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Cult of the Deep One


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"ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

A solitary figure chants as he walks on the beach. From the depths of the sea a melodic hum reaches out and penetrates his being to it's very core. This is the Call of the Deep One. In his house in The Sunken City The Deep One waits dreaming. The stars are coming into alignment. the time of the great tentacled beast's awakening and Iblees' succession is at hand.

An exert from the Necronomicon:


...from the space which is not space, into any time when the Words are spoken, can the holder of the Knowledge summon The Black, blood of Iblees, that which liveth apart from him and eateth souls, that which smothers and is called Drowner. Only in water can one escape the drowning; that which is in water drowneth not...

The time is at hand brothers and sisters. Cast off the chains of puritanical oppression that bind your mortal coil. Experience true freedom, and enlightenment. Join the Order of the Deep One and experience eternity.

((If you see any conflicts of lore please message me so I can change it. I had already been approved on the Cthulhu storyline, but this is more generic and fits better into the Aegis Mythology.))

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You do realize this has not a single chance of being accepted Lorewise, right?

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the Necronomicon is in game. the Deep One is just a giant squid. It's just a Cult that has beliefs. I'm not asking it to be made into lore. I've already been accepted as a Advanced Villain and Given the go ahead to form a cult that worships a creature from the ocean's depths. Not really sure what the conflict would be. If a Vampire Guild can exist then I see no reason why mine can't. I plan to build an underwater city and name it R'lyeh. Seems pretty airtight.

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Everything is edited to fit into the lore, and R'lyeh is now "The Sunken City". Not going around sacrificing everyone thank you very much... at least not yet. I have a devout following of zealots to recruit and brainwash first.

I still plan on worshiping a giant squid no matter what my Application's status may be.

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Maybe you should read my lore a bit better mate, we aren't a "bunch of vampires" We are people who believe vmapires are all too real, and have been "bitten" by them causing us to be blood thirsty, our body believes it because our fear and imagination have made our brain believe it. Do not try to call us what we are not, I am not adding onto the lore, I am simply making a family that is blood thirsty, cannibals.

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Everything is edited to fit into the lore, and R'lyeh is now "The Sunken City". Not going around sacrificing everyone thank you very much... at least not yet. I have a devout following of zealots to recruit and brainwash first.

I still plan on worshiping a giant squid no matter what my Application's status may be.

Same point I gave to the vampires (even though I think they have thought it over now and is good): this does NOT fit into the lore of Aegis. Put this idea up onto the lore forums, have a GM going over it and see it getting denied, please, before trying to start a guild for it.

Also, you have to make a Sunken City in game before being able to talk about it like it is there.

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You, my good sir, are obsessed.

Yes, we are an open-ended server. Yes, we allow lore contributions from everyone. I've made some myself when I felt I was ready to do so. However, you are so deeply preoccupied with this Cthulhu cult that you absolutely can't reasonably see that it's possible to have a good time on this server without it.

I don't know where this preoccupation stems from, and even less why you try to introduce your lore into a server you have just joined. I can only assume you really don't like this server for its lore but rather as a vessel to shove your squid down people's throats. You're already vastly reforming the entire lore and adding a new Demigod to the two that are already established, and that's not a good first step.

You are most welcome here, but your stay in this server is going to be met with a lot of resistance if you keep forcing lore (and lawyering rules, but that's another story). If this Cthulhu thing is such a dealmaker, go make a Cthulhucraft server: We won't stop you. Otherwise, do the thing I did when I joined: Sit, listen, gain some knowledge, lurk some more, and be accepted into the fold.

TLDR: Chtulhu will not be accepted, no matter how many references to original Aegis lore you make. There may be other servers who will like it, but we will not.

Apologies for the harshness, but you really don't seem to be getting it.

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Well I can worship a squid right? Does that fit into your lore? You seem to use the Necronomicon in your lore which stems from the Cthulhu mythos. As for the sunken city It is undiscovered because it is going to be built on the new map that actually has oceans. I've edited the lore to fit into the storyline. I am not sure why I am not being allowed to RP my character how I want to. I don't think you can really call this an open ended RP server when you tell someone how to play their character. I already have a GM who favors an Ocean creature worshipping cult so I think I will worry about his opinion rather than someone who joined the server less than a month ago.

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rather than someone who joined the server less than a month ago.

says the person who only is on the server for 3 days -_-, i think you could better listen to him then to yourself. and i also think this doesnt fit in the lore at all, try rereading it and of that making a new plan

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Also, as I say to the vampire guys: USE YOUR OWN UNIQUE WORDS. There is tons of stuff on Ctuhulu already. If this ever goes through, come up with something unique. That way it might in the future, become approved. Also, make this GM write in here so we know it is true :P

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We are free and open, except the ancient lore cant change. The fact that there are two, Aengul and Daemons, Aeriel and Iblees, probably will not change til 1.9.

What people are telling you is our modern lore is so heavily centered around the 2, throwing in a squid just makes people go:" What the heck, angels, demons, and a squid? *trollface*"

Mayhaps something smaller, like a pet of iblees of sort. I just dont see how Iblees and giant squid goes hand in hand?

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Not to mention, Lovecraft already created so much around the concept of Cthulhu that it will be hard to: Actually come up with a very unique twist that does not remind us of the HP Lovecraft novels AND that can align with the Ancient Lore. I simply suggest you end this Cthulhu business and actually attempt to initiate a personally well-thought Lore.

PS: Necronomicon is simply used as a generic term to a book of forbidden magicks.

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It should be noted that Aenguls are Daemons are not exactly opposites: They both follow God, not Iblees (or so says the wiki).

Okay, no more smartassry for me.

OP, if you want to worship a squid, fine. I agree with whatever GM you spoke with that an Ocean Creature Cult is acceptable and might make good RP. But then DON'T call it Cthulhu and copy entire sections from HP Lovecraft for your lore. Would you accept Jedi's and Hogwarts on the server?

Also I repeat, three days does NOT give you enough maturity to take such heavy initiative. Like they said on your villain application: proof yourself first.

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