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[✗] Conjuration guide with amendments. [Magic Lore]


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Conjuration Guide with Clarifications



I am making this based on the fact that conjuration itself needs some clarification for what is and isn’t allowed. Recently,  when exploring the possibilities of what can be done with the magic, I found a lot of things that were unexplained and need defining. Some of the stuff in here is considered an addition to the lore, and that is why I chose to submit it in a lore submission.


First we must understand conjuration. Conjuration is the art of using a combination of mana, the void, and one's own memory to summon ‘life’ from the void. Life itself can be anything from a simple rose, to a bear, to elementals made of fire. Firstly a mage must learn to connect to the void, as is essential for all voidal magic. This process takes anywhere from a few days to weeks. Once the mage has learned to connect to the void, they must then spend much of their time studying the anatomy of anything they wish to summon. Conjuration is one of the least practiced arts, but also one of the most consuming of all the evocations.




When first starting out, a conjurationist student should follow the guide of their teacher. The most common method of teaching conjuration is a more scientific view of things. This involves searching for a simple animal and dissecting them. Plants at this point are also just as easy, considering their often simple composition and need of less mana to sustain. In the start of conjuring, there is often what are called failed conjures.


Failed Conjuration


Failed conjuration is when a conjurer attempts to create, summon, or use a creature and the conjuration fails. In the beginning, this happens often, mainly in the first two stages of conjuration. Failed creation is when the mage themself forgets some aspect of the creature, and the mana disassembles in the void before it is even summoned. This is what happens most often, as a result of being understudied. The second thing that can happen is a failure in summoning the creature to the world. This is done by mana, and if the mage was to run out of mana while still summoning the creature or life, then the mana from the creature burns off rapidly and disappears. Lastly is failure of use, and this is when the creator has summoned the creature from the void, and gives it a command that it could not fulfill. An example of this is trying to force a bear to fly, and once done the animal’s mana itself will begin to fight the spell, confusing it much like a ward. Soon after the creature turns on itself due to the impossible order, the creature will disperse.



Studying is often approached by taking a scientific look at all life; this however  is not for those who are squeamish. To conjure a creature, one must have near absolute knowledge on such creature. This includes finding, capturing, killing, and dissecting the creature or plant. This is one of the hardest points in a conjurationists time, as it is a rather brutal process. Once studied to the fullest extent, knowing each and every part of the animal and how it functions, stingers, organs, et cetera, can one begin to summon organisms. For Hybrid animals, the person must have studied both animals together in exact and absolute detail. For plants, this is mainly about knowing the composition of the internals and the ‘skin’ or surface of the plants structure. Another thing to factor into the summoning of plants is if the plant carries any special qualities.



For the few practitioners of the art, the steps to summoning is a process that each person has their own form of art placed onto. Of course with all voidal magics, the conjurer must start by connecting to the void. Once this is done the mage uses mana to create the life within the void, and often this is the longest part of the whole process. The next part, actually summoning an organism, is where many mages place their own twist on things. Some like to bring the creature to life piece by piece - first the organs, then the bones, followed by muscle, fat, flesh, and fur. Others many go by gathering the wisps of mana that make up the animal, and having said whips fly around the animal to create its whole form. It's even possible to have a one way portal from the void itself open, only to let the creature crawl out of it. Some of the most simple mages simply have the plant or animal appear from nowhere.



Any aesthetic form of summoning does not give an advantage to the mage, or the animal. It's all purely aesthetic and to add to the roleplay.

The mage must, as with all evocation, know every detail of what they are summoning.


Control and Dematerialization

Once summoned, the animal will follow the direction of the conjurationist to as exact or vague detail of the caster. Having a direct link between the summoner and conjuration means that the conjuration will follow the directions of the conjurer These can be said or assumed details. Once the creature has lived its ‘life’, it shall dissipate once more. This happens often if the creature is to a point where it cannot continue, or if the mage runs out of mana. Any reasons that normally take place, such as loss of mana, concentration, etc will take effect the same way too. Again, much like summoning, the caster often puts their own spin on it. Such as the animal reverse constructing, in the exact opposite manner as they had been summoned.



Same as summoning, it’s aesthetic.

Normal stuff for voidal magic applies, such as loss of concentration, or exhaustion.


Types of Conjuration

Conjuration has many ways it can be applied, from the use of plants, to the summoning of hybrid oddball creatures.


This is the most common type of summoning, it involves using a single type of animal, and summoning it. This ranges from the smallest ants, to any creature the size of a bear.


Any creature summoned that has venom, or toxins may use their toxins and venoms as they normally would. For example, a fire ant being able to use their stingers to inject venom. The effects of the venom or toxins will only stay as long as the animal is summoned.



Perennial summoning is when a conjurer summons plant-life, such as vines, moss, specific plants such as tippen’s root, or any other kind of plant. It is rare to see a conjurer use this form of conjuration, however it has many different uses.


Any plant summoned cannot be refined

May only summon one type of plant at a time

The summoned plant will have any effects that come with it naturally ex: Tippen’s root if split could be used to slow bleeding, but only as long as the conjurationist kept focus. This does not mean you can go about and have an endless supply of tippens.



