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Wagner's Hymnal, Parables, and Prayers of the Canon


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Rudolf Wagner (Naumarian: Rudolf Vagnar) was a Haeseni priest and theologian who served as Archbishop of Jorenus and numerous clerical officehoods in his life. His crowning achievement was collection of prayers, called the ‘Hymnal and Prayers of the Canon’, which was published shortly before his resignation from his post and death by gout.


(OOC: Full credit to @EmbryoGod who wrote all these, posting these here for easy access.)



















Outlined herein, dear readers, is a compilation of common Hymns and prayers, in an effort to allow those recent converts, or those new to the Faith of the Canon, to follow along in Mass or various Sermons. This is by no means for beginners, however, and allows all of those wishing to further deepen their spiritual ties and roots to Canonism to do so easily. Consider it a reference manual, for new and old alike.


The following are sung during special occasions, during specific sermons, or even in passing. I have listed the Flexio, that one might hear from their Father during mass, with translations in Waldenian and Common. The latter two are the most spoken within the Empire, so great care was taken to ensure that this is readable throughout the land of man.





This Hymn is predominantly sung for those who wish to receive blessings by the church. Whether it be through holy water or aurum, or the signing of the Lorraine.


Pater sancte in nos benedicat tibi nomen est ovium greges ovium tuarum. Benignitate tua summa liberalitate et misericordia Dei misericordiam. Benedictus Deus in singulari est misericordia tua.


Holy Father, in Your Name we bless this sheep of your flock. For your bounty is the greatest bounty, and your mercy is of the greatest mercy. Blessed be GOD for Your Mercy is unparalleled.


Heiliger Vater, in deine Name preisen wir dieses Schaf deiner Herde. Denn deine Spende ist die größten, und deine Gnade ist am größten. Gepreist ist GOTT, denn Ihre Gnade ist beispiellos.





This Hymn is used for the sole purpose of funeral rites, praising GOD and providing some comfort to the deceased’s family.

Non solliciti, ut te Deus in anima sua capta est regnum, et factum est in occursum eorum fortis et praeclari ante eos. Et nolite solliciti esse, filii Dei, rebus suis salutem est maxime pacificis.


Worry not, as GOD has taken thee to His Kingdom, to meet those brave and virtuous that came before them. And worry not, children of GOD, for His realm is the most peaceful.


Mach keine Sorge, wie GOTT nahm sich zur Seine Reich, die mutig und tugendhaft vor ihm kam, um sie zu treffen. Und mach keine Sorge, kinder unserm GOTT, denn Seine Reich ist am friedlichsten. 





The Hymn of Union is sung for Weddings, ceremonies considered an emulation of Horen and Julia.

Sic enim Horen et Iulia, ita nobis quoque. Hanc unionem nos in omni loco oculi Domini solidatur, quia et nos ipsi propius adducere, ut ad sancta sanctorum collegiorum.


So for Horen and Julia, so for us too. We solidify this union in the eyes of GOD, that we may bring ourselves closer to His holiest of unions.


So für Horen und Julia, so auch für uns. Wir werden dieses Union fest, sodass vielleicht werden wir uns näher Seine am heiligsten von Unionen bringen.





This Hymn is used for times of strife and grief within social life. Whether it be an impending war, famine, or civil unrest.


Gaudete, ecce enim voluntatis Dei salus nostra est. Lætati sunt: Deus enim pater noster: et ut nobis erit tutum. Gaude, quia amor Dei te incolumem custodiat nos.


Rejoice, for GOD's will is our salvation. Rejoice, for GOD is our Father, and He will keep us safe. Rejoice, for GOD's love will keep us safe.


Sei glücklich, denn die Wille von GOTT ist unsere Erlösung. Sei glücklich, denn GOTT ist unser Vater, und Er wird uns sicher machen. Sei glücklich, denn die Liebe von GOTT wird uns sicher machen.





This Hymn is self explanatory, used for Baptisms.

Joins alia hodie gregem item nostrum significat has coepi alio itinere ad horam in lumine Domini.


Today another joins our flock, another has started their journey to bask in the light of GOD.


Heute einen anderen unsere Herde beitritt, eine andere hat seine Reise begann, das licht GOTTes zu aalen.










The basis for this work has been a trend that I’ve noticed within my diocese, and a growing trend overall of a decreased attendance in mass. I can understand this trepidation, and I will save another thesis on the subject for later. But what has been enclosed here is a general listing of Canonist doctrine for those who have seldom time due to other obligations, or for those of a differing faith who are fearful to announce such.






On a warm day, a priest had decided to take a stroll around the square in the city of his parish. Thereupon he noticed a beggar, whose clothes were torn and ragged. She was well known to the priest as a pagan.


