.

Dunamis victory: Initiative to proceed with a siege upon Ard Ghorrock.



-No status switching.

-No golden apples.

-No altering of terrain or construction of new fortifications after this WC is posted, on account of the suddenness of this assault. Moderated building on the fort is allowed depending on discussion in the warclaim chat, though limited to an extent comparable to Jarnstrand or Rhewengrad, as has been the precedent with first-target forts.


*The field shall not be altered and moderated building will be placed on Fort Dunamis. The restrictions will carry over the two weeks between this point and the siege with the following week to this being harsher than the first. All concerns and additions may be given to the attacking side within the warclaim chat which it may be discussed. Edit made by war moderating staff to the proceeding rule in red above this one.


-No exterior modification of terrain after this WC is posted may take place by the defenders, whilst traps that normally go against server precedents, such as pitfalls that instant kill, are to be removed by staff.

-No construction of any new fortresses or other warclaimable fortifications designed to hinder the assailants along the warpath (Or arguably anywhere else in Vandoria, as it's a cheap tactic to prolong the war), with the would-be warpath consisting of Skirmish > Fort Dunamis > Al’Wakrah, as this image demonstrates: https://i.gyazo.com/cb3c2e71683d3f360bae7011579c31d3.png

-All LOTC rules.

-If the Vandorian side do not show to their side of the warclaim, they implicitly forfeit and the Empire is allowed to take control of the region being sieged and can force a date of the next skirmish or siege as determined by Orenian command.


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^ My conversation with Cosmic the other day, just as proof this has been cleared for posting.

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I will be overseeing the development of this warclaim alongside overseeing the warclaim itself. Leaders have been added to a Skype chat and a conflicting rule has been altered. This topic will now be locked, good luck!



Adding on: As of Jan 26th I will be looking into the warpath of this preposed warpath. This is due to an unforeseen event that has taken place and has led to this warclaim being pushed back a week. As of now the new date will be the 20th and will be subject to change by party agreement. Cheers! 


Adding on further: Jan 28th Due to further changes into the warpath this warclaim will be delayed. A date shall be decided when this warclaim fits into the warpath if Oren advances. For now it shall sit and collect dust until that point. If we do get to that point the warclaim will be revamped with correct dates and RP backing behind it. Enjoy!


Update Jan 30th: Warpath has now shifted and battle three will be taking place on the currently preposed date.


Update Feb 7th: PvPzone is nearly complete and will see a release in the afternoon of the 8th. It will serve as an area to PvP out and rules will be provided to this post here tomorrow. The skirmish will take place in that area this Saturday as planned. Expect another update tomorrow. 

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Okey, today is the day the cease fire is lifted! With that stated several things will be taking place. 


1. A Warzone has now been established within the area in the orange oval below. This area will serve to RPers as a warning as to where the area of conflict lies on the map. This is not a PvP-Zone so please do not get the two mixed up. Standard raid rules apply. With this in mind please be mindful of Rule #5 for PvP Zones. If you are caught abusing the perk of being able to fast travel to the PvP-Zone (Small red circle) to raid you will be banned for rule breaking. The outer circle establishes the region involved in the conflict directly to some extent.



2. A PvP-Zone has now been established within the red oval below. This area is instant status, instant PvP without proper RP zone. All rules will be enforced and followed below in the spoiler.






1. Oren and her allies shall use status affectionate / kawaii, the Dunamis and their allies shall use status casting. Any soldiers with a differing status or no status will be punished accordingly.


2. You cannot be on the field without one of the aforementioned statuses. Walk around the PvP-Zone if you need to pass without fighting. Otherwise, the staff will assume you are breaching rule #4.


3. You may not No-RP kill a statused person outside of the PvP-Zone unless the combat began in the PvP-Zone. Doing so will result in regular punishment. 


4. Any abuse of this concept whether it be for baiting or spying will go punished by the overseeing GM’s in the area.


5. You are allowed to use whatever means of fast travel you wish to arrive at the PvP-Zone.


6. You are allow to return to battle whenever you wish; the 30 minute rule does not apply here.


7. Fights that start in the PvP-Zone should stay in the PvP-Zone. Purposefully baiting fights outside of it will be punishable.


8. Using LWC in the PvP-Zone is punishable; the warzone is meant to be dynamic, not marred with locks.


9. Anything borderline or close to breaking these rules will result in one verbal warning followed by a swift ban if the action continues. All appeals will be directed towards a War Manager of the PvP-Zone.


3. A brief picture of the PvP-Zone. We will be moving away from trench warfare and attempting something a bit different. As time goes on more damage and modifications will take place in the area. There will be one capture point in the center of the PvP-Zone which will provide arrow fire against the enemy. The party that takes victory for each day will be determined by War Managers and modifications to the zone will be made to favor them in the skirmish this weekend. Good luck!


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