When a mage delves into the most studious part of conjuration, it becomes possible for the conjurer to bring from the void a creature that is a combination of two creatures. This is combining traits of two animals to create a new one. Such as a snake with wings.


A summoned hybrid may accomplish things that often would defy physics, however only slightly. An example would be a large snake able to fly with large bird wings, which wouldn’t work normally. However, this does not justify making a decaf-pegasus of sorts, as that uses the magic within the creature itself to fly.


For the most experienced mages who have learned to harness more than just the power of life, and have decided to take up an evocation as well. By combining these two a person can summon a pseudo-creature with conjuration and an element.



Lightning evocation is the only evocation that cannot create a primordial for obvious reasons.


Tier Progression


Tier One: Tier one is the starting of a conjurer's adventure. They will begin by learning how to study animals and the complex process of summoning. This is most often where artistic imprints on summoning and de-manifestation will be decided. At this stage summoning plant matter is the easiest, but most often will be hard to do anything with, as it is limited. Smallest ants may be able to be summoned near the end of this tier.


Tier Two: At this stage a conjurer may be able to summon something the size of a mouse without too much tax, but nothing larger than a small dog, or the size of an average cat.


Tier Three: This stage is often where mages will begin experimenting with hybrids of small sizes. They can also summon two creatures at the same time (Not exceeding maximum when combined.), but nothing larger than the size of a wolf in total.


Tier Four: At this stage the mage can summon a max of 3 creatures, and when they are combined they can be no larger than the average human male. Medium sized hybrids are allowed and they can begin on summoning primordials.


Tier Five: The last tier of a conjurer’s adventure, at this stage they may summon large hybrids, and summon up to 5 creatures. Nothing larger than a bear may be summoned at the time of reaching this tier. Primordials come without as much strain. They can hold summoned creatures for some time, without too much fatigue. Goin forwards they are able to summon organisms about +1% larger per elven week of study and continued use. E.g.after knowing the art for 1 year (52 weeks) they can summon 52 x 1 + 100 which comes out to be 152%. So about one and a half bears size is their maximum.


Magic-wide redlines:

May not summon any creature bigger than a bear

Cannot summon anymore than 5 creature total. For each additional creature you divide the maximum size by how many creatures are summoned. EX: Summoning three animals would be Size of bear / 3


Give me any feedback in the comments below! with the formatting too I’m awful


Guide that this is based off of:

As the magic itself lacks any lore, there is no link.


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What is even the point of having conjurations if I can’t conjure a mosquito to give someone AIDS?

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I’ll be honest, I don’t see the point. A “bear” isn’t even a standard unit of power in the first place. Anyone on LotC can powergame a bear to death. We post guides to say what magic can and can’t do, but who does this benefit outside of arbitrary power scales needed for “adequate” combat role-play?

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5 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:

I’ll be honest, I don’t see the point. A “bear” isn’t even a standard unit of power in the first place. Anyone on LotC can powergame a bear to death. We post guides to say what magic can and can’t do, but who does this benefit outside of arbitrary power scales needed for “adequate” combat role-play?

Are you talking about the limit being the size of a bear, or are you speaking on the over time scale that i put in?

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42 minutes ago, Themeatrics said:

Are you talking about the limit being the size of a bear, or are you speaking on the over time scale that i put in?


No, I’m just talking about like, the arbitrary limits in the first place. I get that we need limits, I just don’t get like... why these limits? Why did you cap it at a really big bear? If this guide is USED, it’ll be a reference for powergaming over the whole server. So really, why a big bear?

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2 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:


No, I’m just talking about like, the arbitrary limits in the first place. I get that we need limits, I just don’t get like... why these limits? Why did you cap it at a really big bear? If this guide is USED, it’ll be a reference for powergaming over the whole server. So really, why a big bear?

The bear itself was because that was a rule and redline previously put in place, that is nothing new and it has always been like that. It offers a frame of reference as to what is too big, and big enough.

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To adress the BEAR in the room (haha, get the Twist?)

Just as @Themeatrics mentioned in the post before, the bear is more of a tool to help Players imagine what size really means. Also, when teaching conjuration it gives a feel of grandness, because you come from small creatures and plants to a giant bear, and perhaps even more. 

To the guide, conjuration and power gaming in General...


The Guide is really well written, the redlines are precisely described and the Format is really neat too. Especially with an evocation that is practiced by the lesser amount of magic users, an open and approachable guide is always a good thing. 
Now, for the powergaming aspect of conjuration. Unlike any other evocation, conjuring is a lot more creative and challenging if you dive deeper into the actual depth of creature lore and voidal lore. In a sense, there is no scaling for life-evocation other than the iers, but rather a creativity scaling because you’re not bound to a single element, but a whole Plethora of creatures. Yes, a bear can be easily defeated by good swordplay. But size doesn’t certainly mean strength, it is not like BEAR is the max tier summoning and thus the most powerful of conjuring spells, It is simply a given perspective, which is in the end drastically different than other [scaled] magics.


All in all a superb guide and I’m eager to see anyone try to pick it apart!

Till then, it’s a solid +1 for Publishing this refurbished guide!

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Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict in about 1 ½ weeks to 2 weeks.

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This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it and given a timeframe for how long you have to do it. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.

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This Lore has been denied. The reasoning will be edited into this comment within the next handful of hours.


Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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