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Character Card: Berilac Overhill


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Berilac Overhill

(All images besides the screenshot and drawing were found on Google Images)


(Drawing by my friend Vezzin/Wyvernborne)


Race: Halfling

Appearance: His stature is 2 ft. 11”, and he has curly, dark brown hair. His most common attire is that of a red vest, and a white button down shirt. His right eye is green, his left eye is blue; he has no shoes, only feet that are large and hairy.

Skills: He is a good pumpkin carver, fisher, and farmer. Berilac has taken interest in carving (Not just wood, pumpkins too.) due to Shreck'Lak giving him many wooden statues of... Shreck'Lak... Berilac looked at these as if they were nothing but firewood, however he was intrigued by their designs. As he started out carving, he failed miserably due to his sheer incompetence of the art. After days and days of practice, he has finally become a decent whittler/carver! You can also see him practicing ‘shogging’, which is a halfling game. It’s when halflings wear pumpkins on their heads and attempt to hit each other off of logs while staying on their own. Due to all of this practice, he has become rather good.


(Above) A Shogging arena!

Inventory: Berilac carries many things with him, most hidden within the depths of his satchel. One of them is an intricately carved pipe that he smokes regularly. This pipe is carved so it looks like a forearm, and the area where you put pipe-weed is carved to look like a hand. It is meant to look like a hand carrying weed. This pipe is a family heirloom, and is passed down from generation to generation. He also carries his shog and a pumpkin helmet, which makes him prepared for any shogging competition. He has many tools as well, such as hoes, shovels, and axes.


Personality: A rather strange personality… Friendly and merry in general, and is always laughing and smiling. He enjoys the company of proper halflings, and some bigguns. If a biggun is nice to him, he will become friends with them; but if they aren’t nice, he will loathe him/her. If angered by bigguns he becomes mischievous, and attempts to vex them deeply. His personality is somewhat the same to Pippin from LOTR, and at times, he is very gullible. 


Accent: His accent is.... Thick... It sounds likes it is a mix between Irish and Scouser (Liverpool Folk).


Occupation: Like most halflings, he is a farmer, but he enjoys much more than that! Berilac tends to pass time by fishing, bartering, and making products. Some goods include Pipeweed (The old Overhill recipe!), Pumpkin seeds, and carvings. 


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