As the priest approached her, he smiled. He asked of how she fared, and stated it was a good day indeed to be out on the street, as the cold had not yet seeped in and forced her to move somewhere warm.


The Pagan looked up to the priest with a smile, and she said it was indeed a good day to beg. This was followed by a bow, and she brought her forehead down to the pavement in a humble way. She begged the priest for alms, as she was starving and had no way to pay for her own meals.


Next to the Pagan was a Canonist in a similar situation. His clothes were slightly less worn, he had only recently been forced out onto the street due to debts unpaid. And he, too, looked to the priest for alms, though did not speak this feeling in his heart due to pride.


The priest gazed upon the two with a frown, and explained that he only had one loaf of bread. He took it out of his pack, and handed it to the Pagan.


The Canonist became enraged. He asked why the priest preferred the Pagan over himself, a proud canonist man. He vented his frustrations, causing the Pagan to noticeably jerk back due to his volume.


The Pagan, who planned on eating the entirety of the loaf, instead ripped it in half, and gave one of the halves to the Canonist.


The priest admonished both of them, and they were both granted entry to the Skies upon their deaths.






The bitter cold had set in upon the proud city, leaving a farmer with no work to do. He was very skilled in his craft, though it brought him no money this time of year for his wife and two children.


The Farmer did not take employment when offered to be a servant for the local noble. He was too proud of his craft.


His wife, in this time of financial strife and struggle, sold herself to the local men in an effort to support their family.


Upon hearing this, the Farmer dragged his wife to the church and demanded that the two talk with the priest.


The priest heard their stories, and scolded the Farmer. He had treated his wife unwell, and did not support his family. Inaction is action, said the priest, and you had left your wife nothing to do. Her sins are your own.


And so the Wife was forgiven, and atoned through penance. The Farmer’s sin stayed with him until his death.






There lived a proud Knight and his brother, the brother being the heir to their family’s wealth. Though, the brother spent his days drinking and gambling their earnings away.


The Knight, filled with honor, berated his brother for taking their deceased father’s money and spending it on dreary trifles, but the brother did not repent.


And so the Knight hatched a plot to kill his brother.


The Brother slept soundly in his bed, and the Knight snuck in and killed him. Now the honorable Knight was filled with pride, able to restore the good name of his family.


Upon hearing this, the King of the land renounced the Knight’s titles and land, giving it instead to the woman of the family.






There was a fisherman who sat upon the dock, casting out his line and praying for those fish to come and nibble on the hook.


He sat for hours and hours yet nothing bit, so he went home, defeated.


He tried again the next day, but to no avail.


This process repeated itself for months until the fisherman wished to give up and quit fishing.


Only then did the fisherman realize he’d not been using bait, there was nothing to attract the fish.


And so he got some bait, which attracted the fish.


The fisherman realized that, much like the fish, those of another faith will not listen unless they see something with which to sustain themselves.






There existed a Convert, who had died merely six days after their conversion. Alongside them, waiting for their judgement from GOD, was a Noble, who had existed their entire life in the faith.


The Noble looked towards the Convert with a sneer, telling them about how surely that they, the Noble, would enter the Skies and not the Convert, for they had been Canonist for much longer.


The Convert simply nodded along, agreeing with the Noble.


When GOD approached them, the Convert bowed their head. The Noble looked GOD in His eyes, a smile on his face.


My GOD I have done what you asked, and have lived in Your image my entire life! The Noble spake.


But GOD shifted His gaze, looking towards the Convert with a smile.


My child, said GOD, you have confessed your sins, attended mass as best you could, and gave your money to the poor on your deathbed. Walk with me.


And so the Convert, finally looking GOD in the face, nodded with a bewildered look. The Noble, who had rarely attended mass, was left behind to stare at GOD’s back as He walked with the Convert into the Skies.






There existed a Beggar and a Rich Man, within a pagan city.


The Beggar was a Canonist, and was barred from having a home within the city. So the Beggar sat, peddling and praying to GOD for comfort in these trying times of theirs.


The Rich Man gave their money to the poor pagans of the city, but never the Beggar. They opened orphanages, gave money to schools, and was a prominent figure of the city.


The Beggar could not attend mass, but prayed as best they could. Despite this, they could not give, only ever receive. This hurt the Beggar, as they knew that they must be charitable, humble, and virtuous if they wish to receive the blessing of the Skies.


After months of being homeless, the Beggar finally died on the street. Their death was painful, caused from a sickness they had no money to resolve.


The Beggar, a faithful servant to GOD, was granted access to the Skies.







The prayers listed herein are designed primarily for private use, or for special occasions. The clergy will typically develop their own prayers during sermons; however, this will serve as a good guideline for those faithful to the Canon that wish to incorporate prayer into their daily routine. As always, the original prayer will be listed in Flexio, but translated into Waldenian and Common.





