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It is a word passed down for as long as anyone can remember((I'm still in the process of writing Lore for The Shadow Rangers))((I got the word from Terry Goodkind's Book Wizards First Rule))

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Gentlemen we have some missions upcoming to do, ones that may change the face of Aegis forever, however we need our council to be complete. If I may communicate with you all at some point we will discuss positions and new recruitment ideas. ((We need to meet up preferably on ts then IG for discussion on the future and the present missions for the shad'rin yes I have joined the site but am currently unable to post. I am in EST time and have school so please post here when you are available.))

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hmm I'll check the site and see why you can't post

I'll Be on and off most of the day today.

But I'm in gmt -7 Mountain time Zone.

I play usually from 3 pm to 7 pm(before work) and 3am to 7am(after work)

(Maybe we can post a Time Chart on the website that matches up all our regular playing times)

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Your clan interests me... I do not wish to join. I wish to learn...

What to you wish to learn? Some things are for members only but I will tell you what I can.

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Please contact me via pm, i wish to speak with you on a matter.

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*As you're passing Al'Khazar, you see an announcement outside of the North Gate. It's written in Gold and the letters look like they are burning. You start reading it*

Shadow Rangers! The Shadowglen is no more! We Undeads have taken it down with the Permission of the Lord of Crimson Vale, Juvens. Crimson Vale will be sold to a new Owner. The Inn is a ruin, we really enjoyed taking it down. We doubt you will come but if you are going to, you will be welcomed by Lightning, mortals!

May Iblees rule this place,


*As you finish reading it, the letters start glowing and the announcement starts burning*

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Do not worry fellow rangers our Inn was merely a small outpost for us. Continue towards our goals we still have the base yes Codrik?

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i have been imprisoned in some torture chamber. i might be missing so if any shadow ranger finds this note i will be trapped for the next few days until i escape.

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i have been imprisoned in some torture chamber. i might be missing so if any shadow ranger finds this note i will be trapped for the next few days until i escape.

I've escaped. but a man said to me along the way that my time was coming. shortly after i saw a frozen alk'hazar. times are rough we need to do something and we need to do it soon

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*As you're passing Al'Khazar, you see an announcement outside of the North Gate. It's written in Gold and the letters look like they are burning. You start reading it*

Shadow Rangers! The Shadowglen is no more! We Undeads have taken it down with the Permission of the Lord of Crimson Vale, Juvens. Crimson Vale will be sold to a new Owner. The Inn is a ruin, we really enjoyed taking it down. We doubt you will come but if you are going to, you will be welcomed by Lightning, mortals!

May Iblees rule this place,


*As you finish reading it, the letters start glowing and the announcement starts burning*

Fear not Shad'Rin, a keep has been constructed and is our new home. We have grown strong and will cotinue to grow and prosper.

We are still accepting new members, please go to http://shadrin.webs.com for more info

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I've escaped. but a man said to me along the way that my time was coming. shortly after i saw a frozen alk'hazar. times are rough we need to do something and we need to do it soon

We have recently helped the FoA and ascended in several skirmishes against the undead. One of the battles we were able to take one alive.

We have also had multiple encounters with Orc raiding partys. And duels of klomp in Krugmar in witch i am undefeated after 4 matches.

We attend most major rp events and i have been making costum skins for members proving their loyalty.

Its a great time to be a Shad'Rin...

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*a note pinned up, covering the recruiting message posted*

Any trying to destroy guilds formed to protect Aegis will be met with hostility.

Your founding threatens to make Aegis weak with your threats to destroy honorable guilds.

Any Shadow Rangers discovered will be captured, interrogated and possibly executed.

-Arbrek Starbreaker

Lord of the Wayward Knights, High-Thane of the Starbreakers.

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You threaten a neutral guild with such hostility. We never have planned to destroy any honorable guilds and if you threaten us as such I will bring with us the allies we have amongst nations and fellows guilds to defend us. We have no offensive intentions and if you continue to threaten us I will see you arrested.

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When i do get accepted on the server,(Hopefully I do...) I will wish to join you. Is there anything that would need doctors? I ask because i am a doctor myself.

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