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[Defunct]Kadarsi Sultanate & Federation of Sutica treaty

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Kadarsi Sultanate & Federation of Sutica treaty

17th of malin welcome, 1674


Section I : Government Agent Understanding

-If there is a government agent that commits a crime or some crime of a large scale, we will have a meeting of leaders to discuss both sides of the situation with punishments if needed.

Section II : Non Aggression Pact

-No citizens or groups from either nation are to commit an attack on the opposite party. If done so there will be 5 Malin/Qali days to respond

Section III : Declaration Of Friendship

-Both parties agree to keep a positive public opinion of each other.  Both parties also agreed to aid the other in peaceful meetings in the future.

Section IV :Trade Agreement

-Both parties agreed to resume trade between both respected nations without worried of taxes from both sides.


Both sides agreed that if any of these terms are violated they would have 5 Malin/Qali day to respond. This treaty shall be renewed every 6 weeks


Sultan Auda Kharadeen,

Son Of The Second Sultan Fakhri Kharadeen, grandson of the first Sultan Arlen Kharadeen,  great Grandson to the Mighty First Caliph Faiz Kharadeen, Protector of the Farfolks, Sword of Allah, Defender of Faiths, Al-Mahdi, The Reclaimer of Honor,  Ender of the Farfolk oppression, Defender and Follower of Al'liman Rashidun, Defender of the Kadarsi Sultanate, Returner of Homelands, Unifier of Tribes, High Commander of the Kadarsi Army, the Returner of Justice, The Choosen one, Sultan Of Al-Damashq, Supreme Leader of the Qalasheen, The Returner of the Caliphate.


Trade Princess Cyrene Riel, Sutican Minister of Defense.

Auda Kharadeen Signs

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Cyrene happily signs the papers.

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A grumpy old armored women grunts at the news "Seems Auda forgets their crimes against the Kharadeens and instead befriends the prissy dagger ears."

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2 hours ago, Drunken Mutt said:

A grumpy old armored women grunts at the news "Seems Auda forgets their crimes against the Kharadeens and instead befriends the prissy dagger ears."

[!] piece of paper in the wind hits on the grumpy women is a piece of the imam rashidon holy book that seem to somehow left part of its book.....( fight meh )

Chapter ThirtyEight

Importance of Peace


[Common Tongue]

Remember That you are all Brothers and Sisters and how Allah has created you so you may Worship him and praise him for his mercy upon you, Allah created you so you may show others the Mercy of Allah. Lo! He did not create you so you may Cause Corruption and evil throughout land and that you Shed your brothers and sisters Blood For Allah Surely has to Punish those with nethers for Eternity, Allah Loves those who stop Violence and the ones who stand for peace in times of Evil But remember Allah does not condemn those who fight in self-defence or fight against Corruption and Haraam For Allah loves those who fight in Jihad for Peace and the destruction of Evil. Allah is indeed the most compassionate and the best at placing peace.

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Aila smiles as her friends in the Qalasheen become allies of her home nation. 

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