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A Cuintli Cuāuhlti hunting, 1570


The Do’Culan, literally “Warrior’s pack,” is an organization formed by the Tultelkos Ly’Jakarra for the purpose of centralization and organization of the Kharajyr military. It is highly encouraged for all Kha over the age of 15 to join, though not mandatory. Non-Kha are also invited to join, but they cannot take officer ranks. The military has 1 basic starting rank for recruits who have not proven themselves yet, called Unblooded. Once an Unblooded has successfully captured an opponent for sacrifice, he is brought before the Tultelkos for the Ritual of Rebirth, where he chooses 1 of 4 tokens and ascends to that rank. The tokens are as follows: Totli Cuāuhtli (Eagle Warrior), Coatli Cuāuhtli (Serpent Warrior), Cuintli Cuāuhlti (Hound Warrior), and Cipactli Cuāuhtli (Caiman Warrior). These ranks are only symbolic and chosen based on the personality of the soldier. Furthermore, all Cuāuhtli ranks are footmen, not officers, and have no commanding power, even over Unblooded. If a soldier catches the attention of the Tultelkos, he may be awarded the rank of Maytan, the lone officer rank under the Tultelkos. There can only be 3 Maytan, so the rank is not handed out lightly.




A Mali’ame Toatli Cuāuhtli, 1568






Every recruit in the Culan begins as an Unbound until they have proven themselves in battle and gone through the Ritual of Rebirth, at which point they ascend to one of 4 upper ranks, or Cuāuhtli.


Toatli Cuāuhtli

((Toe-ah-tli Coo-au-tli))



One who takes the totem of the Eagle is a wise fighter, always planning ahead for every situation that may arise. They may not be the strongest or the fastest, but they can make up for this with careful strategy and tactics. Often times officers and commanders are Eagle Warriors due to the predisposition for careful planning and thoughtful conduct. Outside of battle they are steadfast, loyal, and vigilant, though they can be cold and distant at times.


Coatli Cuāuhtli

((Co-ah-tli Coo-au-tli))



The viper warrior is a fast, vicious opponent. Masters of trickery and ambush, Serpent Warriors almost never face their opponents head on, and when they do so they use every advantage they can get. Poison, traps, and hidden blades are just a few of the many tools used by Serpents to overcome their foes. Outside of battle, Serpent Warriors tend to be silver-tongued and friendly, though some can be sadistic and manipulative. They often clash with Caiman Warriors, viewing them as dumb brutes.


Cuintli Cuāuhlti

((Kween-tli Coo-au-tli))




The predatory and savage Hound Warriors are quite possibly the most invaluable of all the Culan ranks, despite not being the best fighters. The true strength of the Hounds lies in their unparalleled ability to track down prey, like the hunting dogs of their namesake. Without the Hound Warriors, it would be all but impossible for hunters to track prey through the forests and lead the rest of the Culan to them. Hounds also have been known to breed and use hunting dogs to aid them. Outside of battle they are loyal and mild in personality, slow to anger, good peacemakers and diplomats. Some are unfortunately a little slow and gullible.


Cipactli Cuāuhtli

((Chi-pack-tli Coo-au-tli))



Caiman Warriors are the most fearsome to look at, and the most dangerous in plain, open combat. The largest and most physically intimidating totem by far, what Caiman Warriors lack in finesse and grace, they more than make up for with brute force. This is not to say that Caimans are not skillful- they almost always have extensive training and practical experience. Caiman Warriors value honor and bravery above all, which tends to put them at odds with Serpents. This predisposition can often work against them, as they have been known to forsake advantages they deem “unfair” and fail to defeat their opponents as a direct result.





A Maytan with a Metzahuitl and a Chīmalli , 1572


The Maytans are commanders handpicked by the Tultelkos to lead the Culan if he is absent or unable, as well as to lead minor hunts or expeditions as necessary. Should the Tultelkos die, the Maytan decide who the next one is by voting for a Maytan that is not himself. A nonkha cannot become a Maytan.




Lykos, the first ever Tultelkos of the Culan. Date unknown, sometime mid-Asulon


The Tultelkos is one of 2 Aelkos, obeying orders only from the Tlatlanni himself. He is the supreme commander of the Culan and leader in large hunts, rituals, battles, and major expeditions. The only way for the Tultelkos to lose his position is if he is killed or steps down willingly.