This prayer was derived for the use of those who wish to pray for the poor, who may not have the opportunity to utter the prayer themselves.

Sanctus Pater vester voluntatis est finalis voluntatis, et arbitrium nostrae sunt libidini obnoxius. Oro te sumus in dolore succurrendum pauperes, et orate ut eos mox ut indentured et liberavit in tua erat gubernata. In nomine Patris, amen.


Holy Father, Your Will is the final will, and Your Whims are our whims. We pray that You alleviate the suffering of the poor, and we pray that those indentured may soon be liberated with Your guidance. In nomine Patris, amen.


Heilige Vater, Ihre Wille ist die Endwille, und Ihre Grillen sind unsere Grillen. Wir beten dass Sie das Leid der Armen erleichtern. Und wir beten dass die, die verpflichtet sind, wird bald bei Ihre Beratung befreit sein. In nomine Patris, amen.





This prayer is typically left up to individuals in private, but a Father may give this as a final prayer to his congregation.


Propalatam Deus, da nobis multa sunt beneficia ut non palpet proximorum expendas. Quia tu id etiam a misericordissimo et maxima benevolentia atque amantissima. In nomine Patris, amen.


Holiest GOD, please bring us the many blessings that You are oft to bestow. For You are the most merciful, the most benevolent, and most loving. In nomine Patris, amen.


Heiligsten GOTT, bitte bring uns die viele Einsegnungen, die Sie oft erweisen. Denn Sie sind die gnädigsten, gütigsten, und liebevollsten. In nomine Patris, amen.





This prayer may be given by a priest during funeral rites, or by members of their family.


Amandi noster Pater noster, qui ut oremus damnato factum est tandem suum iter tuum terras. Petimusque ut videamus eos, dum transire temporis aeterni regni tui. In nomine Patris, amen.


Our loving Father, we pray that our lost soul has finally made its way to Your lands. And we pray that we may see them again, when it is our time to pass into Your eternal realm. In nomine Patris, amen.


Unser liebevoller Vater, wir beten dass unsere verlorene Seele hat sein weg zu Sie finden. Und wir beten, dass wir sie nochmal sehen, wenn’s unser Zeit ist, ewige Reich zu entschlafen. In nomine Patris, amen.





This prayer is reserved for times of war, when people are dying and wish for a time of peace and tranquility in the world.


Most omnipotens Deus: ut nos orare ut inveniret pacem in diebus nostris. Nam absque gubernante tuus non sit hic et nunc, et in verbum tuum non cessant exserere, quod sit bonum verbum donec tandem inveniamus ipsi pacem inter se et cum aliis. In nomine Patris, amen.


Most powerful GOD, we pray that we may find peace in our time. For without Your guidance we would not be here now, and we will continue to exert Your Word, as it is the good word, until we finally find peace within ourselves and with each other. In nomine Patris, amen.


Stärksten GOTT, wir beten dass vielleicht werden wir Frieden in unser Zeit finden. Denn ohne Ihre Führung, würden wir hier nicht sein., und werden wir immer Ihre Wort anwenden. Denn es ist das gute Wort, bis wir Frieden auf innen und miteinander finden. In nomine Patris, amen.





This prayer is for those who have sinned, or for those who are afraid of sinning. It acknowledges the difficulty in living to the scripture, but why it is important to do so.


Pater noster Rex quaeso ne nos inducas in tentationem, et in aeternam salutem ducunt. Obsecramus ut nobis concedas in amplexus Dominus quidquid per certamina eundum esse. In nomine Patris, amen.


Our Father, King of all, please lead us away from temptation, and lead us towards Your eternal salvation. We beg that You allow us into Your embracing arms Lord, regardless of the struggles we must go through to be there. In nomine Patris, amen.


Unser Vater, König von alles, bitte führen uns weg von Versuchung, und nah zu Ihre ewige Erlösung. Wir bitten dass Sie uns in Ihre Umarmungen GOTT, egal die Kaempfe dass wir durchgehen müssen. In nomine Patris, amen.





This prayer can be used for meals or for any time of celebration.


Mi Domine, gratias ago tibi, quia non est donum, quod nobis praestitit, multa dona et gratias ago vobis pro se et continue dare. In nomine Patris, amen.


Dear Lord, thank You for this gift that You have granted to us, and thank You for the many gifts that You will continue to give. In nomine Patris, amen.


GOTT, vielen dank fuer diese Geschenk dass Sie zu mir schenken hatten, und vielen dank fuer die viele Geschenke dass Sie werden immer noch schenken. In nomine Patris, amen.

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