Many members of the Culan prefer using sharpened claws to deal with any threats, but for times when something else is needed, the Culan has a wide array of weapons. They do not have access to many high-quality forges and thusly are unable to make standard weapons and armor such as plate mail and longswords. Instead, they use weapons that are chiefly made of wood and materials like flint and obsidian.





The Metzahuitl, literally “Metztli’s Tooth,” is a two-handed weapon made of thick Dark Oak or Thornback, inlayed with spikes of obsidian or steel. It is not a graceful weapon, heavy and a little clumsy, but it is devastatingly powerful when used correctly.



The Culan makes frequent use of bows in battle, but forgo the popular longbows for their own design, the Yāōmītli. The Yāōmītli is a shortbow, lacking range and draw weight, but significantly easier to use and aim. It favors ambushes and closer combat over long-distance and large scale battles.




The Tepozto is the most primitive weapon in the arsenal of the Culan, a simple shaft of wood with sharpened blades of obsidian driven through it, but it is invaluable to them. It is used by the Culan to pin, surround, and trap enemies without exposing themselves to harm. The weapon is ineffective against heavy armor, and countered well by shields, but still useful for taking out lighter armored opponents and keeping the more heavily armored ones away.




The Cuahulti is one of the most popular weapons in the Culan arsenal. It is a blowgun, hollow shaft of wood, ranging anywhere from 2 to 7 feet in length, often decorated with twine and carved intricately. The darts are also made of sharpened wood, and have cotton or thistle flowers on one end. The darts are soaked in frost oil when it can be had, and are absolutely deadly when used correctly. Without frost oil or against armored opponents, they are useless.



The Chīmalli shields are a truly unique weapon, made of hardened maize cane twisted and inlayed with cotton, and supported with horizontal and vertical strips of wood on the back. The shields are often decorated with colorful tiles on the front, conveying the owner’s heraldry. The shields are sturdy and light, able to take significant beating. However, the best use for them is to deflect blows off of the side rather than take them head-on. Too many direct blows and the maize will snap.




The Tecpatl, is a ceremonial dagger used mostly by the priesthood to sacrifice others to Metztli, though some Cuāuhtli, especially the Cipactli, use it as a sidearm. It is made of obsidian or flint and often carved extensively. The hilt is usually carved to look like a Kha, and the blade is sometimes painted red to symbolize the blood of the lives it has taken. In the mythology it was the knife that Metztli used to seperate the souls of the Humans from the souls of the Kha, and shape them together.


The Culan also have a number of other, less interesting weapons, such as makeshit knives of sharpened flint, primitive maces of stone, slings, plain wooden clubs, axes, tomahawks, and other such weapons.



The Culan often partake in extensive ceremonial rituals for many purposes, usually to appease the Goddess. These rituals are barbaric and bloody, always involving the sacrifice of a living being. The actual text of the ritual may change from time to time. 





 Anyone can join the Culan, regardless of race or even gender, as long as they can fight and prove their devotion. Technically, everyone who joins should worship Metztli, but due to the need for manpower, standards are a little lower. To join, fill out this application:







Reason for joining?:

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?:

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?:


MC Name:

Skype (PM if necessary):

Do you use Teamspeak?:

Do you hate furries?:


I know it's not great, I'm not very good at this and I did the whole thing in an hour




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Name: Qi'Bukkahkoj
Age: 58
Race: Kha'Tigrasi
Religion: Metztli
Reason for joining?: To serve our people well and ensure they are protected to its finest. He wishes to put his skills in combat to good use whilst also hoping to teach the younger and future generations how to hunt properly due to the lack of hunters currently.
Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Metzahuitl and The Cuahult
Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes

MC Name: Adam_barnett
Skype (PM if necessary): You have
Do you use Teamspeak?: Yes
Do you hate furries?: Mhm

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Name: Razum Dar

Age: 25

Race: Kha'Pantera

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To defend our people and our houses, to show to the other races that we aren't some harmless cat and to train the future Kha how to fight and defend themselves (Read that as said by my persona)

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?:   Cuahulti and his claws which he prefers to use

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: I swear


MC Name: xXtheshadow99Xx

Skype (PM if necessary): You have it

Do you use Teamspeak?: Only if truly needed

Do you hate furries?: Of course

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11 hours ago, A Moongazer said:

Name: Qi'Bukkahkoj
Age: 58
Race: Kha'Tigrasi
Religion: Metztli
Reason for joining?: To serve our people well and ensure they are protected to its finest. He wishes to put his skills in combat to good use whilst also hoping to teach the younger and future generations how to hunt properly due to the lack of hunters currently.
Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Metzahuitl and The Cuahult
Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes

MC Name: Adam_barnett
Skype (PM if necessary): You have
Do you use Teamspeak?: Yes
Do you hate furries?: Mhm


11 hours ago, xXtheshadow99Xx said:


Name: Razum Dar

Age: 25

Race: Kha'Pantera

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To defend our people and our houses, to show to the other races that we aren't some harmless cat and to train the future Kha how to fight and defend themselves (Read that as said by my persona)

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?:   Cuahulti and his claws which he prefers to use

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: I swear


MC Name: xXtheshadow99Xx

Skype (PM if necessary): You have it

Do you use Teamspeak?: Only if truly needed

Do you hate furries?: Of course


Accepted. Report to the Tultelkos as soon as possible.

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Name: Tzolkhan

Age: 35

Race: Kharajyr

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: Tzolkhan prefers to disclose such in person.

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Metzahuitl.

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes.


MC Name: TavernLich

Skype (PM if necessary): You know.

Do you use Teamspeak?: No. 

Do you hate furries?: Yes.

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1 minute ago, Redxophos said:




Name: Tzolkhan


Age: 35


Race: Kharajyr


Religion: Metztli


Reason for joining?: Tzolkhan prefers to disclose such in person.


Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Metzahuitl.


Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes.




MC Name: TavernLich


Skype (PM if necessary): You know.


Do you use Teamspeak?: No. 


Do you hate furries?: Yes.



Accepted. Report to the Tultelkos as soon as possible.

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Name: Qi'Zakar

Age: 23

Race: Kha'Cheetrah

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To protect fellow Kha and serve Metztli with HONOR.

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: The Yāōmītli and the Cuahulti. When Qi'Zakar is not using his claws, he is fighting with a weapon that doesn't involve close-combat. (By close-combat I mean like maces, tomahawks and such. He prefers to use slightly ranged weapons)

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: OF COURSE!


MC Name: Yuqu

Skype (PM if necessary): jdgillett_2

Do you use Teamspeak?: Nada senor

Do you hate furries?: My answer:  loading_lg_w.gif

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49 minutes ago, MrJosh said:


Name: Qi'Zakar

Age: 23

Race: Kha'Cheetrah

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To protect fellow Kha and serve Metztli with HONOR.

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: The Yāōmītli and the Cuahulti. When Qi'Zakar is not using his claws, he is fighting with a weapon that doesn't involve close-combat. (By close-combat I mean like maces, tomahawks and such. He prefers to use slightly ranged weapons)

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: OF COURSE!


MC Name: Yuqu

Skype (PM if necessary): jdgillett_2

Do you use Teamspeak?: Nada senor

Do you hate furries?: My answer:  loading_lg_w.gif

Accepted. Report to the Tultelkos as soon as possible.

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Name: Var'osh

Age: 21

Race:  Kha'

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To serve and Protect the Kha'

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Rapier, Trident, Longbow

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes


MC Name: Valonqarie

Skype (PM if necessary): You have it

Do you use Teamspeak?: Yes


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Just now, Zack303x said:



Name: Var'osh

Age: 21

Race:  Kha'

Religion: Metztli

Reason for joining?: To serve and Protect the Kha'

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: Rapier, Trident, Longbow

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes


MC Name: Valonqarie

Skype (PM if necessary): You have it

Do you use Teamspeak?: Yes


Accepted. Report to the Tultelkos as soon as possible.

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Name: Munkustrap


Race: Kha'

Religion: Unsure

Reason for joining?: Is searching for purpose

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: blades braced to fore-arms

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes


MC Name: Jandom

Skype (PM if necessary): flarevyron

Do you use Teamspeak?: I have it but I dont use it often

Do you hate furries?: Usually XD

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Just now, Jandom said:

Name: Munkustrap


Race: Kha'

Religion: Unsure

Reason for joining?: Is searching for purpose

Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: blades braced to fore-arms

Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: Yes


MC Name: Jandom

Skype (PM if necessary): flarevyron

Do you use Teamspeak?: I have it but I dont use it often

Do you hate furries?: Usually XDvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Accepted, report to the Tultelkos immediately.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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